(peri)menopause symptoms I have had
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I've been on this site for about 2 weeks and have really found it helpful. I notice that a lot of discussions about symptoms are a few years old and thought maybe I could start a new discussion on the topic to see if anyone else is dealing with the same things currently.
I am 48 years old and still get my period. They aren't always regular, sometimes light as 2 days and some heavy for 5-7 days.
my symptoms are:
I feel disconnected from things going on around me sometimes
anxiety that can be through the roof (mostly around my period)
I can't stop obsessing about my health
aches and pains mostly on my left side. Doesn't seem to bother me if I'm busy doing something or out for a walk. It's more of a dull ache accompanied with a tingling sensation that can start in my arm, through the bottom of my ribs and down to my thigh. My doctor says this is a symptom of anxiety, but I don't know if that's true.
digestion problems
stiff neck
stiff shoulder
clogged ear
I'm sure I could find more, but those are the ones that really scare me the most. I feel like anytime I sense one of these symptoms coming on it sends my anxiety into over drive and I can't calm myself down. The symptoms come and go, so I do end up feeling like I'm better and then bam a few days later I'm hit with something again!
Sorry for the rant, just want to know if I'm not alone in this battle. I really want to know if there's light at the end of the tunnel!
5 likes, 28 replies
Dennymo jo67532
Hi jo! You are a carbon copy of me! The list of ailments is a mile long! My health anxiety is through the roof just now! I'm petrified to go to the doctor incase he/she tells me bad news so I suffer in silence, so fed up, just want to be happy and anxiety/palpatation/dizzy/pain free!!!!
jo67532 Dennymo
Hoping someone jumps on here to say they are on the other side of this and loving life again...maybe traveling and having fun! That would ease so much stress!! Happy I'm not alone in this battle <3
Dennymo jo67532
Oh I hope so too! A miracle tablet/spray/food/.....id eat cat s**t if it made me feel better lol.
My friends aren't going through this yet, I'm so jealous of them having fun and looking forward to things, planning stuff to do on holidays when I just want to sit in my depressed bubble panicking about every twinge!
Fingers crossed for us jo it passes quickly x
jo67532 Dennymo
Lol I'd eat that and so much more if it was a cure! I sometimes ask myself what symptoms could live with in trade for worse symptoms. Mine is always I'd trade any symptom to get rid of the anxiety. I'd take night sweats, stomach upset and diarrhea over anxiety and panic any day!
I'm jealous of anyone who is my age and not feeling a thing. I'm wondering if it's because most of my friends still take some sort of birth control. My husband had a visectomy when I was 27, so I haven't used any form of BC since.
Really hoping we are in greener pastures here soon! <3
Hoping someone jumps on here to say they are on the other side of this and is loving life again..maybe traveling and having fun! That would ease so much stress!! Happy I'm not alone in this battle <3
theresa06691 jo67532
You described me, 100%!
I also get vertigo. Stiff neck, I get all the time and the tingling gets me so worried that I'm having a stroke! I've had every test done (CT, stress test, angiogram, even an overnight stay in hospital for monitoring) and all is normal. My GP thinks i'm crazy but my GYN totally agrees it's peri but no point in testing cuz i'm still having periods just like you. I'm obsessed with watching my heart rate and blood pressure.
I'm 43. It's pretty much a week and a half of anxiety hell because everything revolves around before, during or after my period.
I can only say, deep breathing and exercise has helped me when i'm down. Plus a good binge watch of some reality TV will make you laugh and know that woman are all a little crazy peri or not.
Enjoy the good days when you have them.
jo67532 theresa06691
I think my anxiety is bad just about the same amount of time as you. it's horrible and I also watch my blood pressure on my phone all the time. My husband catches me and tells me I'm causing my own misery especially when I'm googling symptoms. I'm to the point where I am not talking about my symptoms to my family, because I know I sound crazy! I recently googled myself right into thinking I had MS! Hope this is the worst part and that it gradually gets easier and not worse! <3
Brittay123 jo67532
jazzy77001 jo67532
Oh my goodness me too! I'm terrified it's Ms and I'm actually seeing a rheumatologist next week. Had every test imaginable and overnight stay in hospital, emergency room visits, seen nearly every specialist. Taken every herbal concoction and supplement known to man. And nothing helps.
jo67532 Brittay123
I freak myself out all the time! I swear I look and look until I find the absolute worst thing I could have pops up! It's probably where most of my anxiety comes from!!
jo67532 jazzy77001
Brittay123 jo67532
juanita93228 jo67532
sherri88926 jo67532
Sochima822 jo67532
Well, I'm one of the older ones that's been on here and has gone through a whole gamut of symptoms and if somebody comes on here and says that there is a light at the end of the tunnel I would have to congratulate them because my aunt who is 80 now still has hot flashes to date and says that she's in perimenopause because she's always having hot flashes so I'm not sure there's really bright light at the end of the tunnel. Yet, all my lady friends who have gone through menopause even though they say it's great they don't have to deal with anymore periods they still get Hot Flashes. I still have periods but then I started this peri thing at 54, so I'm a late bloomer.
debra16694 Sochima822
Hi Ladies - Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I am 61, having had the last 2 years as the worst ever. I stopped @ 55, and really didn’t experience all the rotten symptoms until a bit ago - people think I am crazy when I tell them how old I am, they all say the same thing...”you are too old to be going thru this”....believe me, I have thought i had a million different diseases, but I believe it is straight up menopause. My Naturopath tells me she has clients that are in their 70’s still dealing with it. ugh! Aside from anxiety, my worst symptoms are the tingling/burning extremities and the shortness of breath I get sometimes - if the tingling & burning would just go away, I think I could overcome the anxiety. Ugh!
jo67532 debra16694
Hi Debra! I'm hoping that talking to others that are suffering the same issues will help me not to constantly feel like I've got some disease. Now when I feel a hot flash coming on or some ache or pain I just have to remember it's just the dreaded (peri)menopause. I have gotten to the point of being able to handle most of it except the anxiety...that has to be the absolute worst part! I hope there's some hope for all of us.
jo67532 Sochima822
I think i can deal with hot flashes..It's the anxiety that bothers me the most. I know you said you were late to this peri stuff, but Hope you're through this soon <3