Abdominal discomfort for 2 months
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I posted a while ago about my mild cramp feeling in my right mid abdomen. I decided after about 6 weeks of it maybe I should have it checked out. Couldn't see my family dr so made an appt with another in a different clinic She figured it could be gall bladder stones so did blood work and ordered an ultrasound. I had the ultrasound a week ago and no word back from her so I called today and the clinic said "oh she away till the 18th" Oh GREAT. Knowing my test results were also to be sent to my family dr, I made an appt to see her next week. I'm hoping its nothing serious and also hoping if it was maybe someone would have contacted ME for follow up. Menopause has really sent my digestive system into a tail spin...always something. To add to my symptoms, I had a stiff neck for about 2 weeks. It very gradually worked its way out but now I read its one of the 66 symptoms of menopause! who knew?
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littleme1969 Merelym
thanks littleme1969, I'm hoping that's all it is, a bunch of nothing! I know it feels different when my stomach is empty and right after I've eaten. Sometimes a burning sensation and other times like there's a knot there. The fact that its never gotten worse is a bit comforting I guess. Your mind always races to the worst case scenario though! I think doctors should realize what a basket of nerves menopausal women are and fast track any test results!!
2chr2015 Merelym
Oh my goodness merelym. You sound just like me! Just had the sonogram. The tech said he didn't see anything wrong with it, but waiting on radiologist to review it. Doc says all my labs are perfect. Well, the pain is still there. And I'm scared to death they are missing something. And I have got to get off google. I'm only 45. I never thought I would be going through something like this at my age. I am a basket case at the doctors office. Crying and everything. Then she says I'm okay....so I'm ok for all of about 10 minutes, until I get in the car and my mind starts up again. Please someone get me out of this! ((Hugs)). Let me know if they find anything.
Merelym 2chr2015
So annoying isn't it? Wish my tech had said something but she never uttered a word which made me even more anxious. I don't think my discomfort is in the area if the gallbladder but I'm not an anatomy expert either. It's more directly right of my belly button. I just wish there wasn't such a wait for results. Totally nerve racking.
I think I have had every weird symptom of menopause - nonstop aggrivation. I thought once the periods stopped I'd be out of the woods and the hormones would settle down. I was dreaming!
pinkcatfairy Merelym
2chr2015 pinkcatfairy
pinkcatfairy 2chr2015
I decided I wanted it removed and not them, I'm glad I did because the pain and discomfort went!
pinkcatfairy 2chr2015
I'm not sure if I remember having a fever just the pain and discomfort to right middle side, pain radiating to back right shoulder, nausea. The pain and discomfort would come and go, I just knew it had to be the gallbladder and it was frustrating with all the tests and scans not showing anything!
2chr2015 pinkcatfairy
Merelym 2chr2015
I got my ultrasound results back. Not gallbladder. Wish it had been as now I'm super confused. Shows 3 hepatic cysts on liver - 2 of which are complicated or maybe they mean complex? Dr. Google is not assisting me in figuring out why I have abdominal discomfort with such small cysts present. I am scheduled to have a follow up US in 3 weeks to see if there is any change in them. 🙁
2chr2015 pinkcatfairy
2chr2015 Merelym
And my ultrasound was also normal. I go back in two weeks to talk to dr
Merelym 2chr2015
I'm 56. The Dr just said not to worry. I asked what they do if they have increased in size and he said at that point they would biopsy. Now I'm really worried as all I've read says no discomfort from them and here I am with 3 months of feeling like there is something there. Ugh !
Glad your test was all good.
pinkcatfairy 2chr2015
2chr2015 Merelym
2chr2015 pinkcatfairy
Thanks. I'm 45, but this has been going on for about 2 years off and on. I was feeling less nauseas the past 2 days. 🙂 But I was leaning over doing laundry awhile ago and my right ribs started aching in the back. Ugh!