Achy THROBBING hands!!!!!!!! :( :(

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Hi Ladies,

I know I read that one of the symptoms of Peri-Menopause, is Joint Pain! (Ugggggh!) Is anyone experience 'HAND' pain?  I'm sure if I call my GP she will jus' chalk it up as arthritis and prescribe some 'pill'...  feels as if my hands were out in the cold and are now thrawing out.. OUCH! ;(

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    There are  other things to take which are more natural and healthful.  Explore those.  Also rexamine your diet.
    • Posted


      I have REALLY cleaned up my diet from where it use to be (still room for improvement though neutral)  No sodas, No salt, Not a smoker, Try to eat vegetables/fruit in my daily intake.  I'm a pretty positive person, don't stress too much (well, I try not to)

      Are you in Peri/Post-Menopause.. Anythin in particular you are using?Thanks for responding ; -)

  • Posted

    Hi FthB, you get all sorts of pains with meno knee pains, hip pains, joint pains legs pains all to do with your bones and ligaments...menopause touches every single cell in the body...does it not make you feel old 

    I have up my greens fish milk 

    but I'm much better then I was a couple years ago when everything was hitting me left right and centre 

    still can't deal with sick people it scares me gives me Anixety sometimes...not a cruel way though because they are sick just at the moment can't deal with things.

    • Posted

      What in the world is greens fish milk?
    • Posted


      Gyrl you are absolutely right! (ALL sorts of pains)eek  I feel like out'ta no where I've turned into an OLD person Lol!  I havta fight with myself just to keep moving..

      I have just started with the FISH, GREENS in my diet but I'm not feeling the benefits of them just yet. I think maybe this is why my hands are aching so bad and I don't even want to move them.

      So glad that you are doing better! I just refuse to give in and let these Menopausal Symptoms win and take over my life completely!  You ladies definitely offer support and comfort! (hugggggz)confused

  • Posted

    Does it feel stiff or tight any? Mines all in my finger now for 16 days feels tight , stiff , feel swollen even though its not to the eye 
    • Posted

      Crosado, No my hands are not stiff. The feeling is more like when you have been out in the snowy weather too long and your hands get wet/cold, then you come inside and as they warm up... they start throbbing and achingeekeek.

    • Posted

      Okay so is it like tingling slight numbing feeling ?  OR more burning stinging from hot to cold w/the achy throbbing ;-)  
  • Posted

    Yes!  It lasted about 6 months off and on.  It felt like arthritis and I couldn't even open water bottles or anything with a small lid.  It is a weird symptom, but it has passed, thank good ness, lol

    • Posted

      Hi, do any of you get menstrual type pelvic and lower back pain without the period? I have had that for about 3 weeks. I'm also incredibly bloated and windy!

    • Posted

      OhMyyy 6months... I was thinking maybe a few days and it would pass.  Yes, my hands are too sore to twist open tops for sure.  Feels like I've strained every muscle in my hand carrying 'too heavy' luggage or weights (just painful!!!) & very weird.  Glad this has passed for you- ; -)

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