9 days then nothing????? Advice/opinions
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So for the last nine days I have been experiencing severe, uncontrollable anxiety, panic attacks, tearfulness, and so many other physical, mental and emotional symptoms. I started my period this morning and by lunch time I feel like a new person. I feel so good I’m almost in panic mode. Jittery almost. I guess nervousness because it’s strange how bad I felt then all of a sudden when I start my period I’m total opposite. No brain fog, I’m more focused, more awake feeling. Does pms really get you that bad? Or is something else maybe going on? Is this normal. Any advice or opinions would be greatly appreciated!
I have had severe anxiety and panic attacks since January that started out of nowhere. I fear being bipolar or having a different mental disorder. All my fears and anxiety seem to be worse right before I start, but it seemed to be a lot worse this month than usual,
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vicky51471 Smalltowngirl17
Hi smal towngirl
yep I get this completely wow yep,! About 12 days before I’m due on and that’s a lot of days. I feel my anxiety is much worse not only that I focus on all the negatives!see no positives. I cry and cry and the smallest thing! I get abrupt with people. I almost look at my partner and think what am I doing with you you’re an idiot.
Then it comes my period ..... I loosen up more notice so not so hetup all the time. Don’t cry ...... so much. It’s not just me my bloke cân see my mum there’s such a difference. I mean I was feeling suicidal not worth anything.
I went to my drs about this as I was so distressed that most of my month was awful horrible. they’ve tried to see if venaflaxine along with Mirtazipine will work. All I can say is I think the days in which I felt so hopeless have got shorter they’re still here every month but getting better.
Just to say I’m sat with my friend who also has the same problem she’s on citalopram but is going for med review soon to try and help her!!
so there’s 3 off us hey.
so would you go to your dr about this because they can help it’s hell feeling like it.
i hope you do get some help with this!!
Mother nature hey!!
i hope you can find some help and remember it’s our hormones.... no my dear your not going mad. Makes me think like that!!
take care you are not alone I’m sure you’ll have replies similar to this.
take care now
vicky51471 Smalltowngirl17
Forgot to say...
my anxiety goes through the roof before my period like you too.
fo to your dr
You May see my reply to you is being moderated whyI do not know.
ive not said anything wrong I hope you get it as we are very similar you’re not on your own with this. As it’s getting worse seek your drs help, don’t let it go on more than you need hey!
take care
Did the medication help you? See, my psychiatrist I went to said I "could" be bipolar....Since then she came back and said I definitely weren't....She said she was 110% positive I weren't. She said it was hormonal related. But ONLY when my anxiety is high right before I "start" do I think I am bipolar and that my hormones are triggering it.....
I feel like I battle with my self. Because the week of and the week after I know I am not bipolar and think that my all my thoughts the previous 2 weeks were nuts, which scares me even more...... I am sure you can see this vicious, never ending cycle I am in right now.....IT SUCKS!!!!
vicky51471 Smalltowngirl17
Hi there🙂
oh my dear! Please take reassurance from your dr your phycatrist aswell about being bipolar.
you see I know I’ve mental health problems i do i have for years and Anxiety for years a lot of things in my past!!
This is what I’m like . Days like8 when my time before my period comes it gets bad I say it I mean my mental health! It get so much so I become more self conscious cry at the smallest things anything sets me off. I feel irritated I’m not like I am normally at all. When it’s happening I’m thinking what’s wrong with me I’m useless I’m helpless hopeless no good for this world. It like everything is magnified and is more harder if you know what I Mean.
It’s horrible it truly is then the bleeding starts and its gone to that degree it was. It’s like everything is better quickly after I first bleed. Just like you’ve discribed in your post.
Its made me think there’s something else wrong with me! it cant be just because it’s the lead up to my period .... but it is though I have made that connection.
The meds well i do think there are helping but it’s not been long. Also I’m on a lot of other meds for different things too!!
i was on 45mgs of Mirtazipine for my depression the my dr after I went to her and said how low I was. How I was feeling as I’ve discribed to you.She changed them to 30mgs Mirtazipine Then has introduced venaflaxine 75mgs slow realease through the night.im on lot of meds unfortunately.
We are all different what may work for me may not for you of course.
when it happens now I at first don’t click and I start feeling low distant snappy then I realise I am due on but not for days like you so it’s making me think is 16 days a month I feel like this that’s why I went to my dr I was in a state I really was.
Smalltowngirl! It just me but please take the phycatrist word. They see people everyday take it that you are not bipolar,
Then you can move on to help you when you get to these points speak to your dr about anything to ease this to help.
its crazy I know I really do.
Do you have regular periods? I say this because if you could write the days when this happens the when it stops for a couple of months you will see the pattern like I did, you can know the times you will be feeling like you’ve discribed!l so it doesn’t shock you like it did me for years.
i never thought it was hormones but it is!
You say the day you start you feel better you see a massive change and the lead up terrible. Please Seek your phycatrist advice on this, take it as it is hormones as you are finding fo and I and many others.
they play havoc somtimes unbelievable how this can make you feel
dont suffer anymore call your dr and discuss this! ,peace of mind and help that’s what you need
take care now
They have been pretty regular and for the last couple of months....Well I say regular, it would always start within a few days. But sometimes it would be light, sometimes, heavy, sometimes it would last 3 days, sometimes 6. However, this month I started what I 'think" was spotting a week early. I was really down just like you are talking about, depression, anxiety, easy to cry, irritable, sometimes I would think back and feel guilty about things I have done in the past that I don't even think about or hadn't thought about in a while. I started bleeding....thought it was my period starting but don't think it was....This went on very light for about 4 days, then heavy one day....but the anxiety is hanging around. I don't know if it is just simply anxiety because I don't "know" what it was.....but when I started "spotting" that day I instantly felt better. But it has been wishy washy since then. I am full of anxiety the first half of my day and feel pretty good until night time then anxiety would kick back up. I am just a hot mess express.
I have never had really any problems until I started birth control, and I messed up my pills.....I forgot one took 2 the next day, then forgot another one in the same week, I bled for 4 weeks straight on and off then BOOM all of a sudden I am eat up with an anxiety disorder. I quit taking my birth control in April and PMS has been TERRIBLE.....what Im currently calling PMS... I am hoping thats all it is rather than the other.
My OBGYN don't really seem to concerned about it. He gave me zoloft and told me to take it.....but I am too scared to take it, because IFFFFF i were to be bipolar it would make me worse.....
See my constant fears? ITS AWFUL!!!!