36 and having my menopause

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Hi new here so not sure what I'm doing, I'm 36 and have recently had a blood test at doctors to check for menopause, came back that my estrogen is non existent! I have a very long list of symptoms that made me convinvce the doctor to do the test. She told me if I can cope with the symptoms it would be best as she didn't agree with issuing HRT due to the risks, what are the main risks? Google is a good place to assure yourself your dying (maybe a bit extreme lol) but all I seem to find is contradicting risks and benefits, I was wondering if anyone else has any experience with taking HRT at such a young age and what exactly the "risks" are, I am so depressed at feeling like I do and I just want to "feel myself again" it seams so long since I felt like me sad

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    I did a lot of research before I went on it, I'm a lot older than you and post.

    But not all HRT is the same the plant based bio identical ones are better tolerated than the older horse urine types.

    The thing is how it's affecting you,

    If things are intolerable especially if you are as depressed as I was, my opinion is the benefit outweighs the risk.

    My doctor only gave it to me because I was so very hot all the time but I was amazed at the way the depression I've had and been treated for for over 10 years began to lift within a few days of starting it. Now I Would take it for that reason alone but it's helped with so baby other things. Things aren't perfect but I'd say 80% better than it was.

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      Thanks for replying, when everyone says "risks" what are the risks exactly with taking it vs the risks not taking it X
    • Posted

      Well risk are cancer breast and ovarian and womb.

      There is a risk of stroke in women who smoke or are overweight.

      From what I've read the jury is out on cardiovascular problems with some saying it has positive benefits and others saying it can contribute towards heart problems.

      It is good for your bones. It can improve sleep, muscle aches, mood and depression.

      It improves vaginal dryness sexual function and symptoms related to vaginal atrophy.

      Good for improving urinary frequency.

      Generally estrogens raise good cholesterol levels.

      Can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, can reduce colorectal cancer incidence. .

      It has a positive effect on collagen and enhancement of muscle mass.

      There is also a possible reduction in Alzheimers and all cause dementia.

      I have to say my cognition is much better on it and that is the first symptom that will return, if I miss one dose the next day I'm groping for the words I need.

      I think really when I was looking the positives outweigh the negatives, at your age though you would be on it for much longer than most.

      You really need to have a good look into it and be very informed if you are going to ask to go on it.

      By the time I had decided to give it a go I had been researching for months having first been offered the older horse urine type. I also tried tibolone and didn't get on with that.

      I looked into what some of the meno experts recommend and asked my doctor for my choice by name.

  • Posted

    So have been to the doctors and she has issued me with a prescription for Elleste Duet 1mg, I haven't collected these as yet and I have planned on doing som research on them first, sides effects and things and how they will change things for me x
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      In the end I decided to try for 6 months and see if things were better, obviously still worry about side effects but my quality of life has definitely improved.
    • Posted

      My memory is the worst thing, I can't find words I need in sentences or what things are called, i haven't felt like "me" in a long time, I would just love to go back to feeling like myself and not being a grumpy moody mummy all the time x
    • Posted

      Well I can tell you HRT has helped with the memory thing so much.

      It was one of the things my daughter noticed only a few weeks after I started taking it, she wasn't having to finish my sentences for me.

      Also it's the first thing to come back if I miss a dose of estrogen I start um um the next day groping for words.

      Also last month I used my pump pack of estrogen 35 days instead of 32 as I was late collecting my new prescription and it was obvious to me that although gel was still coming out from the bottle there was little or no estrogen in it. I started groping for words and had a couple of very hot moments.

  • Posted

    Lou Lou, when you are desperate, you may want to try the HRT.I never had a Estrogen checked, but non existent seems extreme! Agreed ...Google makes you feel you have every ailment! So do many sites for help.Since you need help badly, maybe just try the HRT.It could be answer to prayer for you.Stella42
  • Posted

    So I've collected the tablets today from the chemist and at the moment it's as far as I've gotten, I have read on a different forum that these particular tablets cause cause terrible nausea and headaches, so has anyone here every had any bad side effects from Elleste duet 1mg

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