Lichen Sclerosus: an alternative approach

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Breaking free from toxins and eliminating those accumulated is one of the objectives of a protocol that seems to be working.

The methodology is described in a work book on its way through the publishing process which it would be great if we could follow along together. i'm interested in how people are managing to avoid toxins and in your ideas inorder to enhance the experience.

what are your weaknesses? mine is taking supplements....but i now realise it has to be done. how do you feel about supplementation?

do you have any tips to improve the 'job' of taking supplements? skilled techniques welcome!!  

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57 Replies

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    Hi Marey, I just don't know anything about LS, I read a little but not clear on this...never heard of it.

    I had a breakthrough today, I think....I Hope....I've followed the blood type book years ago and being a Type B, it tells me to avoid chicken....I did for a long while and concentrated on turkey which is good for me and also bison and lamb, but fell off the wagon and was eating too much chicken in the last year I think.....all clean chicken products but chicken.

    There is a lectin in foods that causes havoc for many and in my case it's lectin in the muscle of chicken.And my joints have been getting worse and worse and I have stopped acupuncture but NOW will stop chicken.....Just came home with a lovely pound of NZ ground lamb and making a special soup.

    I don't know if this makes sense to you but I'm sure it does.

    I guess my weakness is supplements but I like this about me, open to alternative healing.

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      lectins ...tell me about them!!

      getting back yo you......thanks for this xxxxxxxxxx

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      What is LS ?

      LAB ROT !! ?

      Lichen Sclerosus is an inflammation of the labia of the external female genitalia. It is often signalled by an extreme itch but  can be silent accompanied by stenosis of the introitus. With progression the labia minora are often absorbed. Other chages can occur.

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      Marey, to try to explain Lectins would be better to just do a search on Lectins...The first time I heard the word was in the bloodtype book and that lectins are in NOW, I'm off chicken and will see if my joints will feel relief. I've been overdosing on chicken for the last year or more and it's not the best meat for my blood type...

      I just read a report: The Lowdown on Lectins.

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    For me i hear and read what i should be taking and have been told by by pass Dr's i need to take certain suppliments but my liver specialist says no not to take them. Then three months ago my gp says takes another 4 suppliment combo. So the long and short i find this a very confusing subject. Liver specialist did bloods after not taking suppliments bypass Dr ordered after Seven months with out them and my levels had not changed at all. He wont give me the print out so i cant check. 

    How do we know if any of this helps or not?  


    Ps looking forward to trying though. Sick of feeling so lousy. Cant wait till i can buy Gillys book. 

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      oh thanks wilma...loove you!

      ok i'll come back to you on this ...lots of recommendations but got to rush out...meanwhile check out liver flushes/liver cleanses and we'll talk again xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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      Marey we should try to get as many minerals as possible from food then if we are lacking  then we supplement, remember some supplements have co factors so without them they will be useless. Example for magnesium to be affective it needs to be taken with B6 complex, bicarbinate, and boron these can be spread out throughout the day they don't need to be taken all at once.


      I agree with Marey you should look into liver/kidney flushes and detoxes you could probably benefit greatly from these. I can send you an inbox with examples and instructions if you wish or alternatively you can goole Hulda Clarke liver flush.

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      Thanks Kellie. Now you have said her name i remember about 6/7 years ago my husband and i did her liver cleanse. That was pre having gall bladder removed. I had many many stones and drs were woried one  could  block one of my bile ducts. So out it had to come. Still have a bottle of some very large and many very small bile stones i developed when i had my gastric band. Ha ha. Read some where they were used by witch drs so hung on to them. Just a bit silly of me. Lol. 

      If its not too hard could you inbox me the directions?  I will forget otherwise her name and i am in bed. Had heel injected tonight and am pretty sore. 

      Thanks for you advice. Will make hubby do it with me again. He is going to love it. 


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      Ha ha!

      Sure he'll love it...oh gosh I'm not good at these things either. I follow paleo with respect to the principles of whole foods inclusive of supplements. 

      I am so distressed that you parted with your gall bladder wilma. I was in attendance to a gatric band op...but wasn't too comfortable about it. I felt for the guy as he was leaving the hospital...he seemed so alone.

      Can the bands be removed? I 'm no longing practising as retired so out of touch may know more about such a possibility?

      No gall bladder problem...ok well lets look into that. Have found one wonderful resource. Don't be afraid of attention to them and address their cause ...but the body is being effective in shifting pre-sh*t !!!!!

      listen i do much gentler de-tox stuff but if you and kellie (hi kellie) are minded to do the clarke flush...i'll have a go too with with your hubbie that will make 4. Good round number....eek oh no what am i saying..........!! Enema anyone?

