Age symptoms started

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Can I ask what age your  perimenopause symptoms started and how old you are now?

I believe mine started about 6 years ago and I am 48 next month, hopefully I’m getting closer to menopause and can see a light at the end of this soul destroying tunnel x

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Caroline, looking back i would say around 45. Periods i have tracked for years were all over the place. Missed my first period at 50. Anxiety became worse and started having not flashes and night sweats. I still go two to three months without a period. I have had painful periods most of my life and couldn't wait for them to stop,but I didn't expect to go through this.

    • Posted

      Hi Michelle, I’ve missed one period and mine are now between every 18/22/26/39 days I never know where I am with them on the plus side they seem to be getting lighter over the past year, it’s so frustrating not knowing where you are in this process. x
    • Posted

      If it's any help, my periods got lighter over the last year, and I have not had one since February. I'm 47 and my symptoms probably started in my late 30s.

  • Posted

    Last year for me at 40.  However, I suspect maybe sooner.  I was on oral BCP for 20 yrs, masking symptoms.  when I stopped last year...all hell broke loose. Last 6months the worst. I am 41 now.  Periods all ovet, fatigue, dizzy, anxiety.  Long road ahead.  I hope your almost at the end! 😊

  • Posted

    I believe my peri symptoms started around age 44-45. They have only been really bad the last 2 years and I'm now 50. My periods are still very regular which is weird since I spent from age 24 to age 40 only having 1 or 2 periods a year. Didn't effect me much except made it difficult to determine when I got pregnant since they could not go by my last period. I had 6 children between age 29 and 40. My last was born at 40. After I had him my periods became regular every month. The last 2 years I had horrible anxiety and panic attacks. It was getting to the point where I was barely functioning. I had chest/ rib pain, joint pain, headaches, dizzy, nauseous, burning pain in my chest. Weird icy hot feeling in my arms and torso. Neck pain, shoulder pain. Had a full cardiac work up, endoscopy, ct scans, x rays, MRIs , blood tests, everything came back normal and Drs determined i had costochondritis more than likely caused by anxiety. I tried zoloft but had horrible side effects and could deal with them . So I stopped it . Finally a couple months later I tried lexapro 5mg and it worked. The side effects were mild and went away completely after 3 months on lexapro. Once my anxiety and panic attacks were under control it was much easier to deal with the other peri symptoms and I'm feeling much better. Hang in there!

    • Posted

      Hi Cyndi all the symptoms you are describing I have , each week is different some days I wake up and say bring it on, what’s happening today . The worst thing has to be the anxiety /panic attacks . Glad your feeling better . What is the medication you now take ? 💕

    • Posted

      I'm on 5mg of lexapro. I take b-12, d3,fish oil and vitamin c. The lexapro really helped with anxiety and panic attacks , though did take 3 months to fully kick in. Ive been on lexapro for 7 months now. In the beginning i also took xanax .5 mg to help me sleep or if i had a really tough day. Now i dont take the xanax at all.

  • Posted

    Looking back and knowing what I have learned recently, about 5 years ago. I am 50 in December. No period since October of last year.
  • Posted

    Nos I am 55, and my peri started ten years ago with migraines, fatigue, sweating. My periods were relatively normal, but turned to be really heavy and prolonged. The worst time came from 2014 to 2017. Heavy periods every 20-26 days. However I missed some months. I still have periods, very irregular, any time between 16 to 45 days. They are lighter. As for psychological side of peri, I have mild symptoms of depression , anxiety, lower self esteem, etc. 

  • Posted

    I believe mine started at 41 I completely lost it . Had no control over my mind agoraphobia panic dizzy . I still got my periods regularly so had no clue it was Peri thought it was PTSD after a bad accident . I leveled out after months of insanity .... but the panic anxiety never left me . Now I’m 51 and going through it all again but now the fatigue depression is worse . 
  • Posted

    Mine stated 5 yrs ago. My only symptom for 4 years was missed periods. I'd have a period, then skip 2 months, have a period, skip two months... so even my missed periods had a pattern! I didn't think anything of it and was fine in all other aspects. Then last July it all hit the perimeno fan and I've been dealing off and on with different symptoms. I haven't had a period in 10 months and even though I still don't feel like myself, I'm getting better. Hopefully, this will all end when my hormones level out once I'm in menopause!  

  • Posted

    I believe mine started around a year and a half ago... November 2016 to be precise!

    I was 41 and am now 43.

    I actually think some of my symptoms started in my late 30's.

    I hadn't even heard of Perimenopause until last year, and didn't equate any of my symptoms to it until then.

    How bad is that? Just goes to show that there is definitely a lack of information out there, which in turn affects our lack of knowledge...

    How awful is that in this day and age??!

    Thank goodness for sights like this!

  • Posted

    I’m 48 too! Looking back i think I’ve been experiencing peri symptoms since i was 44, but this past year has been the worst with the anxiety. 
  • Posted

    Im pretty sure I started at 40, I'm now 46. I had a really bad anxiety, mood swings and very low moods the first 5 years, I have noticed that the last 10 months or so those syptoms have calmed down, they only happen once and awhile now and I still have regular periods, so there is hope it seems to get better.

  • Posted

    20/20 hindsight tells me all the troubling stuff that happened to me at 45 was my peri beginning. Chalked it up to losing my dad..stress. Then lost my job...panic attacks. Went back to work. Symptoms grew. Night panic attacks, plantar fasciitis, torn ligaments, allergies developed, dry eyes, flooding, then no period for 4 months, then a non stop period, then back to once a month...jeez. Breast lumps that were benign but scary til you're sure...oh! Gallbladder removed 2 years ago. Just had hysteroscopy this past Monday.

    I am 59 years old. Hope that doesn't scare anyone. Symptoms are actually a lot less hellish.

    • Posted

      Hi Katy how long did your dry eyes stay with you? Did that symptom ever go away for you? And what did you use that helped if any? I have the dry eyes bad, and I'm pretty sure its contributing to my migraines so ive read, but found no relief as of yet, and its not letting up, so frustrated with this one 😥thanks...

    • Posted

      Hi gypsy 

      There’s a liquid you can buy called ‘opti... something’ it comes in little single use packets . Works great for dry eye. I had that for a while ... drove me crazy .. like I had sand in my eye . 

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