3 weeks in can i do this
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im 3 weeks and 1 day post lthr im 36 former pro rugby player walking with out crutches doing stairs fine and managing leg excercises with a little eg squats leg extension etc just wondering if im allowed to start stretching to try and get more fkexible ? or ia it to early to put that pressure on the hip ?
ps I prepared for surgery for months by doing Alot of strength work on legs and hips which seemed to aid recovery after a rough first week
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AnnieK kevin24066
I would check with my surgeon to see what he recommends.
Here's my two cents! My hip surgeons are very conservative, and don't allow things like squats or lunges until at least 3 months. They've seen too many soft tissue injuries occur post THR. They don't allow any forced (agressive) stretching until after 9 weeks. If you aren't flexible, it's probably because there is still a fair amount of internal swelling that comes along with healing. After the healing is farther along, and the swelling goes down, the flexibility will just happen. If you force flexibility too early, you may damage the tissues that are trying to heal.
After problems with bones and cartilage that are bad enough to warrant a hip replacement, the last thing you want is soft tissue injuries that are preventable (by not doing too much too soon).
beth2509 AnnieK
A second vote for consult your surgeon. In the hospital I was in they gave us a chart of when you could do things, and a lot of the stuff was different for every surgeon - nine of them with different advice on just about everything. So listen to your surgeon, perhaps check out a few reputable sites for other advice, and then add a few weeks and listen to your body.
?I understand the frustration having spent decades doing judo (which I obviously can't do now anyway), but you are young and you really want that hip to last a long time. So you need to "woo" it a bit, and give yourself time.
renee01952 kevin24066
hi kevin ,
congratulations !! you are doing so great -
I don't have an answer fo you ... do you see a physical therapist? they are usually the ones who can advise you - also how to do them properly ...
personally I think it might be too early in your recovery ...
maybe just do your exercises and wait for clearance at follow up appointment?
big warm hug and keep doing what you are doing !!!
jenny03900 kevin24066
Hi Kevin.
I understand your frustration. I was a marathon runner until the OA struck and also did a lot of preparation work in the gym and at home pre-op to strengthen the muscles around my hip. I've recovered really well (although behind you at 16 days today) but feel very stiff and can't wait to start feeling flexible again!
As others have said though, the deep tissue damage from the op needs to heal properly before we can stretch as we used to and it's probably too early for that to have happened, even with an excellent level of fitness.
Patience not being my strong point I feel bad saying it but ... patience!
ihavenonickname kevin24066
So very true, preop exercises can make a hugh difference in post op recovery.
You are an athlete...ask your surgeon, ask the team trainer...you fall into a rare class.
kind regards
Canada_Hippy kevin24066
Three weeks is still very early. I'm sure you are frustrated with recovery.
Even though your muscles may be strong, your thigh muscle was cut away from the bone during surgery and needs time to heal.
You can do very small limited stretches but I wouldn't do squats. Wait til 6 weeks for more strenuous exercises.
Msky kevin24066
Hi Kevin.Just be very careful.Take it slowly.I know it's frustrating but if you break because you pushed it to fast, you can break and that has long term ramifications.Sometimes requiring surgical interventions.Just check with your Doc and Physical therapist they should be able to give good direction as to when you can take away restrictions.Take care.Rugby is awesome.Now I know your tough
kevin24066 Msky
weggy kevin24066
Sounds like we are in the same place. I am 39, but trained for surgery as well. I am 4 weeks post on TRHR, and am doing the same as far as strength goes (stairs, walking without crutch, doing exercises,etc).
I am concerned about my flexibility as it has not progressed as fast as my strength. The PT said they are not going to focus on that until the 6 week mark, and if I push too hard with the flexibility, a dislcoation is more likely to occur.
It sounds like we both have the same competitive drive that makes us want to work hard and recover as fast as possible. Unfortunately, that can work against us. As hard as it is to hear "slow down" and "take things carefully", that is exactly the advice we need. This is a marathon, not a sprint.
I can scan and send you the stretch exercises that were given to me if you want them. They have helped.
ihavenonickname kevin24066
We are all excited about you progress...please do not push yourself into an injury.
kind regards