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      hi kellie ...

      Entirely agree with you...but this is like a kind of insurance policy to shift LS. You may not like Ginny's protocol....which would make me sad...supps are a big part...but I do hope you'll follow it and hold my hand!!...and I'll hold can substitute in foods I take brazil nuts between 2 and 4 a day max 12 per week for my selenium since that's the foulest of supps....but I really need my iodine balancing act..waiting to be iodine tested and Ig too, for antibodies I hope, will also be carried out maybe hashimotos. eek! But I reckon the protocol will fix the lot.

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      Marey I have no problem with taking supps if needed, I already take a few. I just think if you can get it from food you should plus it is cheaper. Talking of which I forgot to buy Brazil nuts earlier. Looking into Iodine too.
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      I will inbox you a couple of diffrent ones now so you can take you pick.
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      Hi all, I've been taking Milk Thistle liver support for a lot of years...trusting it's keeping my liver healthy. labs come up in good range, will be getting annual labs later this month.
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      Do you have a liver disease Joy?  


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      This may be difficult for some to digest but used coffee enemas for a while pre gastric bypass. Yes band was removed as well as my stomach. Coffee enemas are very good for struggling livers in fact managed my liver disease for 1 year with no meds and my levels stayed good. Since i have had gastric bypass i have had very loose bowel motions several times a day so very difficult to pick a time suitable now. 

      I think if i remember right the liver detox involves drinking a large amount of oil which concerns me a fair bit. Coconut oil and hemp oil sends me running nearly instantly. 

      I guess one bad night is not too hard to get around any way. Will let you both know when i can get the stuff for it. 

      Thanks Marey

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      No and don't want that for sure.

      On coffee enemas, a good friend of mine who taught me a LOT about alternative medicine has been doing CE's for many many years...she's told me many times if I did the CE's I could get rid of a lot of pain. I got as far as buying the enema bag and just never did them...during a colonic many years ago I had the therapist use some coffee in the colonic. I've had a 1/2 dozen colonics in the my life but not in a lot of years. I've tried so much in the alternative world and now finding higher doses of magnesium keep me pretty cleaned out.

      I thought of taking brazil nuts for Hashi support but easier for me to take 200-400 mcg selenium daily in caps.

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      Yes Joy, the coffee enemas are a form of therapy the Mayo clinics use for pain management and other benifits for cancer patients. They have very frequent enemas a day and they are very good for pain relief. When i am better down below and the fissures are gone might go back to it. Only use good quality organic ground beans not instant if any one is thinking of it.
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      Cant take magnesium as it really burns my insides what left.
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      oh gosh...well thats a special consideration..anyway wilma I'm sure we can modify things to suit you.

      Isn't it great to have Joy on board too!!?

      I think we owe her an explanation of what LS is....and very much hope she will stick around. Such an experienced voice from the alt med movement.

      I'm going to the end of this thread to offer an explic that's short and sweet !! Hope you others will chime in to help explain. It'll be interesting to see how we all sum it up. Thanks for being here Joy xxxxxx  

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      Well I've put up an explanation of LS that can be added to....Have put it beneath your question at the beginning Joy since thats what others coming on will see first. 

      (If ok with all I may ask Alan to move things around a little case someone new coming in thinks they're in the wrong place!!!!)

      Just to explain Joy. This condition is supposed to be incurable...for which doesn't interest the medics....and pharm drugs won't do it. But you, me and all of us on here know otherwise are entirely confident about our own capacities to heal AND we now have a blue print to follow since one of our number has healed in the process of publishing a book ...and we're going to follow along together. We would all be honoured by your interest and support in following along with us I am sure. You are so encouraging and knowledgeable. 

      Anyway its been very helpful to try to outline my purpose in this thread.

      It just seems to me that its a good idea to talk generally amongst ourselves in preparation for the we're not firehosed by it all at once and can get to know and to trust each other for the year a head. Its a year long this thing is fixed for good.

      I hope this is helpful to everyone xxxxxxxxxxx

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      Thanks Alan!  Its great to experiment with what can be done...and to know what can't so we're aware of limitations. Thanks so much for all that you do!
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      Wilmatm you can use magnesium oil transdermally it's for those that can't ingest it.
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      Thanks Kellie. Might try it. Might help with the cramps a d spasms i get in my hands and feet as well. 
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      Oh yes thats a really good idea. It must be painful for you wilma....but the mag def helps with those kind of symptoms.

      I think Kellie might make up her own ....isn't she a star?!

      Chances of a recipe Kellie?

