44 and postmenopausal
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I am 44 and found out through blood tests and severe hormonal changes in a very short period of time that I am already post menopausal. I am struggling with whether or not to go on HRT, as my cholesterol has skyrocketed in the past year. My gynocologist recommended it but I wanted to hear from women who are on it or have been on it.
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susan556 kysha2327
kysha2327 susan556
HRT would actually help my cholesterol. The increase in estrogen helps lower the LDL (bad) and increase the HDL (good). They say it also helps with osteoporosis...but it can increase chances of breast cancer or Uterine cancer without progesterone. I'm lucky because I'm all done having children, but I also want to be around when they have kids so I don't want to do anything that may be too risky.
teresa33877 kysha2327
Do you remember your numbers from blood work? I was like one or two points from post according to blood work( last summer 2015). I haven't been back to the doctor since due to switching insurance and then had to wait till this October to go back on husband company insurance. So I have an appt. in November .
kysha2327 teresa33877
Hi Teresa!
My Estradiol levels went from 106 in Feb 2015 to <10 last month. My Follicle Stimulating Hormone was 26.3 last year and went up to 86.1. Menopause is over 30... So I basically went through like 4-5 years of menopause in a year and a half. It's been rough!
unico31026 kysha2327
kysha2327 unico31026
Isn't it awful!? We are waaay too young to be going through this! The main reason I'm looking into it is because my levels show that I am post menopausal and I recently got back cholesterol tests that show my levels have increased significantly. Heart disease is the number 1 killer for women after menopause and I am at risk. HRT helps decrease the LDL (bad) and increase the HDL (good) cholesterol which fights the bad. My gyno said because they've added progesterone women are no longer at such high risk for uterine cancer because the progesterone protects it. Still doing more research and listening to what other women have to say. I hope you go through this transition smoothly like your mom.