aches and pains.

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Hey ladies please don't think im Looney even though at times I feel like I am. I read how some of you all have aches and pains daily. Joint and muscle, facial, back and neck etc.. I would like to know if any of you ever experience pain in the upper back but more towards the side of the back on the left. And the middle of my back feels really tensed at times. My anxiety is off the charts right now I know going to the doctor is probably the best but I'm just really worried about getting bad news. Sorry this was so long. sad

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16 Replies

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    Hi Donna I have aches and pains everyday! Mainly my neck and back in the middle and left shoulder pain. Some days I get aching elbows and wrist too. Before bed I stretch out in my back and literally hear it crack. I've been told by a Physio its fine to crack your back. I also get aching teeth and headaches. Today I'm very lethargic too :-(. I try not to dwell on it too much. x
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      Thank you Tracky I suppose our aches and pains are not confined to one area it just freaks me out. I also get pain in the middle of my left arm and elbow. I hope you get to feeling better today smile
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      Yes I also get a sort of pressure in my bicep area left arm as if someone is pressing it lightly then it goes, it comes and goes not painful but freaks me out especially as on left side! I also get stabbing pains top left chest area occasionally so think it's all related to the neck back pain. I certainly get more concerned about it than the doctors so I take that as a good thing :-)
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      Exactly!! But it does hurt me sometimes when I stretch my arm.
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      Hi Donna.

      Aches and pains are the things that set my health anxiety off. Always fearing the worst. I too get aches in my left arm, usually elbow. My neck is aching too and I get dull aches around my ribs. I'm off to see the doctor tomorrow because of the anxiety. I feel I always need reassurance.

      Peri is an awful time for us ladies but we have to hold on to the fact that it will get better. One day we will feel normal again.

      I think the anxiety is the worst but with the support of family, friends and this forum we will come through it.

      Big hugs.


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      Thank you Helen do you mind me asking about your rib pain, does it hurt in the side of your back area?
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      Yes Donna. It's not intense but just "there" if you get my meaning. It's like all pains they just niggle at you and you find yourself saying "oh no not something else". I feel sometimes as if I'm turning into a hypochondriac!!

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      Thanks helen and yes I do know exactly what you mean!! I just always wonder is it from Peri or something worse. I bad for not going to the doctor. Good luck to you and remember all us women are in this together smile
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    Yes I get aches and pains in my upper back, also funny aches/cramping in the top part of my arms and inside of my thighs. I hate perimenopause!
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      Yes Ruth I forgot about the pain in the inner thigh! Horrible and mine is just on the right side :-)
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    There is no specific place to feel sore, sometimes is here, other is there.  I had inflamation lumps that I could actualy feel (touch) on my muscles. Stiffness is very noticeable, maybe it is the first thing you notice.  Watch out cause I think we are more prone to get hurt doing a wrong moviment than we were before.  Eventualy all this stop, I feel about normal again.  Always be tested before you blame peri, just because is safer.  Hugs
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    Donna, yes I have had pain in some area. I find pain targets a different area all the time. Hard to know where to expect it! Never sure if its hormones or if I actually did something to myself!
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      Thanks Nancy I know its crazy sometimes I feel 10 years older than I am.
  • Posted

    Hi Donna, Yes I have aches and pains in my neck and left upper back. Also in the rest of my back--severe in my lower back and severe in my hip joints. I had xrays and scans on my hip joints and the results showed that they are in perfect condition! I thought I would be looking at hip replacements!! I take HRT and was going along not suffering too badly through my 50's. The pain , tiredness, lethargy, depression and itchy skin have all become much worse during the last 3 years. I am now 62. Am off to see my Gyno tomorrow. I thought all of this would be in my past by now. I was super active and fit with all the work I do on our farms, but I have lost interest and have to push myself so hard to do any work now. All I want to do is take pain killers and lie down.  I try not to give in to it all though. The best thing really is to keep active--get out of the house and do something that takes your mind off it.
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    Yeah I ache like Crazy. Had a restless night last night in particular. Unfortunately for me my pain is concentrated to left shoulder and crept down to elbow. Worse bit: I'm left-handed! Had to change my manual car to an auto as started to be a big deal changing gear.

    Find lying fairly flat with either very thin or no pillow in bed helps.

    Not taking HRT at the most, but won't rule that happening sooner than later. No sign of irregular/ missed Ps yet,but not sure if NOT bleeding is as great as I'm expecting as lots of ladies say they feel worse when bleeds stop. We can't win can we?!!!

    I'm taking Menopace Original for vits/mins. Might just be all in my head but think they've made a difference, especially to the aches.

    Can't believe how long the list of sumptoms of Peri just goes on and on...!!

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