Aching Joints at 47-why?
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think I have been going through the menopause but wondering about suddenly developing aching joints and it is worrying me. I had started to go jogging a month back but had to stop it as aching took over...... Also waking up at stupid o clock and unable to get back to sleep.....its now 3:18 am
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andrea930 kate1966
Hang in there.
kate1966 andrea930
christine70191 kate1966
This is very common I've subsequently found out. I was going insane with aching joints & taking neurontin & seeing physio was no help. Found out its lack of estrogen that's causing it. I'm taking an estrogen supplement called Dim plus & that has gave me some relief though not cured it. If you can take HRT that will help be I'm unable to. And yes as you can see from my time of posting -4.13am early mornings are a regular occurrence for me too. Who'd be a woman eh?
fiona27807 kate1966
christine70191 fiona27807
sheryl37154 kate1966
Tracky kate1966
madcow1964 Tracky
Do you, or anyone, get a sort of blindness with the fog? Take this morning, for instance - got up and felt chilled, decided I needed to find my fleece was hanging on the doorknob right next to me at the time...and it is bright buttercup yellow!
This keeps happening to me - I look around for something, decide I can't find it, then spot it in plain view mere inches away!!
madcow1964 kate1966
I'm 49, regular as clockwork still, but my knee joints are getting particularly bad! They haven't been good for some years, but I am getting pains in odd parts of the joints. All my finger joints make horrible cracking sounds now, too, though don't hurt very often.
As for the insomnia...!
I have not had a good night's sleep for 2 weeks now. I thought things would settle down as usual after my period ended and agitation levels subsided - but it's getting worse and driving me nuts! If I sit at my laptop and get comfy in the afternoons I'm away with the fairies! Same thing if I am interested in a programme on tv in the evening. Get to bed any time between 11 and 1am and I still wake several times a night - this morning it was 2am, then 5-ish.
It is beginning to drive me more nuts than I am already! I was in a pattern of waking no earlier than 6.30 - 7am, having slept all night. That was ok. But waking at least 3 times a!
Madmarilyn madcow1964
madcow1964 Madmarilyn
Or is it here here? You'd think there would be enough female medics of, or over, a certain age, to have brought all these "new" symptoms to wider attention!
Hope you've got a tubular elastic bandage to put on your elbow asap? I picked up golfer's elbow (slightly different place, apparently, and I was thrusting parcels into a springy trolley) at work last November and still know about it if I leave the bandage off for a day!
Yes, I find that the period pain is less severe if I can walk about. I walked the 2.5 miles back home from town the other day and was thrilled to hear the cuckoo again at last - though my poorly foot was agony and burning at the end of it! This time of year, after such a dreary wet winter, is such a balm to the soul! Heard 2 swallows at last the other day, too! Magical!
Sandy07 kate1966
Tracky kate1966
madcow1964 Tracky
Whatever daft thing I do / say, whatever ails me - I have taken to saying "Oh it's just my age!"
Tracky madcow1964
madcow1964 Tracky