advise on peri menapause

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im new to the group and could do with some advice ..

im 45 yrs old in 6 weeks and for the last 7  months iv had night  sweats and i mean nights sweats also palpatations ...

in jan i had 2 periods which has never happened before ..

been to see the nurse today and although shes sending me for blood test she reckons im to young for menapause and said good news youre up to date with your smears ..

iv lefy feeling worriied ????? 

i have 5 children ages 25 25 9 7 year old twins ..

amy advice would be great 

thankyou for reading 


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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Lisa,

    No worries, your periods will become irregular and you will have night sweats, palpitations to name a few during perimenopause.  Annoying as they are, and exhausting as it can be not getting enough sleep and ignoring all the symptoms your body will be going through due to your fluctuating hormones, try not to feed into the anxiety.  VERY DIFFICULT for some of us.  I was prescribed a BC pill that leveled me out through that time and I never felt better, I transitioned to HRT once I did not get a period after 1 year.  That was 9 years ago, I since have been weaning off the HRT very very very slowly to see if I will be ok without them, if not I will remain on the HRT.  Quality of life vs Quantity.  Talk to your doctor and see what you may have available to help you through this time.  No need to suffer.  Best of luck to you, this is a great forum, many ladies share their exeriences and suggestions.  Everyone is different in how to deal with it, but we all have shared these symptoms.  xo

  • Posted

    Hi Lisa,

    It sounds like you are in peri and they can test for it.

    I don't know why they some times fob you off with that it can't be menopause stuff.

    This is exactly the reason I thought all my symptoms were something awful going on as I was not expecting to have menopause symptoms until my periods had actually stopped.

    Read this site and others and you will find nearly all the weird symptoms you are getting are related to perimenopause.

    Mine began at 41 I had my last period at 52.

    • Posted

      HI ZIgangie and Loretta 

      i feel a little better reading posts on this site ...

      i really thought the worst leaving the nurse today ..

      hopefully Tuesday i get some answers , she seemed to think thyroid trouble are even worse ....

      yet every post on here definatley points to peri menapause ,

      i feel a little better cant wait til i get the results to clear this uncertainty away 

      kind regards x

  • Posted

    Omg how annoying your not too young see that's what aggravates me! Peri menopause can start in your thirties in my opinion no one is too young! And the other thing if your bloodwork comes back normal then they really say nope it isn't peri wage in all reality your hormones fluctuate all month long so maybe that one day it was and then maybe the next week it will be abnormal so frustrating I tell ya! Keep us posted
  • Posted

    Hi lisa , i was suffering for years with trembles , anxiety  night and day sweats and many more things and at my witts end i have disabled daughter and 2 boys all grown up now thank god i was 36 when this all started i am now 53 in 1 month ......... this is what i do i found it works for me...... most of my problems have calmed down and i can now work 2 days a week ... ladycare magnet in nickers day and night...poor husband but hay ho  get from boots, lloyds any chemist for sweats....starflower oil 1000mg natures best calms system down takes about 2 weeks to start working ....bachs rescure remedy pastels to take everywhere boy do these help when anxiety is bad in shops i take one as i walk in calms the fear enough for you to do the shopping i pop them in as i walk round sometimes works for me.....camomile tea about half hr before bed the rescue remedy when im having a wash then when gone brush teeth ....this weather hot water bottle makes me snug ,i really hope this all helps you what have you got to loose please try these quite a few ladies on here swear by rescue remedy all you can do is try good luck let us all know how you get on bless you
  • Posted

    It sounds like start of menopause to me. I didnt have any test to tell me i was in it. You will know in yourself that things are different and changing x

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