Advice please! tell me what to expect

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Hi Everyone,

I posted a few days ago regarding a slight amount of pink dishcharge I have happened twice a couple of weeks ago and has not happened since. I am visiting my GP tomorrow to discuss this and I am absolutely terrified...what can I expect from this visit and possible hospital referral..which tests etc...could anyone who has been through this problem help please

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    I've experience spots of blood went to doctors who fast track me to city hospital for scan and bloods and biospy all was OK but since had more bleeds like period now having hormone tests please try not to worry easyier said I no I was scared it's the unknown we worry about xx

  • Posted

    Always good to get checked to rule out all the bad stuff, but it is not uncommon for women to have some spotting and even a period after menopause. It may even be that you ovulated and had some spitting with that. Some poor women even get pregnant during menopause because of this.😁 Hence the term change of life baby. My mother in law who is 70 recently had 2 periods in consecutive months! She also was seen by MD and all is ok, but scary non the less.

  • Posted

    I remember this happening to me also at the beginning of menopause I do not think you have anything to worry about
  • Posted

    Hi Everyone, Thank you for your comments...getting really wound up about this. I also forgot to mention I am 5 years with no period
    • Posted

      Hi Wainright22, please keep us posted on your Dr. visit.  I have a ultrasound tomorrow about the same issues.   Will be praying for you.....GOD Bless
    • Posted

      Hi c02706,

      Thank you for your message, I am dreading going to be honest, already had several health issues this year and cannot take much more of it...anxiety is through the roof. Wishing you well for tomorrow

    • Posted

      Hi C02706, I know how you feel, I went thru several health scares 2 yrs ago, you will be FINE...sometimes we dont know how strong we are until the storm we are in has calmed.  I will keep you lifted up in prayer.  Do you have any test scheduled? 
  • Posted

    Hello Wainright22, how are you doing.  I finally got my test results back and THANK the LORD GOD all was good.  I do have a polyp that may be causing the bleeding but the polyp is not "c".  He said just to keep an eye out and repeat my paps. How are things going with you???

    • Posted

      Hi c02706, So pleased to hear your news and all is well. I am off for my ultrasound in the morning, it has taken 3 weeks to get the appointment, Will check back here and let you all know how it has gone. 

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