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Hi all

I am so fed up of feeling fed up. I think most will understand what i mean. I have a period and then i have a small window where i will feel quite well. The aches seem to ease so that i can go up the stairs at a reasonable rate, but then the aches start building up again to the point where i have to pull myself up the stairs holding onto the handrail. My legs feel like lead and my joints hurt. Then i have another period and the cycle starts again. Does anyone else feel like this? I'm currently seeing a gynaecologist as my womb is misshapen ( pushed to the left apparently) and the lining has thickened. I am due to have a biopsy because of the thickening. I am wondering if it is all connected to peri. Any advice would be really appreciated. Thanks all.


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4 Replies

  • Posted

    HI Helen

    Im in the same situation . I am 48 yrs old going on 49 like now im on my fertil week so tomorrow is ovulation day and today i have left abdominal pain left shoulder pain thats radiates to the front , palpitations, it seems that every months i get joint pain sone months in my shoulders, hips, lower, upper back, and the worse HEART PALPITATIONS!!! so right before my periods i get it over again . i get night sweats no all the time but i get them, i got wrinkle hands like i have been in the water, heart rates at ramdom times so i take vitamins and saturday im gonna go on antiaxiety meds.

    i hope this helps.

    • Posted

      OMG me too!!!! the palpitations are by far the worst and scariest. I have the wrinkly fingers to like I've been in water for too long WHAT THE HELL??????

  • Posted

    I have had that for years and then it goes away and now it's back again. The heart palps have gone Thank God...they were with me for the first couple of years. But I could almost track it and see when I would Ovulate ect..what things would happen..heart palpitations or anxiety or being 6 years later they are much much less but you never know what will come. The aches went away for so long and now came back..but now for the first time i missed 3 months of my period. That has never happened. But, then I got my period. I try to relax and talk to my body, be gentle and eat the best possible..although its hard. drink lot's of water. I feel like that has been missing in my diet..plain drinking water. I hope you know your not alone...It's so hard when you feel so's like you want to cry..I look in the mirror and feel so young and vibrant and my body does not feel the same.. ugh. We shall get through day at a time.

  • Posted

    Yes-- it's a small window... There are days (like today) where I'm exhausted-- it's like I'm old already and can't handle a few busy days. And then around my period I have terrible cramps like never before which then a heavy period comes that I have to deal with that--in the bathroom a lot. I hear you about the aches-- I can go up and down stairs no problem but then you are right then all of a sudden I'm walking down the stairs like a 90 yr old!! Strange and yes must be hormones. I take extra magnesium at night hoping that it helps with all and I try to get to the pool-- it really helps with all aches that come and go-- neck, back, feet, hands, etcc

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