Almost two years with Perimenopause..
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Hi ladys
New to this forum
So far the off balance feeling the inner shaky weird feeling and pain outside the one ear are my symptoms..
It’s hard...
Wish i could have a hot flash instead of these awful stuff..
Has any of you ladies had these symptoms and got help with supplements or remedies??
Thank you??
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MenoPro1970 lilymyl
I have been in peri for about 7 years. Now missing periods up to 8 months, so I suppose, I am getting close to oficial menopause, (hopefully). Out of all symptoms I have had during these years, I never experienced ear pain. I have had an ocassional off balance feeling, (but that is usually only associated to my migraines), but maybe some of the other ladies here might have had a similar experience with symptoms such as yours.. ? Anyway, ear pain associated with off balance feeling and shakiness sounds more like a middle or outer ear infection or some other sort of ear issue. I am no doctor, so it is just my thought, but of course, I may be wrong.. Hopefully you feel better soon and some of the other ladies here can give you more insight on your symptoms.
Louise4586 lilymyl
I have this feeling daily and hardly leave the house.
I am yet to find anyone who has overcome this - maybe they have left the forum after their ordeal has ended. Lots of ladies seem to suffer with this.
I too would trade this feeling for hot flushes as it's the worst.
take care
louise x
lori93950 lilymyl
teri76755 lilymyl
Finny2018 teri76755
I get the inner shaky thing a few days each month before my cycle and my ear ache/jaw ache/clogging/full feeling/blocked Eustachian tube feeling.. is also cyclical....I went to the doctor thinking something must seriously be wrong with my ear ache/jaw ache/clogged ear - mine is on the right side! Then as if checking my ear thoroughly wasn't enough
... I convinced the Dr it was something serious and he agreed to giving me a CT scan - and then that all came out clear. I, along with many of the ladies on here, have been to the dr to run so many tests as I had not yet read the 66 symptoms list - had no idea!
Had a lot of little symptoms that started slowly at 45 but more recently at 49 I've been having a lot!. Like Teri76755, I started logging my symptoms and this has been SO helpful for me as I am starting to notice a lot of patterns with multiple different symptoms I have on the list of 66 - but the jaw hurt/ears clog like so many other things I am experiencing - anxiety, worry, hot flashes, night sweats, palpitations etc - these were all NEW at 49 and started in June.
Hope this helps!
Musicgeekgrl lilymyl
You are not alone. Before June of this year, just two months ago, the only symptoms I had were occasional hot flashes and the lack of a period for a long time (I get it about once a year for the last three years). Now, I have ear pain, pressure, and popping, sinus inflammation, shortness of breath and now renewed asthma that I'd kicked at age 9, dyspepsia, chills, sweats, difficulty getting to sleep and staying asleep all night, stress, dizziness, anxiety, paranoia, sore legs, bloating, etc. Doctors say after many tests that I'm otherwise normal. I'm considering bio-identical hormone replacement therapy but only if its plant based and affordable. It's rough being like this. I've been taking supplements daily for two years. They are black cohosh, vitex, soy isoflavones, omega-3 fish oil, B-6, B-12, D (just started that one), and a women's daily. They help with the hot flashes and libido. The other symptoms require an inhaler, antacid, acid reflux pill, and Flonase for my sinuses. It's expensive, this!
lori93950 Musicgeekgrl
Yes I’m on BHRT takes a while to kick in but helps with the panic dizziness etc.