Advice on dealing with Heart Palps. Help !

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Hiya ladies I have had mild heart pulps and "clunky" heart feelings for about a month now. Initially my doc said it was triggered by caffeine. So I cut this out (except for tea) yet it still happens. Some days worse than others but last night I woke at 4am and just led there terrified of the clunky jumpy feelings I was getting. Sleep deprived today I am now panicking as its still going on intermittently.

I try to take a deep breath and reassure myself that it's peri related but anxiety then feeds and enhances other pains that I am paranoid I'm having a mild heart attack!

I have a busy day at work with various meetings to attend and these issues scare me so much it knocks my confidence as my mind just cannot think of anything other than these feelings. I could cry I am so scared at times.

Can any ladies out there suffering with this too offer any coping methods?

I am back at my docs on 25th April (it's the earliest appointment I could get!!) but any help in the meantime very gratefully received!!! Thank you xxx

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21 Replies

  • Posted

    From my understanding tea has a bit more caffeine than coffee I have this I still drink my coffee just not as much I'm gonna learn to get away from it because it also kicks my anxiety up grrrr just love it though WHY is this menopause so ruff
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    Hi Louise. You need to go to decaff tea too. I can't touch caffeine in either coffee or tea now. I get terrible panic attacks and racing heart, etc. I thought tea would be safe but it isn't. Decaff tastes just the same to me anyway. Palpitations and flutters, along with the other symptoms terrify me. I try to be rational but I just want to freak out. I also now take starflower oil everyday along with B6 and B12. You might want to try something similar yourself to help keep them at bay, fingers crossed it is helping me. 

    Anxiety will make you feel worse so try to be calm. I know it's hard, believe me. I've tried coughing and deep breathing but it doesn't help, although it does relax you when you control your breathing. I hope you get it sorted soon. Good luck xx. 

  • Posted

    If this makes you feel better, I was having the heart palpitations, and nasty chest pain this morning. I was scheduled to do a pre-op appointment today at the hospital which included an EKG. The whole time I was there, I was having the chest pains but EKG showed normal. Thank God. It must be the peri and anxiety acting up. I was so worried they were going to tell me something was wrong! And I dont drink any caffeine whatsoever and still get this regularly.
    • Posted

      I was diagnosed as having an lower ventricular ectopic heartbeat two months ago. A 24hr heart monitor and egg.  After suffering palpitations and missing heartbeats. An extra heartbeat followed by a pause.  It's harmless apparently,  though very distressing. Another symptom of menopause! Can be made worse by caffeine, alcohol and nicotine. I now have decaf tea and coffee and dilute wine with soda. I feel better in a way as it was causing me anxiety not knowing if it was serious 
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      It is very alarming and downright frightening when you think something is going on with your heart. I wish I had an EKG machine at home to check it when I get these awful symptoms.
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      Wow really? What s relief though to know you are ok! Hopefully mine is peri related rather than anything nasty. Thanks for your reply Hun and I'm glad your EKG was ok. Take care xxxx
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      Your welcome. Yes, just wanted to share. I really thought something was going on with my heart this morning. Its horrible what anxiety will do to a person.
    • Posted

      Yeah that sounds exactly what I get although without the pains (thank goodness!). It's the pause that scares me too. I have cut out coffee but maybe tea has to go too.? So glad your tests were ok love. Thank u for your reply -it really has helped. I'll double check with my doc at my next appointment. Thanks hunni big hugs xxxx
    • Posted

      Thank you xxxx yeah, Anxiety really is truly dreadful. I chatted to my mum and she gets it really badly too although she had her menopause along while ago now.

      Heart issues are so worrying - it just seems one thing after another with this peri!!!

      Take care hunni thinking of you xx

    • Posted

      Aww I'll join you with my prayers too. That kind thought will genuinely help me snowbell. Faith and prayers have helped me though several very hard times and I did t think to ask for help with this. I sometimes feel a bit selfish if I ask for myself -do you know what I mean?

      Thank you again - your kind words have made my day. God bless xxxx

    • Posted

      Faith and God is the only thing I can count on when these peri symptoms rear their ugly head. The fear just paralyzes me at times that I break down sobbing. Im probably the biggest baby going thru this.
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      Yeah I know and completely understand. I have had to remove myself from many situations so I can have a "private little cry". I don't think you are a baby at all hunni. It's difficult getting through this .....but we will. I try to imagine The tears are little crystals of anxiety and worry leaving me, as I always feel better after a cry.

      Some days are ok but some days are trickier but over all we are doing a great job coping with all this as well as everything else life brings us. Great thing is we are doing it all together. Bit of girl power never hurt anyone - go us peri-ladies eh?! !

      God bless hunni hope you have a relaxing and stress free evening . Hugs xxxxx

  • Posted

    i've had this and it's awful.  I cut out caffeinated tea, and now just have decaff.  try that.  Also it took several doctors to convince me that it wasnt heart related and that palps although disturbing are rarely dangerous.  It is hormones, as mine have settled down.  I take vitamin D3 which seems to help and also, some antacid for stomach as sometimes stomach can cause the palps.  try these things and deep breathing helps and also  rescue remedy, a few drops on your tongue to calm the anxiety.
    • Posted

      Pop the dreaded hormones again. Ok I'll definitely stock up on caffeine free tea and maybe have more water too. I've heard rescue remedy is good. I'll see if I can get some tomorrow -thanks. Great advice thanks so much love xxxx
    • Posted

      Sorry about the typo earlier !! I don't know why it came out as "Pop the dreaded hormones......" -lol 😀
    • Posted

      yep the dreaded hormones, pretending to be something serious! just to add to our troubles, grrrr.  try the drops, they are great for stopping the anxiety that goes with it!   take care xx
    • Posted

      what was it supposed to be?  thought it sounded good, 'pop the dreaded hormones'  has a ring to it   lol


    • Posted

      It was meant to say "Not the dreaded hormones...." But I think I prefer pop now! LOL 💕💕😀 will get some remedy tomorrow. Thanks Hun xxxx

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