Advice on dealing with Heart Palps. Help !
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Hiya ladies I have had mild heart pulps and "clunky" heart feelings for about a month now. Initially my doc said it was triggered by caffeine. So I cut this out (except for tea) yet it still happens. Some days worse than others but last night I woke at 4am and just led there terrified of the clunky jumpy feelings I was getting. Sleep deprived today I am now panicking as its still going on intermittently.
I try to take a deep breath and reassure myself that it's peri related but anxiety then feeds and enhances other pains that I am paranoid I'm having a mild heart attack!
I have a busy day at work with various meetings to attend and these issues scare me so much it knocks my confidence as my mind just cannot think of anything other than these feelings. I could cry I am so scared at times.
Can any ladies out there suffering with this too offer any coping methods?
I am back at my docs on 25th April (it's the earliest appointment I could get!!) but any help in the meantime very gratefully received!!! Thank you xxx
1 like, 21 replies
monique_93857 louise25018
BugglyBot louise25018
Anxiety will make you feel worse so try to be calm. I know it's hard, believe me. I've tried coughing and deep breathing but it doesn't help, although it does relax you when you control your breathing. I hope you get it sorted soon. Good luck xx.
Snowbell1975 louise25018
maisie05 Snowbell1975
Snowbell1975 maisie05
louise25018 Snowbell1975
Snowbell1975 louise25018
louise25018 maisie05
louise25018 Snowbell1975
Heart issues are so worrying - it just seems one thing after another with this peri!!!
Take care hunni thinking of you xx
Snowbell1975 louise25018
louise25018 Snowbell1975
Thank you again - your kind words have made my day. God bless xxxx
Snowbell1975 louise25018
louise25018 Snowbell1975
Some days are ok but some days are trickier but over all we are doing a great job coping with all this as well as everything else life brings us. Great thing is we are doing it all together. Bit of girl power never hurt anyone - go us peri-ladies eh?! !
God bless hunni hope you have a relaxing and stress free evening . Hugs xxxxx
Snowbell1975 louise25018
metamorphed louise25018
louise25018 metamorphed
louise25018 metamorphed
metamorphed louise25018
metamorphed louise25018
louise25018 metamorphed