Achey legs
Posted , 10 users are following.
i ve been experiencing extremely painful legs around my buttock down to my ankle!! does anyone else have this
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Posted , 10 users are following.
i ve been experiencing extremely painful legs around my buttock down to my ankle!! does anyone else have this
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Sassyr12a paulahove24
So weird paula, but just been trying to solve this mystery myself! Mine is from the top of my legs to my ankle and its as if my muscles are super tight. I've not done any exercise for a week so googled it. Advice seems to suggest that it's from sitting down to work etc and blood flow /circulation. There are some exercise you can do to stretch it out.... At least that's what I'm trying! 😁 Xx
Shana_P paulahove24
Yes I do. My legs ache and feel tired sometimes.....I feel like I need a shot of Exspresso!!!
susane84679 paulahove24
hi Paula, I was having this and it was found to be very low vitamin d. when I got my levels back up it went away and I haven't had it since.
Brittay123 paulahove24
yes, i have this same thing!!! its awful!!! I have been so anxious about it!!!!
tam34579 Brittay123
Well not in the same area . But very sore ,even to the touch on my thigh hip and down to knee .I thought I was dying and after several weeks it just got better. I was ready to go have a scan or something. It was so painful. I just started wearing more supportive shoes and avoided alot of standing as It made it worse. Good luck to you . I hope your goes away too
Marisa02082 paulahove24
I have had this on and off for years. Its a horrible feeling and hurts. I had it the other day and the more I just relax the best I can,, I don't freak out about it. It feels like my muscles are weak and sore.
lucy48229 paulahove24
I have the same thing since December 2017 without hope to get better. Today I am extremely painful for the whole day. I do not take any pain killer. A lot of pain killers kill us! My area is around hips and scrum. I had sciatic pain during 2016-2018. I am not sure it is because of spine or hormone! The pain comes and goes! I do not know why out women need suffer all these painful things!
Marisa02082 lucy48229
I had sciatic pain also...for a few years..especially at night. It would wake me up!! So many aches. It has gotten better but it still comes when I least expect it.
sunaina1983 paulahove24
hi dear
me too having painful legs in Peri
try oil massage ..its helpful
sometimes my legs r not only painful but shaky too 🤣🤣