All ways have a cold
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Hi ladies just had my period now I have a cold again , not had one for awhile but the last 2 months had
one after
my period just think things are getting a bit easier it starts up again , also been have a lot of trouble with my eyes
very red and sore flaky skin got some cream form the doctors which has helped
Sorry for the moan
Take care
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Sochima822 paula20385
Maybe you have sinus issues. If it is a cold, wash your hands more often. Colds are caused by contact with the virus, and once they go away, usually don't come back after one month unless your out in public places and not washing your hands. It sounds to me like your immune system is lowered during your period. I usually place a hair dryer on my face and try to keep my body as warm as possible. The cold virus doesn't survive very long in heat. I still suspect it's a sinus issue which you can take otc medicine, like claritin or sudafed or allegra. Keep warm and hope you feel better soon.
paula20385 Sochima822
Hope to feel better soon x
Take care
sophie76397 paula20385
Is it proper cold fluey symptoms? Could it be hay fever? During meno allergy related probs are elevated - i haven't had hay fever for about 7yrs until the last few months and it's particularly bad for everyone this year - it could be that mistaken for a cold perhaps? Anyway I hope you feel better soon
paula20385 sophie76397
The doctors said that hay fever can get worse do take tablets which help
Take care
sophie76397 paula20385
I am taking pills! Poor you - sorry I couldn't have been of some help. Hope you feel better soon
janeymac1965 paula20385
paula20385 janeymac1965
Just the last 2months did not get one so thought that would be it but then they started again
Just got used to having one !
Take care
janeymac1965 paula20385
I found that when the kids were little and In school it happened a lot. Once they got older it started happening a lot less. Now I notice my daughters have the same thing happening to them. My youngest is in high school and my oldest goes to college and works at a grocery store. They are around a lot more germs than I am. I just tell them to wash your hands more often, drink a lot of water, and plenty of sleep.
paula20385 janeymac1965