    • Posted

      Hi Wilmatn

      Your doctors were correct in their worry your bile duct could be blocked as a result of a liver flush. I personally tried to do a liver flush and nothing happened. Apparently was because I was so low in magnesium due to gut infections, I absorbed it all. This was before I knew how dangerous they are. Anyone following Dr Hulda's protocols needs to know she had no qualifications. She ultimately died of cancer so her strange idea that liver flukes cause cancer is completely wrong. She did have a few points re getting chemicals out of your life. We use far too many harsh toxic cleaners and cosmetics. Deodorants are quite toxic to the lymphatic system also. NB anyone who thinks they can cure themselves with a zapper is wasting their money.  The concept is interesting but unfortunately the man who came up with it is no longer alive and there is no evidence of his machines. This might seem harsh, I just want people to sort the chaff from the wheat before they get ripped off. Another thing I don't believe in is the blood type diet. There is no true science behind it. People clean up their diets to eat healthy food and that's why the diet does work for many people. I would be reducing GMO foods where possible (more sprays etc), all sugar, most refined carbs. Low salicylite and oxalate diets have some basis for some people.

      I have spent years studying alternative medicine to find this stuff out. It made me very unpopular in college. It was more about finding the truth for me that just accepting everything I was told or what my collegues believed in smile

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      Thank you Lula. Its very scarey but quite a lot my husband reads and is told by certain people he believes as gospel and that frightenes me a lot. What ever you decide you will find information backing it up regardless of it being healthy or not. Esp online and there are quite a few quacks in this town i live in. The Drs are shocked how many  followers  these quacks have. They have told me at different times the problems these quacks cause to very sick people. 
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      good for you lula in persisting with your studies in the face of challenge.

      Likewise i'm trying to keep an open mind to everything in the interest of encouraging people to come forward . We never know what might work for someone else. 

      whats a zapper? 

      Where did you study? 

      How is your you take any meds?

      Just to clarify the purpose of this thread is to prepare for following somebody else's protocol. It will likely be easy to criticise. But I'm really hopeful we can support each other in pursuing the book when it comes out which is imminently I understand. Given the author was able to heal herself. Do you think you will be comfortable with that?

      I haven't tried the hulda protocol....and was going to say wilma and you think we could try something less challenging? I don't think I could cope with that much oil!!  Also my understanding is that cancer patients in addition to keeping an alkaline body also need to avoid all oils except well as keeping away from refined sugar. 

      Apparently pressing the juice of half a lemon each morning is very effective and the go gentle approach just as beneficial. That ok with all of us?

      Lula do you have any other recommendations for Ca patients? I do know of someone currently looking for advice so any tips or web site suggestions (just in google format) would be very welcome. Thanks x


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      Hi Marey. My husband was not impressed with doing it again. He did it the first time i think to help me but we wont be doing the live flush/cleanse. 

      I also found that i cant take citrus as its what burns me down below. Its since i was a child this has happered. Occasionally i break out and have some but i usually get blisters on my hands and feet from it. Even vitamin c  is dicey  for me. 

      There are some really good books out there for cancer patients which my husband has many. If you want to know more i will inbox you the titles. 


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      Glad hubby relieved about this narrow escape!!

      Oh so sorry about your citrus allergy well thats that...what else is good instead or other approach I wonder?

      Thank you so much for the kind offer of some book titles for this gent....I will pass them on. He will be very grateful. Did you have Ca concerns in the family? Thanks again lovely to know you xxxxxxxxxx

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      Yes I make my own with magnesium chloride flakes you can use magnesium flakes or a pet shopwill sometimes sell larger bags for cheaper for fish aquariums. 1 cup of filtered water to 1 cup of magnesium flakes heated in a saucepan until dissolved then pour into a spray bottle once cooled, how easy is that ? I spray it onto my torso,arms and thighs every night before bed, or you can spray it on and shower after 20 mins until it is absorbed. It does sting when you first use it but after about 5 days it stops stinging. Hope this helps.
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      Lula I am just like you, I question everything and always have. I have also spent years researching alternative medicine and will always go that route before I take something from the doctors. I have many family members who roll the eyes at me when I suggest an alternative approach, some try it and are shocked it has actually worked some go take whatever the Drs give them.  You can't please everyone 
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      Yes my mother and father and sister and now my brother. I was trained as a terminal nurse and my most recent nursing was with Quads. My husbands first wife died of cancer and she too was a nurse and some of her books are here. I gave many of them to her daughter who is also a nurse. 

      My sister has Lupus and she cannot tolerate citrus either or she breaks out with the same blisters too. 

