Advice pls
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Ok please give me your thoughts
I am a 47 year old Male and sex drive has gone down over the years weight has gone up and most of the other things associated with the menopause has happened including a feeling of self confidence
I have somehow managed to hide this from my wife for the last 2 1/2 years recently came to light in the bedroom not manage anything at all came out she was angry that I liked her for such a long time which I can understand I explain to her it was hard and frightening for me to try and come to explain this as I don’t feel like a man any more as you ladies have been thought this or are going through this can you please give me some advise as she now saying devorice and I do truly love her she thinks it is a reflection on how I am sexually attracted to her I have told her repeatedly in all the size and shapes she says she has been I have truly never seen anything but her and have always wanted her At all times I am going to Sexual psychotherapy and to an endocrinologist to get testosterone replacement therapy
Many thanks for any help and advice
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pinkcatfairy Ashamed30829
I can totally relate to what you are going through, I am 54 and my husband is 53 (or 2) I have lost count! I menopause and I truly believe my husband has had menopausal symptoms in the last few years. Like you he lost his libido (probably when I was about 50) I noticed that he disnt want physical contact so much with me. He has always had quite a high sex drive so for him to cool off from me made me feel like he had gone off me and perhaps there was someone else! I myself have never really had a high sex drive but I missed the physical contact and closeness. He too had gained abit of weight and lost his confidence at work (it didnt help he had to go to another job he hates after being made redundant). It has taken me some time to accept that our physical relationship isnt quite as it was and that im not to blame because he doesnt want to be physical as much
I dont know what advice to give but I just wanted you to know that you arent alone in feeling this way. Sadly we are just in this hole at the moment where we arent really physical. I did try in the past to take the lead but felt rejected when my husband didnt really respond and he would blame his weight or something..
Ashamed30829 pinkcatfairy
Ashamed30829 pinkcatfairy
pinkcatfairy Ashamed30829
Ashamed30829 pinkcatfairy
Weight gain
Can’t sleep well
No energy
A Erection is let’s say at half mast
I used to have a body that was well muscled and easy to maintain that has just gone in 5 years
I have all the text book Symptoms more or less
But most worrisome is the lack of self confidence I look at every other man I think they are better than me that my wife would rather be with them than me I know this is my problem but I can’t shake it
I hope this helps your husband don’t be ashamed us men hold to much in it 90% of our problem but it easy said than done please surport him as I don’t feel my wife Surport’s me but I have lied for 2 and half years
Ashamed30829 pinkcatfairy
I hope the hrt for a man works well as I would love to be back to half my function
nancy0925 Ashamed30829
My husband is 54 and his libido has dropped and he gained weight too. His started when Inwas going through my worse symptoms. My libido dropped and he said he just stopped caring about sex because I didn’t care about it. He’s faithful and we have a good marriage but we talked about it and that helped. You may want to get a physical though, sometimes it can be a sign of diabetes. Men should have a forum too, I am sure you have changes you go through as well. Good luck to you!
Eliaimee1970 Ashamed30829
I’m 48 female and my husband is 39 and I’m Beginning to lose some libido . All I can say is talk to your wife and reassure her that’s is not her and you are going to see a doctor and include her all aspect in your life and hope she will understand. Just keep going to your doctors. Hugs and we are here
lynda20916 Ashamed30829
There is no reason to be ashamed. Your wife, on the other hand, is acting like a self-centered child, and seeing what you are going through only in terms of herself. If anyone needs therapy, it's her.
Keep up the treatment and the psychotherapy. I know you love her, but as you start feeling better about yourself, you might see her behavior in a different light. Best of luck to you! xx
Ashamed30829 lynda20916
lynda20916 Ashamed30829
I'm glad they helped. Please remember that men have a massive amount of testosterone compared to women! If you have low testosterone, you will suffer from a lack of self-confidence, and even depression, that's not necessarily because you have mental problems.
I suggest you do some research about low testosterone yourself. Knowledge is power, and you need to be able to collaborate with your doctor in your treatment, not just open your mouth and let him pop in a pill. You need to explore the side effects of taking testosterone supplements and determine if taking the drug is worth the risks to your health. xx
kelly55079 Ashamed30829
Yes, just carry on and continue to talk with her. We are all aging and it's a process. You can also talk with a therapist about this and they would help you to get your self-esteem back. Try to do something for yourself that makes you feel good-- hobbies? We have all gained weight and I know it's tough and you mentioned you lost all your muscles.. You can slowly get back into it if you want to. I enjoy swimming and walking. No need to feel ashamed just do what you need to to take care of yourself!! When I was younger, I never thought I would have any of the 'older people' issues but here I am. I do my best to research and find a solution or something that helps. This is all we can do to live a happy and healthy life.