All type of illness

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hi, ladies

I am 50 I started periomenpause three years ago 2016. I can't sleep waking up all through the night skipping heartbeats, the top part my back hurt under my tits I get pain arm hurt. I get dizziness my right cramps to the point it hurt than on top of that I catch a cold it's so hard to get rid of of it. do periomenpause take you through all of this. ladies tell me something.

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    its a nightmare and it just doesnt seemmto stop

  • Posted

    its a nightmare and it just doesnt seemmto stop

  • Posted

    I have been in peri since 45ish 46 and the severe symptoms didn't start until October last year and they came STRONG! Lower back ache, shoulder pain, brain fog with twilight light head feeling, dizziness, knee and joint issues, loss muscle mass, lack of wanting to do things I loved doing, isolation, dark doom thinking, crying, severe health anxiety, nausea, loss of appetite, vision changes, hot flashes, head and ears get hot, depression and the list goes on. With all this going on we seem to think we have every illness around and it's scary. I am now 53 and some of these symptoms have improved so YES! You may experience all types of feelings while we go through this menopause mess. I'm still dealing with some issues and they are stressful! It's like everyday a meno symptom shows up but I just Pray and ask God to please remove the feelings. I take my supplements Vit D, Fish Oil, Magnesium, Meno Cream, Maca and some others I'm sure I have left out. I love this forum which is where I met my good friend Lisa who is going through the same things we are and she knows what she is talking about. She has helped me so much! Hang in there and let's all pray for each other for the good Lord to take us through this craziness. Take Care.

  • Posted

    I am 51, and have had every symptom that Crystal has had. My dr has prescribed Prempro, but Im scared to start it. I have noticed a lot of hair thinning. Its terrible! Sometimes i feel like I have lead in my veins. Too tired to do ANYTHING! I pray it gets better quickly for all of us!

    • Posted

      Hi Amy, It's the most horrible feelings. I just don't understand how hormones can do all of this. My worst and annoying symptom is the head stuff... The light head and twilight feeling that scares the dang crap out of me almost daily since May and the muscle mass loss. All these dang symptoms make all of us have health anxiety and that makes matters worse. If it wasn't for my faith in God and this forum which lets me know I'm not crazy, I don't know how I would handle this. I will continue to pray for you. #menopausesucks

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    I am 53 and having all the same symptoms! also pray to God to take it away!!! hugs ladies xo

    • Posted

      hi, Brittay

      I am in menopause I just I have not seen a period in three years I skipping heartbeats at time my left arm hurt top part my back my sleep is off. sometime I get dizziness vision is crazy. my hair thinning in the front. I am just tired of this crazy stuff some people fly right through menopause my back be stiff some days I don't feel like doing nothing. sometimes I get a burning Sensation in my left side I have ringing in my ears. under my arms sometime feel heavy. I just dont what to do, feel like i going crazy my tits hurt at time. a lady told me it's not good to take HRT.

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