Achy muscles???

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I am in the throes of peri and have felt like you-know-what for a year .  Over the past few weeks I've noticed that I am getting a painful achiness in my arms and back...sometimes one or the other or, like this morning both. It occasionally goes to my legs or hands...of course im freaking out that its my heart, but I also get hot flashes....and my heart was cleared last fall.  What's going on???  Just when i start to feel better some other symptom crops up.  My doctor thinks im crazy Im sure.....anyone els experience this??

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi.yes i get it too everything aches and my hands and fingers are still all tge time and go to sleep at night.i went for blood tests and nothing showed up but i know its there!doctors dont understand especially men!...think its quite commen.ive tried devils claw tablets...didnt do much have to say but they do get good them x
  • Posted

    Yes, absolutely.  My pain started with frozen shoulder and included all muscles and ligaments.  Four years later I got into vaginal atrophy and dryness, & painful sex.  I was givnen vaginal Estrace and with two weeks of use, all the pain went away.  For me, this was an estrogen issue.  

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    I think its quite common with the menopause its in the list of symptoms.  With me its more joint paint as well as general aches and pains.. started in my knees and hips but also get it all over. Its all to do with lack of eastrogen. Ive been having peri menopause symptoms for years and it changes from one month to the next depending on what your hormones are doing. PLus the lack of eastrogen affects the brain quite bad so you tend to be more anxious and panicky so helth concerns can become a real issue.  
    • Posted

      Littleme you are so right. Mine is general knee pain, which I attributed to running track, being a cheerleader, and lots of dance classes. But now I have achy shoulders too. We do panic more about our health too. I've gotten better about that but not much lol!

  • Posted

    Thank you ladies!!!  I am really thinking i will never be back to my normal self again!  I have experienced horrible anxiety and panic attacks and those have subsided only to be replaced with the muscle aches....this morning it was the right arm and mid back...yesterday the left arm and hip. and back....sooooo ready to be done with this.  Here in the US they are very anti-hormone replacement.  Im starting to think that is what I need....
  • Posted

    I'm so sorry you're going through this. I just recently had my annual physical and at the end of it I started Dr was in shock. She said "you were so calm and it seemed like everything was going great..."

    It's not. I cry every other day. Around 3:00 every afternoon it's like an overwhelming sadness engulfs me. I hate noise, I hate people talking and laughing around me. My co-workers probably think I'm a Grinch.

    I never wanted to be this woman.

    I'm forever apologizing to my husband for being bitchy all the time.

    My whole body hurts, I can't sleep, I'm dizzy, it hurts to have sex,.

    I get up in the Morning and go for a short walk now to clear my head. I read in my spare time. I'll go to our spare bedroom and cry when I feel like it. I take really long hot baths in candle light. I take time for me. It helps a little.

    My Dr wants me to start taking Sertraline? I guess it's like zanax....I am hesitant about taking any drugs...not sure if I will.

    We are all here to listen. Hang in there. Make sure you talk. Don't be ashamed of what youre going through. There's millions of us just like you?

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