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Me again. Don't know about anyone else but I think this awful nasty phase should be classed as a proper illness and I think doctors should give us all long term sick notes so we don't have to struggle on working. The last thing we need to worry about is money when we feel so ill all the time. I know it's not much but even a small amount would help so we didn't have to struggle to even get up in the mornings, why are we just expected to struggle on and on its so hard to even open the car door and drive down the road - anyone else ? xx
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gentleballads Fairy28
just like maternity leaves are sanctioned and considered ok we should also be allowed to get paid leave
yesterday i read someone say on fb to get this bill sanctioned in court MLAA - or something....good idea
but which doctor will certify ? and till how long ?
Fairy28 gentleballads
unico31026 Fairy28
Fairy28 unico31026
ellacraig Fairy28
When at 38 I asked my mum (who I never grew up with btw) about menopause and she said to me " Oh yeh I was EASILY started at your age and DONE by 50..." And that HER mum was the same.. I thought "ohhhhhh NOW I KIND OF GET IT..
But then my work mate tells me " oh my best mates wife got diagnosed with menopause at 28!"....,
So yeh... In this toxic world as much as it Should be a recognisable medical condition... Sadly how is it possible?
ellacraig Fairy28
Sadly it's just another thing going against us women
as it is in my country they don't like hiring women with primary school aged children because we are a flight risk.. I was all but told this at the last interview I went too.. The employer said said to me " we generally only hire older people because..." .... Geez Louise I'm only 39, imagine if I threw in " oh btw I'm going through early menopause too"...
Tell you what it ain't easy being a woman as you all know...
Fairy28 ellacraig
metamorphed Fairy28
Women are different and some women have very difficult pregnancies and likewise, some women have very difficult menopause. Yet, a difficult pregnancy will allow time off work and care and attention, which of course it should, but difficult menopause does not get the attention it deserves.
There is not enough known about the physical effects and women should be aware that they may have a difficult time with it and to be prepared.
Perhaps, 'Saving for your Menopause', should replace 'Saving for your Retirement' because the financial cost and financial loss, we are just not prepared for it AT ALL! Thanks Lou for this discussion
Fairy28 metamorphed
jamie50513 metamorphed
metamorphed Fairy28
Zigangie metamorphed
Now this evening cystitis making itself known again. I've been trying to hold it off with cranberry tablets and juice. It doesn't seem to be working though.
jamie50513 metamorphed
metamorphed jamie50513
jamie50513 metamorphed
metamorphed jamie50513