50 and on the pill

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Is there anyone else out there who is 50 and still on the birth control pill? My gyno says I should go off it but my family doctor says it's fine. Is anyone in the same situation or has potentially gone through menopause being on the pill?

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    No-- as soon as I had the last one I went off the pill.. Told spouse to get snipped because I didn't want that pill anymore.

  • Posted

    My friend transitioned from BCP to bioidenticals with no problem. You might want to consider that (unless you can still get pregnant).

    • Posted

      Hi suzanne54870 ~ Thanks for your response. I'm not on the pill as HRT but because I don't want to get pregnant...but, don't know if I'm going through menopause because I'm on the pill. It all seems a little complicated.

  • Posted

    hey Triple J 😉, I always remember Way back in my early 30s .... which seems like a lifetime ago or someone else’s life ....when I was on the pill ...that you could only be on it for so long, but it seems like a lot of these doctors are trying to alleviate menopause symptoms with the pill ...and I always remembered this ... that there is a risk of stroke with the pill. You’re not a smoker are you ? just be careful, I’m not sure, but honestly to me it doesn’t sound right.

    • Posted

      Hey lisa95354 ~ I'm not a smoker but I now have high blood pressure. I'm thinking there may be a connection?!

  • Posted

    I am 53 and I took the pill until earlier this year. a friend of mine who was same age had to get off her medicine at one time because of other reasons and her period stopped for a year. So I tried and so far no period except when I tried taking some of the over the counter vitamins that they sell. When I was taking the vitamins it caused to bleed also. so I quit them as well. so I dont know if its much help. but I didnt want to bleed anymore.

  • Posted

    I am 53 and I took the pill until earlier this year. a friend of mine who was same age had to get off her medicine at one time because of other reasons and her period stopped for a year. So I tried and so far no period except when I tried taking some of the over the counter vitamins that they sell. When I was taking the vitamins it caused to bleed also. so I quit them as well. so I dont know if its much help. but I didnt want to bleed anymore.

    • Posted

      reva31742 ~ Thank you for your reply. It's good to know that you were on the pill until earlier this year and you are 53. If you haven't had a period, it sounds like maybe you were on the pill and were going through menopause. Is that what you think? It's strange that the vitamins made you bleed.

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