After Period Blahs
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Hi lovely ladies! I pretty much have my peri symptoms all the time, but I tend to feel worse toward the end and after my period. I feel extra exhausted, extra extra anxious, headaches, more emotional, edgy, and just not feeling well (like I am getting sick) Do any of you get this? I do pretty much go into my ovulation time after my period, and am wondering if there is a connection. Darn hormones 😃
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hopeforever laurie19311
Hello laurie i am going through this right now. I finished my period yesterday and today is pure hell. Anxiety, breathing, anxious, right stiff neck, ear feeling funny, I too felt like i was feeling sick then quickly took a emergenc C . I noticed that a week before my period and a week after are times my symptoms are at their worst. You are not alone praying for you.
laurie19311 hopeforever
Thank you! I try to be really strong going through this, but just feeling a bit discouraged and beat down. Thank you for making me feel less alone! Praying for us all!
jamie37119 laurie19311
Absolutely relate.... for me it was the week before my period that I would feel at my worst, achy, daily hot flashes, headaches, just feeling off, all the time. I found it would ease off by the last day or two of my irregular period. This has just upped its antics and decided that it would get worse at the end of my period and from then on. Ovulation I am pretty much doing that as soon as I end a period as well. I just feel sore, tired, irritable (cranky all the time) and the so called hot flashes do my head in. I just wish they were the textbook ones of feeling hot and sweating, no I have to have the irregular heartbeat, it almost feels like I am being pulled from the inside, and pain gets worse, headache comes on, and sometimes short of breath too...then after this happening on and off for about half hour, I am ok...well back to my cranky achy, sickly feeling self again.
laurie19311 jamie37119
So frustrating, isn't it? Just when I get 'used' to feeling one way, something else throws me a curve-ball! Day 3 of feeling like this and just want to feel better! I am in my blue period on my app. I feel like it goes on forever. I have no patience, lol! I also get the irregular heartbeats with mine. It goes along with flushed face and ears. Also not fun, lol! Us crankies unite!!