A depression - a feeling of grief that sits on your chest. Antine simular?
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Hi there ladies
ive been on this site for some time and have been doing better physically as symptoms such as headaches, tummy issues and other stuff. however lately ive had strong emotions that are like grief. its awful and i am up and sown alot of the time. There has been lots of change in my life lately. moved to a new area and new job. and find myself lost and wanting my old life back when i moved for a fresh start. Going through this change has been a rollar coaster and now my emotions and memories can make me feel like crying. Finding it very hard at times ..constantly looking back and evaluating life when i have a job house and wonderful husband. a horrible feeling of loss and grief.
any of you feeling the same?
thx in advance.
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debra16694 CarolKelso
hi Carol - BINGO! you & i have communicated before, i believe we are both post menopause - i have been in this constant state of grief - i thought at first that i was still grieving the loss of my Mom & Dad, but that has been 5 & 3 years ago - i constantly am overwhelmed with thought of dying & i seem to get overwhelmed with emotion at any bad news - its like i just cant handle anything anymore - i have always thought of myself as an empath or sensitive type, but this is just ridiculous - i would not describe myself as depressed, just more anxious & extremely sensitive - i think change is just very difficult to handle the older we get -
CarolKelso debra16694
Hi Debra
thx for the reply and good to know im not on my own. i feel like im missing so much and im hoping this is me coming through menopause. its really awful and like you im an empath and always have been. i feel alot for people and animals and today i was talking with my hubby and crying lots about how i feel. i miss where i lived before and think about it lots even tough we needed to move. like im going to a safe place. i am not depressed just feel i am and as i said in a state of grief that comes and goes. yes we are not as robust when it comes to change and settling into new job and area id difficult. prayer has helped so much and friends where i can talk about how i feel as it helps. keeping the mind busy is also good. but this has been a real trail in my life and im sure the same for you. it's very hard to pin point why we feel the way we do isnt it? i pray you too will get past this debra....please god. xc CK
katyD211 debra16694
Hugs to you, too!!! We will come out on the other (happier) side of this soon!!!
katyD211 CarolKelso
Big hugs, Carol...what a coincidence that you're posting about this today. A few hours ago I told my daughter that I'm feeling very emotional today, sad almost. Missing relatives lost in the past 18 months, missing my self before menopause, anxious. It's not a good feeling so I understand. However talking to you n the other ladies on this forum makes me feel so much better and a lot less alone. I'm getting teary-eyed just typing this. So sending much love n hugs to you across cyberspace! This, too, shall pass....
CarolKelso katyD211
its an awful place to be and you can be up and down and i find myself panicing hoping i wont feel lime this forever.
hang tight as great to know we are not alone xxx
edna29227 CarolKelso
Dear Carol and Debra,
I wish I can give you hugs. Changes is never easy. Transistion is part of life. It took me years to realize that there is nothing I can do about it. I went through bad emotional meltdowns. Crying when eating on my own, crying in the shower, crying when in the loo...just rediculous!! My fear of death was so strong I can not focus on anything. Lack of sleep affected my health.
Today I can say that all is good and getting much better. I got rid of most of the meds doctors gave me. I promised myself, never again will my emotions control me. Above all, NEVEE AGAIN WILL I TRY TO SOLVE MY PROBLEMS ON MY OWN. I turned to God for help. I went down on my knees and cried for help and asked Him to save me from my circumstances. I started reading the bible and meditating. Once I have started I found how interesting the story is and can not put it down. I listen to David Pawsons videos, I sing songs of worship on top of my voice.
It feels so good. I am in control of my anxiety now. I have a much better relationship with my husband and youngest daughter. I do volunteer work and go meet people with strong FAITH. They help me a lot.
Any medication we take has temporary solution. They have side effects in our bodies, and placebo effect.
I can only wish you follow the path I am taking.
God is our healer. He provides for our every need. Doctors, friends, people we meet...we dont notice them but everything happens for a reason. BELIEVE that you have the power, through Jesus Christ, to heal yourself. Ask Him to help you control your thoughts.
God Bless you both.
"Your body is more powerful than you think.
We have more or less 60,000 thoughts everyday. Thats great!The problem is, 95 percent of those thoughts were the same thoughts we had yesterday.
If you want your body to be healed, you have first to change your thoughts, your feelings, your imagination and expectations."
crystals51917 edna29227
Thank you! You just helped me in so many ways. God Sent! I'm praying and believing that God will heal me of these symptoms daily. I know that he is a healer. I have the faith and I'm a believer! I have felt better as well but the brain fog has been my worse symptom that seems to hang around the longest. I will continue to pray for myself as well as all of the ladies going through these horrible feelings. I don't like medicines either but do take supplements at times. Again, God bless you and Thank you!
CarolKelso edna29227
wow....thank you. Without Jesus...id be lost. Thank you so much for this.
Carol x
2chr2015 edna29227
hi edna. i love what you said. i am truly dealing with so much health anxiety right now. i don't understand it. i was on my knees yesterday. I am standing in God's word for healing. Matt 7:7 says to keep asking. So I will. what type of volunteer work have you found to be helpful? I want to grow old and be blessed!
edna29227 2chr2015
Hello 2chr2015,
I am helping out at the Senior Centre 1 or 2 days a week. Majority of them live alone and come to the centre for breakfast, BP and some activities.
I am Blessed by them.
grace50455 edna29227
hello Edna, I was reading this today , you are so right! I am a Christian and this word has really reminded me that I am a Child of the Almighty God and He has the power to heal. I couldnt sleep last night because I was feeling anxious , worried and scared but I got on my knees and cried out to GOD and he answered , I got back in bed and didnt wake till 7am this morning, I have been waking at 4am and notable to get back to sleep but this morning I felt different. PRAYER works. God bless you!
crystals51917 grace50455
Praise GOD! I believe in prayer and the power of GOD too. I praise and thank him for healing everyone of us and we living a happy productive long life. That's my sincere prayer. I love the ladies on this forum! X
edna29227 CarolKelso
Hi Grace 50455, ladies,
Yesterday was was a bit restless for me. I did my Wednesday volunteer and felt Blessed. When I arrived home I felt my head so heavy, my neck stiff and my upper eye lid involuntarily twitching like mad. I thought of what I have eaten previously that could have affected what I felt...nothing! I try to follow healthy living by the book!! In fact, this menopause have me addicted to my morning excercises. Whereas before, short walk is a terrible idea.
Yesterday, I was preparing dinner when I thought, WHAT ARE YOU DOING EDNA?? DO NOT LEAN ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING! Then I started praying. I asked God to forgive me for trying to control the situation. I surrendered everything to Him. I got busy, I listened to some nice music, I sang worship songs and thought of things I can do with my youngest now that its summer hols...eventually, husband came home, we had telly dinner, Attenborough the old time favourite, and before bedtime I realized I was feeling much better. No more headache and eye twitching! As my normal routine, 10pm is my time with God. I love my One to One with Him. Whatever I feel, my aches and pains, my hope and dreams, my disappointment and annoyances, I tell Him. And everything else in my life, I offer to Him.
Lights off by 11pm. Woke up at 2, for the loo, restless for a bit, but happily went back to sleep. Then up at 7.10 today.
I used to wake up for wee 2 or 3 times at night but recently I dont take any solid or liquid after 8:30pm.
Hot flashes is still relentless, I live in Singapore now, so thats understandable. I long to be back in cooler climate.
God bless us all.
crystals51917 edna29227
Thank you for this post. We are on one accord! Trusting and believing that our Almighty GOD will hear our prayer and answer.