Abnormal period

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I have always had regular periods but the past year or so I sometimes get it twice a month. At the beginning and the end of the month. That's what happened in January and then I didn't get it until March 7th. I got it again on march 29th and I still am getting bleeding when I go to the bathroom. I'm not needing to wear anything but when I go there still is blood. I have never had it this long before. I am 52 and think I'm going through peri menopause. I had been constantly moody, agitated at the drop of a dime, cry, feel depressed, sweat while I'm sleeping sometimes, brain fog and feel off balance and anxiety. I started Zoloft about 4 weeks ago and it really helped me with the feeling on edge all the time and the little things aren't bothering me like they used to.

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Probably are Susan. All the symptoms are classic. Hope your periods settle soon. They are one thing I was glad to get rid of. A lot of the girls on this forum talk about something called maca that they take. Might be worth looking into as lots of them swear by it. It is a root or something.
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    Hi Susan

    You have all the symptoms I did . I got it very 2 weeks for about a year. Definitely follow up with your Doctor to make sure nothing else is going on!

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    hello all ladies, i'm feeling so fed up now. My previous period was 8th November 2013 and then got one 18th March and been on ever since but very light at first but this week i've flooded, i was sat at my desk at work today scared to move in case i'd leaked on my chair. My stomach is enormous and i feel i have a tight band around my waist. I'm 51 and in peri but should i go to my useless GP who usually doesn't want to know about women's problems or will i be wasting my time. Is this normal? should i be having a period for so long? has anyone else experienced this. would appreciate your help, x
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    I see a naturopath much calmer ... It us normal what you are going throughI am anxious in pain shoulders and neck dizzy like being on a boat I am over it too x
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    hello fiona, thank you for your reply, i feel better knowing that this is normally what happens. Sorry to hear your having shoulder pain, i really don't know what to suggest for that. I too get dizzy and off balance like being on a boat like you say and that for me is the worse symptom cos i lost my confidence to go out but am slowly getting it back, i set myself goals and i'm so proud of myself when i achieve them. \its so silly at our age but this is whats happening and we have to get through it somehow. This forum has really helped me. I do hope your shoulder improves so take care. x hugs
  • Posted

    Thank you everyone for responding. This site has helped me so much. It is so nice to know that other people are going through the same feelings. Sometimes you think you are crazy. My period finally has stopped after 9 days. I started keeping a log of when I get it for when I go to the doctor next month for my yearly visit.
  • Posted

    Welcome to the world of menopause!! Yup, it sure sounds like all the same symptoms as I have. I also have aches and pains it seems anywhere that was injured sometime over my life. I would also try some natural remedies or see a naturopath. GP's don't always take us seriously with these symptoms and some can be debilitating for us and for our families. The worst is the mood swings for me, never know when they are going to hit (my poor husband). At least we can take solace in knowing that it's temporary. Good luck!!
  • Posted

    Susan - I had a period a couple of years ago that lasted four weeks, after not having a period for four weeks. And flooding - great waves of clots. Wearing ladies Tena pads, the heavy ones. And when I was flooding I wasn't even in any considerable pain compared to a normal period. It just felt like I was expelling my entire womb. After having periods every 3 weeks and even every 2 sometimes, the next stage is she they get lighter and further apart. That brings a whole new set of nuttiness.

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