57, Menopause ended 4 years ago and today I spotted a blood clot in Urine

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Hi, I am kind of freaked out and found this site.  I just went to the bathroom to urinate and was in deep shock to see my toilet tissue covered in fresh red blood and felt like I was back on my period days.  This was not just a drop in the tissue.  The tissue was saturated.  Just in shock!  I looked back in the toilet bowl and saw the size of a quarter a thick amount of a blood clot.  No bloody toilet bowl, just a little bit.  I was able to wipe and no more blood flow.  Here is stuff about me.  I have never had children, no pregnancies and divorced 15 years ago.  I have only had 3 partners in total life.  Last time sex with a partner was July 2017.  I will say it was very painful for me.  Even though menopause has passed, I still have all full desires and nothing has changed.  I take care of myself about 3 to 5 times a week as I still have all desires to do so.  I have read up on what this could be, not sure if this is thinning of the walls as I keep myself active and to avoid atrophy.  I have a very busy career and manage almost 100 staff and my career consumes me.  I intend to retire after 60 years old. I am freaked out by what this was today.  Is this some sign of cancer?  Or is this atrophy of the vaginal walls?  Is this an endometrioma clot?   I should mention that benign clots run on my mom's side of the family. My mom and her 2 sisters have all had very large benign clots removed from their uterus.  I believe this occurred when they were in their 60's.   I will say that I have a condition in my right hip called piriformis and so I always have sciatica down my leg and my buttocks.  I had just been lying down with my heat pad for my hip and had fallen asleep.  I use my heat pad all the time and this clot was a first.  I do have unusual tiredness but, this could be due to my diabetes that I acquired in 2014.  My history of my health is in my background section of my profile.  My midsection is always bloated and I do have a linear hernia and it is being monitored. I am disclosing all this just in case this is needed for the discussion.  I am guilty in late of getting a pap smear.  Guilty!  The last one was 3 years ago.    I will be making an appt. right now, however, was looking for peace of mind and anyone to help me stop freaking out right now.   thank you for your time.   

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    To me it sounds like one of those benign clots you mentioned that runs in your family. Especially if it didn’t continue like a regular period. So don’t freak out. Really don’t. And don’t google it. The doc will check you out. No need to worry until there’s something to worry about. 
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      Suzanne thank you so much, especially about google.  I did google before I posted and convinced I have advanced cancer.  Bless you!!
  • Posted

    Sorry this is happening to you.  Make sure that you make that appointment and have the Pap smear done.  If your md is careful, they will order an ultrasound of your uterus to check the width of your uterine stripe.  Anything caught early can usually be sorted. Best of luck to you, and please let me know how you get on! xx
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      excellent advice, just made the appt.  I will ask my dr. for an ultrasound of my uterus and check the width of my uterine stripe.  So glad I found such helpful fellow ladies.  I will also come back and update. xx

    • Posted

      Thanks for letting me know!  Please keep us informed!  This site is  wonderful!  (BIG HUG)
  • Posted

    Hi Azzy,

    Could it be a kidney stone that you passed? Or maybe a UTI ? definitely best to get it checked out.. Let us know how your doing ❤

  • Posted

    Don't feel guilty about pap, as my doc says once you r past 40 and no irregular results received you only need one every three years. I too am having irregular bleeding after thinking I was done. Just at doc today, they are not concerned and just think it is most likely due to hormone fluctuation. I did Google everthing so going and being reassured she did not see signs of anything too worrisome was comforting. I will get my pap and blood work results back soon and then will go on from there. Get in as soon as you can so that you are not consumed by worry. Best wishes.

    • Posted

      Hi, Beth,  I was told by my gyn that the "new" rules for cervical cancer screening, i.e., Pap smears, came about as a cost saving measure, not a medical decision!  He said that the insurance companies and doctors who are saying this know that they will miss some cervical cancer in women, but the cost savings are worth it.   My gp told me every 5 years because I was over 60!  My gyn said he tells his clients to come once a year, no matter their age. xx 

    • Posted

      Since I've never had a bad pap smear. My doctor says every other year now(I'm 58).

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