A little worried

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I just turned 51. I had my physical and routine pap in April. Doctor said I wasn't in menopause yet. Although, I never had actual testing to find out for sure. My periods have always been like clock work. Every 28 days. I got my period as scheduled--July 13th. It was a little weird. Every time I though it was over, it wasn't. When it was over, or so I thought...about a week ago I started spotting. This has never happened before. Well yesterday I starting what looks like another period! I'm freaked out!! What's happening to my body? Perimenopause. Menopause?? I made an appt for July 9 for my doctor.  My pap results came back normal but I don't know what to think! I also feel weird. My emotions are up and down and I'm in a perpetual state of hot flashes!! I'm worried!! 

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    From what I've been told its perimenopause.the same basically happened to me.luckily I have a patient doctor.i had the blood test done about 8 months age that said I wasn't in full blown menopause but a scan showed that 1ovary had shut down.i was still getting periods but then after November nothing.i am having another scan Thursday just to check what is going on.it is scary not knowing what is going in in your own body.
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      Thank you!! I kinda feel like...from what I've read, etc., that is Perimenopause. But like you said, when you don't know what's going on, it's scary.
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      Amen to very scary! I have had myself in awful shape before about what is wrong with me. I tried WebMD and ended up in tears thinking I was on death's door! Talking to other women who have been or are going through these things is the best help I have had. I now just try to relax, educate myself on what really is going on and seek answers that will help me in as natural a way I can find.

      This transition takes a real toll on our emotions, so don't hesitate to reach out for help and talk things through. It really does help!  Best to you!

  • Posted

    Hi Andy...

    sounds like it could be peri, the start of maybe... you get spotting and maybe even two or three a month then none, etc etc... emotions will be up and down and you will take things more to heart that dont normally bother you etc etc. in my early peri I spotted and bled constant for 21 months with hardly a break... ummmmm 

    I was in peri at the age of 40/41 i am just ages 50 now last week, had nine years of it and took the natural route no HRT.

    i will tell you that a FSH blood test at the moment for you will not be accurate as your only or may only be in very early stage and the blood tests are very very difficult as your hormones may be near normal ( not peri enough)  and the blood result will be of that on the day it is taken, so I dont think that will help you yet..

    good luck Jay xx dont worry ...


  • Posted

    Hi Andy518-

    Everyone is so different. My friend had her period for like 5 weeks at a time! I skip them and them have one so bad, I feel like dying. It seems like as soon as I get through one odd, awful symptom, another odd, awful symptom shows up. Then I get to start the scary, nerve-wracking process all over again. You are staying on top of Pap tests and that is crucial. Keep a log of your symptoms (including the severity of bleeding, i.e. how often you soak a pad or tampon) all of this information can be helpful for dr in future. It is the same journey we are all on, however, I am finding we don't all take the same route. My sister-in-law has not had a SINGLE hot flash ( i hate her!  lol) and I am always wiping my brow and changing clothes. Now that it is summer in the US, I cannot go outside like I did in winter!!  sad  My electric bill is going up fast as I keep turning on the air conditioning. Not only is perimenopause physically draining, it's costing us some money!

    Hang in there! Be your own best advocate and find someone to listen and who will help you manage your symptoms and concerns. Best wishes!


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      Hi Millette 

      i laugh at the AC bill, I live in southern spain and have the same concerns, its hot hot hot,  all the best to you .. Jay xx


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      I drink so much ice water, our ice maker cannot keep up with the demand I put on it!!! I wear as little clothing as I can get by with. If I were alone at home I would probably wear nothing, but I would not want to traumatize my kids!!  I do believe my husband would be OK with it....hahaha 

      Our electric has already hit the highest it's been all year, even with our very harsh winter we had. Oops!  Well, it's either that or a very hot, sweaty and frustrated wife and mom.  I think they will choose the higher bill!

      Take care~

  • Posted

    Hi Andy518,  Hang in there!  yes you sound peri.  Have you thought about trying some alternative medicine therapies.  I found Vit B a godsend.  I know others like Sage tea for the flashes and some use other remedies.  Have a chat with your local health food shop.  The staff are well trained to help you.
  • Posted

    Thank you ladies sooooo much!! I was freaking put so bad last week. Spending hours on the web searching for answers. I'm so happy I found this site!! I wanted to talk to women who have or had the same symptoms as myself.  Millette, I'm i Southern California and today is HOT!!  I just stuck my head in the freezer!! I swear if it was big enough, I would crawl inside. I know my electric bill will be enormous this summer!!

    i made a slight error with my dates...I said July 13th. I meant June 13th!! Must be peri brain!! I feel like I'm in a fog half the time! I get things mixed up!!

    • Posted


      Take B6 for peri and continue everyday my doc gave me it early peri but did not explain why, so i never went back for more, since 9 years later still peri its changed my life, after trial and research i take 150mg daily of B6 and brain fog, aches, doom, tearfulness etc hone energy back feel fab ... Give it a try 

      Jay xxxx 

    • Posted

      I am in Indiana. It is very humid and stormy right now. We are just a bit off Lake Michigan. Of course, when we had sub-zero temps and wind chills this winter, I was walking around the house in shorts and a camisole fanning myself!  Pitiful!!

      I have found a sense of humor to be very helpful in these tough times. I know that it isn't funny when you are scared witless by the awful things going on in your body, but finding what humor we can sure does help! 

      Keep cool~


    • Posted

      Hi Millette 

      i totally agree, a sense of humour about menopause is vital, I dont hide mine, and share the flushes with all around, infact the other night I was out and the restaurant owner was messing about with a sheet of paper, and produced a home made fan for me 😃 all I said was, oooooo I am on fire tonight with the summer heat and my age 😃 we all laughed about it..

      it so helps... then other women around me actually started talking about it which never normally happens, so it was all good fun... Jay xx

  • Posted

    Spelling error ,,,, should say GONE feel fab .... Also magnesium good for flashes 

    Good luck dont worry your not alone 😀 Jay xxx

  • Posted

    Hi Andy, It looks like you are in perimenopause phase. Lot of hormonal variation causing various physical changes and emotional status. these all changes are expected, so don't worry about it. But just keep watch on regular examination such as Pap Smear and Ultrasonography. As you said history of spotting it would be better to have hormonal assay get done.

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