A new year, wish I could be a new me
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This perimenopause feels like its been killing me slowly, it all started for me with mild symptoms 7 years ago. But just in the past 4 years the symptoms have amped up so hard core i feel like i cant take it anymore!! Ive tried everything even cbd oil! Ive tried antidepressants a few times but i cant make it past the 8 week mark as the side effects are too brutal but now i have an even worse problem....where ive been sick with peri so long now ive fallen into a legit depression that NEEDS medication but im afraid it still wont help. Im a member of a zoloft support group (the only antidepressant i can take according to testing) and everyone complains that it either doesnt work or only works for awhile. Im so scared cause ive lost so much weight and i know this hell will never end....i dont know what to do anymore. I find myself upset every morning cause i actually wake up! 😦
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Sassyr12a Guest
Hello Brandy
I'm sorry you feel so flipping awful, I struggled too with medication to manage anxiety, I swear it made me worse and I only got as far as a few weeks. I'm on sertraline now and have been building up the dose and so far I've made it further than before. I took hrt and bhrt for 18 months as I wanted to treat the source and not the symptoms but the doc took me off because of migraine with aura. I wish there was something I could say that would help but all I can advise is to keep looking for what works or helps. I've used hrt, cbd, rescue remedy, diazepam, exercise, meditation, homeopathy, acupuncture you name it! It's still so up and down and I can understand how you feel. Keep your chin up and keep talking, we are all with you xx
Guest Sassyr12a
Thank you for replying! So does the sertraline seem to be easing some of the torture? Like you said it wont "fix" the problem but i need some relief to the suffering. I weigh 89lbs cause im too sick to my stomach to eat. I tried progesterone and it was hell, ive tried cbd, probiotics, antidepressants (i havent made it past 8 weeks tho), going all natural food, vitamins & exercise but nothing helps!!
Sassyr12a Guest
I think it will Brandy. Its taken the edge off the anxiety but it's still up and down. I'm hoping that at least if I can get mood under control that the rest will build with confidence. By far the best for me is getting out though, walking, cycling, anything. Even if I come back home and the anxiety is back, it does help to create a bit of calm. Xx
Ella23ps Guest
If you want a medication that works on anxiety you could ask your doctor to try you on a small dose of a beta blocker like Metoprolol 6.25mg twiced a day. Just a word of WARNING if you are adrenaline dominant and you start taking Metoprolol it will help, but it will be a huge NIGHTMARE and I mean a huge NIGHTMARE if you ever decide to come off of it! So if it helps you will more than likely be on it for life! (Doctors want tell you this) but it can help if you are adrenaline dominant it really can help. The metoprolol will calm the heart and nervous system. Does your heart rate always stay on the high side? If your blood pressure is always on the low side like mine then you would only want a very small dose of Metoprolol 6.25mg twiced a day 1/4 of a 25mg pill, a baby dose is what they call it and it is used for anxiety. It can bring your appetite back and help with your whole nervous system. My prayers are with you this is a horrible thing to have to be going though and I am so sorry you are having to deal with this. I think once you get your nervous system is calmed down then the depression will go away. It sounds like your anxiety is causing the depression. Metoprolol helps with social anxiety as well It is an alternative for people who do not do well on anti-depressants. You can also try some over the counter Progesterone cream and use it everyday for about 6 months. I am not a doctor, so I have no idea what you really need these are a few things you can talk to your doctor about.
Guest Ella23ps
Thanks so much fir tour reply! I dont really want to take any meds especially if they can be addicting. My anxiety isnt really to bad anymore, its straight up depression! I dont seem to have any anxiety anymore, my heart doesnt race. If anything i feel like everything is working more slowly!! My digestion, my heart rate, my talking, my thinking. everything is just in slow motion anymore and i hate it! Not mention being stuck in thus nausea/no appetite cycle that used to be maybe one week out of the month now its every day!!! This is awful
Ella23ps Guest
That is just terrible, I am so sorry. I do not know what to do for depression like that if all natural and antidepressants are not working. Sometimes we just have to do ride the wave until it passes. Easier said than done. Right? Just keep reminding yourself this ride can not last forever. like I told Pamela it is HORRIBLE I do not know why some of us are extremely sensitive to losing our hormones, but it is a NIGHTMARE of a ride we end up on because of our DNA. We have to overwrite our DNA and stay calm and learn to accept what is and let go of what was and have faith in what will be and Trust God He knows what He is doing. I am praying for you also.
Guest Ella23ps
Thank you i need all the prayers i can get!
lexie41068 Guest
hang in there Brandy just know you are not alone most of us are looking forward for this to end we can only hope and have faith.
sakura26 Guest
Brandy, I'm in the same boat as you. My anxiety has gotten so bad, thanks to preexisting PTSD, I barely can get out of bed and am also very depressed and tired at the same time. I tried taking just progesterone but then I gained a massive amount of weight and my already large fibroid grew. I think it started for me around 45 and I'm nearly 48 now. I'm looking into cyclical hormones as a last resort. They try to mimic your natural cycle and keep you more balanced than static hormone doses. I think they're doing a study in Irvine CA but there are other doctors and naturopaths that do it if you look it up. Hang in there. I also have horrible tooth pain at the same time thanks to grinding my teeth from the anxiety despite wearing a mouthguard and am alone so I feel Iike I really can't take anymore either. 2020 has to be a better year for me. I've waited so long to be well and happy and stable.
mary27278 Guest
Brandy I'm so sorry that you are going through this. I found out about this program retraining the brain, and I've talked to several people who has done it and they swear by it that it is the reason that they are alive today. I also talked to the guy who's over it. I'm considering doing it as soon as I can get the funds to do it. Its not that expensive, I wished that the funds that i used for doctors, supplements , etc . would have used it on this instead. In the meantime, I've been using St John wort for my anxiety and it seem to be helping me some. If you're interested in the brain scan let me know and i can give you more info.
Guest mary27278
Sure you can send me info on it, i just feel so worn out from being sick 24/7. I know it is hormones and mental stuff...i had blood work done and all it showed was low progesterone & estrogen with slightly elevated FSH and my LH was fine. So even tho i feel like im dying according to the drs im not and they throw antidepressants at me
michelle29462 Guest
Have you tried magnesium for the aniexty.It help me when i had aniexty for 4 months ,all day ,everyday.
Guest michelle29462
No i havent i may give it a shot!
sakura26 mary27278
Hi Mary I'm also interested in the brain scan info. Thanks.
michelle29462 Guest
Good i hope it works for you.I used something called Calm its a power magnisium that you mix with water works good.
michelle97919 mary27278
Hi Mary
would love if you could PM me the info also
I am a great believer in this sort of stuff x