Aching Joints
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I'm 47 years old, haven't had a period for about a year, not sure of exact dates of my last period but definitely not since beginning December 2017. I have aching joints, I wake in the morning and can hardly walk, my hips, thumb joints, shoulder, neck, elbow and even thumb joints are sore, sometimes even the soles of my feet! Today I am still aching the pain hasn't dissipated. I have been taking Menopace supplement but hasn't made any difference. Any advice?
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Guest fiona79280
Hi Fiona, I get joint pains too. I was tested for RA, etc. My obgyn mentioned that estrogen deficiency can aggravate joint pains. If you have not had a period since Dec...just a couple of months of no periods to go and you will officially be in menopause. You’re estrogen will be nearly nothing. If you have not been checked out...might be a good time. Some ladies take supplements, etc to help with joint pain. I take omega3 and multi,and put tiger balm on... I still get joint pains at 41. 😊
Gypsy014 fiona79280
Hi Fiona, I would take ibuprofen if you can take it it helps with the joints, I have rheumatoid arthritis and the pain can be REDICULOUS... The menopause can make your arthritis worse so even if you don't have rheumatoid arthritis, you may just have regular arthritis which just comes with aging.. The fluctuating hormones definitely can and do make it worse at times very bad especially going into the colder months for me anyways, and the barometric pressure, all can wreck havoc on the joints, they tend to flare up then calm down then flare up again , it can be a vicious cycle of pain, so really anything trial and error that makes you feel comfortable, I like to soak my feet in hot water baths when its the feet, if it's the shoulder or wrist, then i like to use those hot cold gel packs you throw into your microwave and wrap those with a scarf or bandage around the aching joint, whichever one that may be, they really help, the pain, can really come and go...
pam90720 fiona79280
Hi Fiona! Same thing happened to me several years ago.. I was real low on vitamin D.. doctor gave me a prescription for D.. 1 pill, once a week for a month... felt much better after my vitamin D came back up!! Hugs and I hope you feel better soon!!🙏💕
AJacynM fiona79280
Hi there,
I'm 46 and suffered really badly with aching joints when my period pattern suddenly went a bit crazy for quite a few years and then finally stopped around 2 years ago... I coped for quite a while but it got so bad I couldn't do simple things like lift the kettle or pull the car handbrake on without using two hands! I've always been a 'doer' and suddenly felt soooo old!!
In the end I went on patch HRT - it's not the be all and end all and I'm still trying to get my regime right but the one thing it's defo helped is the aches and pains... they are sooooo much better. Some people obviously don't like or want to try HRT and I agree it's a very personal choice - I held off for years too to be honest before I finally went for it...
AJ. x
kelly55079 fiona79280
YES today especially with the weather it is BAD!! If you can get to a pool. I was in the hot tub this morning and this guy said he woke up really feeling it this morning.. It's cold and storms are coming. I take a water fitness class that helps my aches and pains. And I take several supplements as well. Stretching is also good. Try and keep moving even if it's a walk.
Guest fiona79280
Hi Fiona, I too have had awful joint/muscle pain and I find magnesium cream helps. I also started using a CBD cream and that also has helped alleviate the discomfort. It's funny that you mention the soles of your feet because that too for me is awful! I can hardly step out of bed some odd.
LouiseScotland fiona79280
I've had issues with joints forever! I was a 'stiff' child who hated sports, as a teenager I had real issues with my knees, and went on to have back problems. With child number 2, at 29, I had pelvic problems affecting the SI joint, and have had problems with that ever since...he's 26 now! Oddly enough, at menopause, my joints actually improved a bit, and there is definitely a link to how much dairy I eat, so I try to avoid having too much milk, cheese, butter or yogurt in my diet. No cause has ever shown in blood tests, etc, apart from raised inflammation markers, but no definitive cause. Over the past few weeks the joint/back pain has flared up again (not that it ever goes away completely) and I find the best thing is 1 (or 2 on a really bad day) 30/500 co-codamol,plus 400mg iibuprofen. It works well for me but may not be for everybody, and your gp obviously has to prescribe the co-codamol at that strength. Oh, and to pick up on what lou42662 said about having 2 months to go until you are officially in menopause...I had no periods for over 11 months (at about 51), then wham, the heaviest period ever! I was gobsmacked to say the least, just when I thought I was home and dry as the official definition is 1 year without periods over the age of 50 and 2 years under 50. Mother Nature is indeed full of surprises...
karen65008 fiona79280