Advice on the beginning of menopause
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Hello, I'm looking for some advice, i'm going out of my mind. Please dont judge I'm 26, yes I know that seems too young to some, however for the past 5 years I've suffered with hot sweats! my periods have usually been around the same time and between 5-7 days ... in may, june and july my period lasted for 3 days, in august it lasted 2 days september was 1 day .. My body aches, constant hot sweats, no sex drive and painful sex (when it happens lol) ... Does any of this sound familiar or am I worrying for nothing ?
Thank you in advance 😃 x
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sakura26 tanya10818
Hi, have you seen an OBYGN? 26 does seem crazy young for menopause. But some people do go through it early. However the earliest I've heard of is 36. But you could also have some sort of other hormonal imbalance that's causing the symptoms. I once stopped getting my period for months in my 20s and it turned out I just had low progesterone and was fine and just a bit too think. Either way I would see a doctor asap so you can find out what's going on and hopefully feel better!
Guest tanya10818
Hi Tanya,
We never judge here, except sometimes when a guy comments lol! (OK, that's me, not the whole group).
I think you should talk to your GYN as well, maybe get your thyroid tested too. Have you tried going on the bcp to see if that levels things out for you? It might be something like that to help keep you regular.
The symptoms seem very much like perimeno that many of us experience. EBV infections are also at the root of younger women experiencing early perimenopause. Did you have a particularly bad case of mono as a teen? You could get that checked to see if you are maybe experiencing a reactivation of the virus.
Sorry you are going thru all this. But we are all here for you.
tanya10818 Guest
Thank you for getting back to me, I've had bloodwork done and theres no signs of any infections or inflammation or any illnesses they also checked my hormones and they all seem to be fine. majority of the symptoms I have and I'm worried as I would like to have 1 more child. I'm more scared of going to doctors and them investigating and them saying those words! .. The only other thing I can think of is my smear test come back CIN 1 server and I'm due to have another smear in February I think, but surely if there was something wrong there I would bleed more often ?
Sassyr12a tanya10818
Hi tania
All sounds familiar to me. I have primary ovarian failure so suffered from symptoms since I was 16, so I never rule anything out based on age.... Everyone is different, and only you know what is 'normal' for you. I'd see your doctor and get them to check it out and font take no for an answer! Best of luck xx
Kadija1966 tanya10818
I know one lady she had menopause at 27years old. Luckily she already had two children.
rachel54558 tanya10818
you should go see a doctor. i am 28 and have POF (premature ovarian failure) . it basically early menopause. it really need to blood test done and professional advice from your doctor. my started with odd periods and hot flushes and night sweats. i should also it could just be stress or vitamin deficiency but you really need to check with a doctor.
tanya10818 rachel54558
Hey, Ive had bloods done for hormones, ovaries and vitamin and everything come back normal. The only thing thats not normal is my last smear test was CIN1 Server, im due to have another smear done in febuary, surely if there was something wrong there i would bleed more.
Sassyr12a rachel54558
Rachel!! You have POF too.... Don't think I've found anyone else with it though I'm 44. I'd love to DM if poss? Xx
rachel54558 Sassyr12a
you can DM . i also never meant anyone else
rachel54558 tanya10818
you may want to consider speaking to a specialist. i personally had to push quite hard for my GP to recomend me to a specialist. The specialist took one look at my bloods and other results and new exactly what it was. I know very little about smear test to be honest. i personally have been doing more research on my POF. Also i been told by my specialist one blood test is not enough as hormones varies though the month . Hope this helps .