12 months and 1 day
Posted , 8 users are following.
Hi ladies
I just thought I'd just pop a quick post on to say I have officially entered my 2nd year of peri menopause today and guess what... I HAVE HAD A NORMAL DAY!!!!!
No aches and pains, no irrational thoughts, no mood swings, nothing and do you know what I know it probably won't last but by God I've appreciated this one day SO much .... I miss me, but I now know I'm still here I'm just sometimes overwhelmed by the symptoms of this stage of life that I lose myself. I will get to the other end of this chapter. Thank you all for your continued support and advice. Love to you all and squishy hugs to anyone having a bad day. Xxx Sheena xxx
2 likes, 20 replies
metamorphed sheena4572
well done sheena! It's great when you get the chance to feel like yourself again,even if, as you said, for one day. You know you are still in there somewhere amongst the madness. Here's to more of them.! Unfortunately, I've had 7 full bad days together, so hopefully I will get a good day soon.
sheena4572 metamorphed
Well I send you lots of positive thoughts and hugs. Here's to a good day soon for you xxx
becky53379 metamorphed
Awwww you are still having a crash time
I hope that you feel better soon. When you responded to my feeling frazzled post it helped me so much. Thank you for that
Im praying that you get through this crash time quickly! Take care!
metamorphed becky53379
it's lifted a little today becky. It's so exhausting, these hormones, wish they'd just leave me alone once and for all
liz67338 sheena4572
Whow food for you Sheena that's amazing! Glad to hear you had full day to enjoy the moment of being you again..may you have many more. Very encouraging there is hope! 😊
liz67338 sheena4572
sheena4572 liz67338
Thanks. I did start taking vitamin e about 10 days ago along with evening primrose oil don't know if it's that or just a random good day but either way I'll take it haha. Xxx
liz67338 sheena4572
Lol too right...enjoy relishing every minute! 😊
ally33100 sheena4572
sheena4572 ally33100
Yeah me too but that's the problem you just never know. But today has been good and for that I am thankful xxx
sophie76397 sheena4572
sheena4572 sophie76397
Thanks. It came as a surprise and was wonderful. Long may it continue but I'm not pinning my hopes on it. Tomorrow is a whole new day. Yeah it does give you hope for the future xxx
becky53379 sheena4572
Yay Sheena! Im so happy for you
Thank you so much for posting and letting us know that there is a light up ahead. I hope that you continue to get your self back everyday
Big hugs to you and thank you again for your post.
sheena4572 becky53379
Thank you for your kindness. I've had a few "normal" days where I haven't wanted to rip anyone's heads off or burst into tears and hardly no pain, but I've got period due so today I've been a little grumpy and achy. I'll update once that has passed fingers crossed I'm getting my old self back. Squishy hugs sent to you x
Lotti1966 sheena4572
Very happy that you had a good day
sheena4572 Lotti1966