Achy muscles

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lately I have had really achy calf muscles most of the day and my thighs and now I seem to have achy muscles in the back of my arms too! Anyone else get this?

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    I have it in my ankles, wrist, and sometimes upper leg, some days I can't even wear high heels, but flat shoes makes if worse.. 
  • Posted

    My guess is its due to estrogen falling. I hate This. My body aches constantly
  • Posted

    Hi Ruth, I have the same going on at this time. Wonder what's next... Something new every day.... It's been on for 4 days now. 😊 along with pins and needles sensation which is related to the nervous system so vitamin b Neurobin is what am taking and some o try her pills prescribed by a neurologist which seems to be working. I started taking a vitamin supply for menaposal changes and taking calcium. Stretching and massage feels good too. Hold on! X
  • Posted

    I had a stage where my muscles in my upper arms ached like i had done a workout. It happened on and off and didnt correspond with physical activity. That went but now I get achy ribs and shoulders. Somedays I feel like I have been in an accident. Doctors have no usual....i even saw a rheumatologist as the doctor suspected fibro or an arthritic condition. I am so sick and tired of feeling sick and tired!
  • Posted

    HI Ruth yes I get this as well. I'm spraying with a magnesium spray every day and that has helped loads
    • Posted

      That's sounds good where do you get the spray from?
    • Posted

      Hi Ruth the spray is from Holland and Barrett health food shop. I guess Amazon would sell it as well. It stings s bit but that tells you your body had not got enough magnesium in it. Spray it on the bits that hurt

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