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      Just wondering how many of us are nurses or were exposed to many chemicals etc like a medical worker would? I often wonder if thats where our immunity went wrong?  
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      Hi Marey,  Oops sorry to go off topic, I don't know anything about the workbook above. Was just criticising a few authors I have read. Royal Raymond Rife invented what is known as the zapper Hulda Clark used, except his machine was entirely different and was destroyed. A friend mine tried one on me and I can safetly say it did nothing.

      Very interesting research being done on vit C in NZ for shrinking tumour growth. Massive amounts but lemons are great anyway.

      Instead of talking about the authors who aren't so great I can recommend some who are. The godfather of natural medicine is Joseph Pizzorno. He is one of the few people who has an understanding of genetics and diet. Sandra Cabot's Liver Cleansing diet is a sensible one to follow. I've met Sandra and she was bothered by a very long list of people wanting to thank her. It must drive her nuts. These doctors are also very well qualified. People who claim to heal themselves from things and then sell what worked for them is something I take with suspicion. If I had a cure for LS I would be telling everyone what it is for free.

      I dont take any meds at the moment, but in the UK I would be recieving intravenous immunoglobulin for the CVID. I am developing the complications that usually happen with it being untreated. I am not sure how hormonal issues are connected.  X

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      Drs need to realise that quacks give people hope that they can't. They can send you on a fabulous journey of self empowerment and denial when you are at your weakest. Usually the quacks have bits of advice that are helpful but at the same time send people down the garden path. Probably had the most damage done to me by drs but in the end the clever and decent ones were the most helpful. I think that many of the quacks don't really mean to harm but are just deluded, others are in it for the money. Usually they have no real qualifications, but sometimes you do get people with qualifications and wack ideas. Hair testing with a pendulum is a popular one smile
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      Yes, you can only be the change you wish to see. It works much better that way. Dr OZ has changed peoples thoughts on natural medicine. I like his show most of the time, until someone turns up promoting beauty products and lasers.
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      interesting wilma first ward was a terminal cancer ward. had a radiation badge but actually it was never inspected!! think you may be on to something there. lets think about other chemicals...well for wiping down counters and beds...what was that green stuff called? then theres chlorhexadine...always thought of that as fairly benign...i found myself using normal saline ampoules a lot...liked that simple one....great for eye baths and wound cleansing. I would appreciate one or two titles of Ca books...will exchange with the latest that i'm aware of as really appreciate sayer ji. 

      no lemon or vit c..ok...what do you do for an anti-oxidant? are you ok with shell fish? will pass on recommendation if you tolerate that.

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      thanks so much for the mag oil recipe...i encountered that somewhere else recently...its brilliant. thanks so much.

      actually would you consider putting it up as a separate title? we are builing up quite a good resource list which can be seen at a glance from the title of each thread. deodrant....toothpaste - excited about that...anyone tried it yet?..and others. we are fab!!

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      Hi Marey. I think it could have been ether that green stuff. What about all the chemicals all your patients were exposed to in the name of chemo? They are highly toxic chemicals. 

      What about the drugs that were handle on rounds?  

      For me as well i became allergic to the self care products i had to use in my patients and clients not to mention the chemicals i had to use in the name of keeping their house rooms ect clean. 

      I have heard a few hear say they are nurses and my sisters all three of them are were and have auto immune diseases. 

      Could be wrong but i rekon there is a link for sure. 

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      I entirely agree wilma. Especially the chemo and radiation... that used to break my heart.

      So glad to see vital reading resources are being allowed. Cancer Killers by Sayer the one I wanted to tell you about. xxxxxxxx

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      I too am a former nurse that worked giving chemo to my brother in law in his home for the treatment of cancer back in 1983.

      I didn't know the precautions necessary, and did not even wear gloves.

      Today, I have autoimmune and lung disease.

      Chemo has extended many lives, but it's a toxic drug. Only the strong survive.

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      Yes dreaming and the personal care we do we are in constant contact with what ever they are having. It comes out of their skin, breath, and is in everything they touch and do. I still dont think enough is done to protect the carers. 
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      I never thought about that.

      I have had some interesting private duty cases that had similar symptoms as I am having now.

      We really don't know what we receive from others.

      I am careful who I am around.

      If they are sickly, I stay home :-)

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      Good plan dreaming. I tend to do the same as i am usually the first to pick up whats going around bugwise. 
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      Hi Marey i will write that down and order it on my kindle when i get the chance. Its done. I have managed to down load it already. Will tell you what i think. When i am home again will have a look for those books i told you about. 


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      what did you think of sayer ji? very right on isn't he? really very inspiring x

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