Aches and pains.
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Hi all. I have just had a blood test to check my vitamin levels as well as other things. The doctors want to particularly check my vitamin D levels as I have been having achy bones for a while especially round my ribs and in my legs. Has any one else been lacking in vitaminD? If so what are your symptoms? Is this normal in peri?
Thanks my peri friends.
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jayneejay helen95781
me too hun, what were your Vit D results ?
yes peri and post meno ladies may also lack Vit D ..
i have insuffienct levels of Vit D
Low B12
and apparently Low blood sugar Hypoglycemic ..
and borderline underactive Thyroid
when i begin my peri years ago, it was the first thing the doctor said i should supplement .. Vit D & Calcium
which i did ..
but still have deficiency
mind you before my fasting blood tests, i made sure i took no vits or supplements for 3-4 weeks to ensure a more natural state result
jay x
helen95781 jayneejay
Thanks for reply. I only had the bloods taken this morning so awaiting results. This is a new doctor that I've seen and she is the only one to offer a full blood screen!!
I'm on Hrt so thought it would take care of the aches but I suppose if I'm vitamin D defficient it won't make much difference.
To be honest I seem to have more problems since being on hrt than before. It has helped with the flushes and joints but not the aches. I also have problems with my eyes now.
I feel like such an old lady and I'm only 46!!
Hopefully get the results Monday.
jayneejay helen95781
its a nightmare aches and pains ..
hope she tested your thyroid too and blood sugars, cholesterol ( fasting blood test) etc
i am age 50 helen .. been post meno for almost 20 months now ..
no HRT .... ( only vaginal estriol ovules HRT for dryness and discomfort on occassion under Gyno supervision )
have you been on HRT long .. its takes time to get settled i suppose, and its getting the right mix to suit where your at..
which HRT are you on..
good luck with results keep us posted ..
i am at Docs Monday night with my result findings ..
jay x
helen95781 jayneejay
Really fed up now but we have to soldier on don't we?
Really appreciate your help and hope aches settle for you too.
Big hugs.
jayneejay helen95781
as test would be inaccurate
i stopped all my vits for 3-4 weeks before my bloods ..
so can see whats what with out boosting them
good luck ..
Jay x
lenie95046 helen95781
helen95781 lenie95046
Thanks for your answer. This is the thing though when you are in peri you have to take more and more meds/supplements!! My list of meds has increased so I know how you feel. Meds for eyes, stomach acid, and supplements on top of everything else I take. I will rattle if you shake me!! Lol. I expect I will end up on more. I do have vitamin d in the cupboard but have not taken it yet because I'm unsure as to whether I should as it states on the bottle to check with doctor if you are on prescribed meds!! At least they are checking now.
I hope you find complete relief hun from your aches.
Big hugs.
debbie03785 helen95781
lenie95046 debbie03785
debbie03785 lenie95046
susan21149 helen95781
Hope you find out what is going on a hope you feel better
BellaRubia helen95781
It is very normal to be low in Vitamin D. I tested a little low. But I think all the symptoms are more related to hormonal unbalance than to lack of any vitamin (unless you are reaaaally low on something)
I was feeling great when I was tested. Doctor recommend me to take both, vitamin D and Calcium (even though my Calcium level was normal). It looks like just after I started taking all the vits, peri kicked in, and I started feeling those weird and scary symptoms (including painfull and noisy jonts and very sore muscles). My first thought was that all those vitamins were making me sick, so I stopped them for more than one month - nothing changed, for good or bad. Things took a long while, but after 2 years, i have very little to complain. Period is erractic yet and I noticed I feel better when it is missing than when it is more regular. I am counting that after meno I will feel as I felt before and get old in a normal pace, not as I felt during the first days, when I was totally sick (all symptoms but depression), completely lost (until I find this website), feeling and looking at least 10 years old from one month to another!!!
So, my best luck to you,