A weird feeling on one side of my body.
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Hi ladies. So three years in and this odd feeling on the left side of my body just won't ease up. I feel so much weaker on the left and experience trembling everyday whereas before it happened every other day. I'm clumsier and I'm still experiencing numbness and tingling all over. I'm still struggle with fatigue and occasional dizziness. Is it just me or should these symptoms have stopped by now? Thanks.
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JoMarie1970 faz5503
i am having the same issues...almost all my issues are on my left side. tingling in my fingers and leg, gas pains in left rib, sorr neck and shoukder. they seem to come and go. as soon as one symptom goes another is fast behind it. ive been to the doctor more in the last year than i ever have and nothing is ever wrong. my doctor thinks its just anxiety, but im sure its the peri menopause
faz5503 JoMarie1970
Hi JoMarie. I have been to the doctors so many times that I've lost count and it feels like they've lost interest. They fob me off with crappy excuses and I'm left feeling like I'm overreacting to these horrible symptoms. I'm desperate for answers but here in the U.K. they don't like sending us to hospital to see specialists. I guess the lack of money in our health services is preventing them from giving us better treatment. Take care and I hope that you too feel better soon.
Guest faz5503
I'm three years in too, the torture continues
faz5503 Guest
All the best Suzanne. Hopefully, things will improve for all of us soon.
lucy48229 faz5503
I have almost the same. I have been suffering for 2.5 years on tingling, numbness feet and hand.
faz5503 lucy48229
Thanks for replying Lucy. I hope that you feel better soon.
kellyb75 faz5503
you need to go to the ER! you could be having a stroke sweetheart! please let me know how you feel. I'm a Registered Nurse and dont want anything to happen to you.
God bless
jamie37119 kellyb75
A stroke going on for a period of time? Doesn't sound like it to me
kellyb75 jamie37119
It wasn't really stated that it was going on for longer than a couple of days. however, being a CCU RN for more than 20 years I would have it checked out. Loss of feeling on one side should never be taken mildly. When I see or hear someone that is having symptoms such as these i HAVE to react. Not for myself, but because it is my duty as a health care provider.
So, I still stand by the thought process that whoever has these symptoms, without a related cause(back/neck and/disc ) issues, should really be seen by their primary and neurologist. I don't want something more serious to happen. And I would hope someone would tell me their professional opinion when I have an issue that seemed serious to them.
jamie37119 kellyb75
She stated..."three years in" .... I understand needing to say something but realistically I would be more inclined to state, go see a doctor about that rather than scaring people. Just saying 😄
faz5503 kellyb75
Thanks for replying Kelly. I'm seeing my doctor on Monday so I will talk to her about these persistent symptoms. I appreciate your concern and the advice. Kindest regards.
jamie37119 faz5503
I have left side issues too, sometimes it hurts to use that arm as well. Often if I do anything like dishes or gardening guarantee the weakness sets in especially my left arm
faz5503 jamie37119
My weakness is mainly in my left foot. This is the symptom that most worries me. Thanks Jamie and all the best to you.
shylee faz5503
Hi Faz
I have had left sided loss of feeling, strange skin sensations on the left forearm and hand. Then i have left sided burning sensations over the skin of my arm and face scalp and left foot. I went to the Dr's and the Neurologist and i was getting nowhere. Being put down to anxiety or depression or or chronic pain disorder. Anyway nothing helped until i was given Carbamazepine ( anticonvulsant) after several weeks it eased up and now after several months it has greatly improved though i can still feel the oddness underneath especially if i'm late with the medication. I am also on HRT patches for all the other terrible peri symptoms i was getting. I believe all the left sided symptoms are a part of peri and meno as I have now heard this from several other women when i thought i was the only one going through it and being treated terribly by the medical so called profession.
faz5503 shylee
Thanks shylee. It's reassuring to know that I am not the only with these strange symptoms. I hope that you feel better soon. Kindest regards.