9 days after haemorrhoids surgery... NEED ADVICE PLEASE
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So.. 9 days after haemorrhoids surgery.
Im still in a lot of pain, it is unbearable going to the toilet! The pain has eased slightly day to day however after a bowel movement it lingers for a good two hours. Also suffering with discharge... a lot from the anus area? nothing overall concerning its not blood or puss.
My biggest question... it looks like a train wreck down there! I have massive lumps around the area which to me just look like the haemorrhoids have returned?!
I went to the doctors and the surgeon said it is swelling... but how long before this goes down? Is it normal for it to look so huge and lumpy and sore? I am now in the mind set its never going to go down and it is honestly huge. Will i be left with any tags? Is there anything I can do to help it?
Any advice please 😃
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Darling1010 louise49399
I think I responded to your other post. I'm 11 days post-op and have same swelling issue. Dr. insisted it's swelling over the phone the other day when I called her concerned. I have a follow up with her in a week or so and we'll revisit this. I'm really upset by all the swelling because my anus looks hideous right now. I'm sorry you're in a lot of pain - I honestly can't believe I'm not in that much pain. But in case it's the wiping that hurts so bad, I wouldnt know because I have a bidet that attaches to my toilet that I bought from Amazon last year. It really helped before surgery but gosh am I in love with it post-op. I absolutely recommend getting one! Look up Bio Bidet SlimEdge. It's not heated but I actually prefer the rush of cool water down there. Helped a lot with the pain/discomfort. My boyfriend has one too and he and his kids love it too.
lealea123 louise49399
omg i have same - had a thd Haemorrhoidectomy seven days ago. The next day for 48 hours I had terrible urges to have a BM and I’m super worried that I Strained too hard on the toilet. I now have what feels like a very large sore swollen haemorrhoid and I’m worried that I have undone all the good that I did I having the op. I don’t see my consultant for another three weeks as he’s gone abroad on family business. feeling super sore and super miserable