63 and post menopausal since 2003

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I am 63 yo and have been post menopausal since 2003. I recently started having vaginal pain, so I went to my GYN to find out what was going on. She said that I had sever atopic vaginitis and started me on an estrogen pill and Premarin cream. Well the cream made the burning and itching worse, then I had break though bleeding (just a little heavier than spotting). I let her know about the spotting and she changed the medications to Prempro. After using this for 14 days I started bleeding, a full blown cycle, its been 6 days of a heavy period. Now I don't know what to do. Are there any safe alternatives to HRT? HELP!!!

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5 Replies

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    Hi Janet,

    Yes there is BHRT. Bio Identical hormone replacement. It is safer and the body recognizes and knows what to do with it. What your doctor put you on his synthetic hormones. Not sure why doctors still do this. The estrogen pill is processed first through your stomach then liver. Not good for us. Premarin cream is made with pregnant mare ( horse) urine, hence the name Pre Mar in. Horse estrogen does not belong in humans. but doctors continue to prescribe it. Then you are given prempro, which is another synthetic hormone. It is a combination of synthetic estrogen and synthetic progesterone. Both of these are available to women in bio identical prescriptions that are natural forms of estrogen and progesterone. You might be better off using these instead. Also, after not having periods for so long it is not unusual to start bleeding. The body is waking up the estrogen receptors again. If you still have your uterus you do need to use progesterone if you take estrogen because it protects the uterus lining from build up. It may sound confusing, but it is pretty easy to do. I would suggest to you though number one, get a good doctor that knows the right hormone replacement. A holistic or alternative doctor is a good place to start. If you want to have any kind of success in hormone replacement it starts with a qualified doctor. They should also be explaining things to you so you know what you are on and what to expect. All doctors can write prescriptions for hormones, but if they are not prescribing the safest hormones that our body recognizes that's a tell tale sign they are not up to the job. I think general doctors are going by protocol and what little studying they get while in med school on menopause and peri menopause which only covers the tip of the iceberg. Hope this helps.

    • Posted

      everything Jude just wrote out is dead on! Very eloquent detailed description. The next side effect to come is breast or ovarian cancer if you continue with PREMPRO.

      This is not cool of your doctor

    • Posted

      Thank you for the information. I returned to my Doctor today, she did a endometrial biopsy and I should get the results in about five days. She has directed me to stop the Prempro and once the bleeding has stopped she wants me to try Intrarosa (Prasterone). Have you ever heard of this medication?

    • Posted

      HI Janet,

      I haven't heard of Intrarosa Prasterone. I did look some info up on it and it it a form of DHEA that your body converts into adrogens and estrogens. It does say it is used to treat vaginal issues after menopause. Keep in mind whatever you take that seems to alleviate the problem you will have to maintain from here on out because your body will not make the hormones it use to anymore to keep things healthy in these areas. That is another reason for non synthetic and the safest for our bodies to use and process because it will be long term. Some women start things and then quit when they get to feeling better to only find out problems start back up again.

  • Posted


    just a quick response

    I have had baginal issues im post by two years

    I tried VAGIFEM it is not hormone based and can be bought in most chemists

    Took away all the pain and burning x

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