58 postmenopausal
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I'm 58 post menopausal , been going through this for 5years now ,been on antidepressants for the same length of time for anxiety and depression, carnt go on hrt as mother and sister had breast cancer 😔. The past 2year have been the worst for me anxious all the time ,panic attack every morning feel sick as though I'm pregnant. I feel so dizzy first thing. The dizziness has only been for the last couple of weeks. I thought I would of been coming out the other end by now. Wishful thinking . Anyone out there the same. Oh and still getting hot sweats but not as many as I did at the begin.
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Guest sharen74613
Sharon, yes - sadly I am going through the same. I was just sitting her sipping peppermint tea (for my nausea) thinking how I just can't stand this anymore. I am 52 and have been suffering with everything (aches, dizziness, insomnia, awful anxiety, migraines, indigestion, hot flashes and more recently true depression) for 4 years now. I am a little beaten down today. I don't see an end in sight. Do I have good days? Yes - but they are so rare now. I have not tried an anti depressant yet but if this doesn't lift soon I may. My body feels like it's dying and very few understand what that feels like - my family certainly doesn't. "Take something - fix it" is what I hear. If only I could.
metamorphed Guest
yes Kim, I understand you perfectly, nobody except those going through this know what it feels like and you're right, at times I have felt that my body was giving up on me. So them saying, take something, is what everyone else on the outside world (after all, we all feel like we've entered a different world in menopause) believe is the solution. They haven't got a clue, and that includes some doctors, they simply have no idea. take care of yourself You've probably tried everything, but I swear by vitamin D, omega 3 capsules and a teaspoon of magnesium powder in water before bed. Still suffer, but am worse when I don't have these things.
sharen74613 Guest
Hi Kim again , just been thinking go on the web and look up Ashwaganda its good for depression & anxiety and all natural. X
marlene21102 sharen74613
Sharon ,I've had what I call Gyne anxiety for some years ,Im post meno ,hardest thing I've ever dealt with . Tried many times to explain it to drs . It's gotten worse since I had 2 Bartholin glands . Wish I had answer for it all . Where do you feel most anxiety coming from .? I use Bach rescue for it . Have you tried that .? Makes sense all the symptom list for it all .Balance issue also for 7 yrs ,yes it keeps on giving sad to say . Never use to suffer BV but do now off and on . All hormones up the creek .
sharen74613 marlene21102
Hi Marlene, I've never tried Bach rescue never heard of it. If no idea where my anxiety comes from .I just carnt wait for my hormones to level out and get back to my old happy self. Best wishes.x
marlene21102 sharen74613
Hi you can get Bach rescue from supermarkets or any chemist ,if not in UK as I am get onto the Bach site . You spray on your tongue . Bachs rescue have been going for years ,so they've proved themselves a good company id say . Go have a look . Not expensive . Don't give up or give into it . Miserable all the add ons as I call them . X
sharen74613 marlene21102
Thanx for that I'll have a look when I go shopping .x
Hi Kim , thanx for your prompt repliy . It's horrible , I wouldn't wish it on anyone.why don't you visit your doctor and talk to them . I'm on sertaline for anxiety. I came off them for 4 months but had to go ack on them because I got so depressed. The Menopause has made me depressed and I think I'm in the depth of menopause at the minute . I've Always been a anxious person but omg menopause made it a 100 times worse. Hopefully we will get to the end of this debilitating thing sooner rather than later.
debbie12340 sharen74613
sharen74613 debbie12340
Bless you Debbie since you was 40 you poor thing .Im like that when I'm going on holiday , I worrying that my cases weigh to much , but I've already weighed them 600 times . And that was when I wasn't menopausal.
All we can do is to live each day the best we can , but it's so hard. Lady's we are all in the same boat.x
debbie12340 sharen74613
Hi Sharen,
Thank you for your reply. You're right we're all in the same boat . . . . I just want to jump ship 😂 Xx
Guest sharen74613
Hi Sharon,
I do faithfully take Vitamin D, magnesium and have recently added fish oil (but that can sometimes wreak havoc on my stomach so I can't take that as consistently as the other two). I find that I have terrible days even while on this regimen so I honestly don't know if it's actually doing anything. I also take a very good probiotic as I have read more and more that gut health affects mental health. I have thought about Ashawanganda and 5 HTP having read up on both of those. I just haven't taken that step yet. Part of my anxiety is very health oriented and medications scare me - afraid of side affects, allergic reactions. I tend to be very sensitive to food, meds, etc. in general and upon entering perimenopause (and now full blown menopause), that has become heightened. I developed a hair dye allergy out of the blue. I also have a reaction to strawberries now after having eaten then all my life.
One of the most difficult aspects of this whole thing for me is not feeling like I can share it with my husband (or children). I don't like to feel this poorly and I like less to complain about it so I keep much of my angst to myself. My husband is aware that I am having a tough time but doesn't have much understanding / sympathy with regard to the extent of it. I hate (strong word) the person that I am now. I was vibrant and happy and now that is not the case. This is a brutal change of life - one that I was never prepared for and had no idea how much it would impact me. What is ironic is that none of my close friends are struggling the way I am which makes it very hard for me to share even with them. If it weren't for these forums I really would feel like a insane person. It helps to know that there are others that understand what I am dealing with.
sharen74613 Guest
Hi Kim , I take vit D B6 B12 Zink cod liver oil and magnesium before I go to bed I think it all helps , but the last 2days I haven't taken anything as I've had a headache for days . Just want to see if it was all the vitamins.
It sounds like you don't get much support, my hubby has been fantastic, my friends haven't had it as bad as me, they just seem to have had the hot sweats low mood but nothing like me, I just kept thinking it's just me and I was loosing the plot ,but now I realise it's just the hormones.
Its a pity there wasn't a group that you could go to.
I went doc the other week to get some more antidepressant, the doctor was only young she was trying to be helpful but to young to understand, I said to her I wished I could of had someone like myself to speak to when I first started going though this nightmare. Think that's what we women need someone who's been there and wore the .Tshirt. If we lived near each other we could of had a coffee 😆X
gailannie sharen74613
christine66659 sharen74613