along with the body pain I also have severe mood swings. I get very angry. Does anyone else have this as well?
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Posted , 11 users are following.
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ipxy97873 debbie58470
madcow1964 debbie58470
I am 49 and still pretty much regular as clockwork, apart from one period last year being 3 weeks late.
Last September I had to see my doctor after getting what I'd term as DMT not PMT - During not Pre! The day my period started I was weepy and I found myself crying at the drop of a hat all day every day for 5 days. I was paranoid, uptight, unreasonable etc...and it was so bad that a friend who never takes tablets for anything unless it's antibiotics actively encouraged me to get antedepressants asap! I was prescribed Fluoxetene to take for so many days each month but I was horrified to discover it's another name for prozac so I only took 3 days worth, until I felt better.
That aside, I am finding that PMT and into the period can be horrendous! If I'm not weepy I am angry - furiously so! Luckily It's pretty much all directed at myself, particularly during the episodes of brain fog and forgetfulness! However, no-one who knows me would have recognised the harridan who stormed across the garden to shout at someone in a neighbouring garden (of a house where no-one lives at the moment) who had set yet another bonfire to clear their DIY waste, because I had washing out! As soon as I saw smoke and flames through the window I saw red and just acted on instinct! It took me ages to calm down afterwards!
But that is how the perimenopause is affecting me - dreadful mood swings and brain fog - and now insomnia! I have noticed my moods improve, along with my energy levels, as soon as my period finishes, but these restless nights have only been going on for 2 weeks and I haven't discovered a solution yet. I seem to wake up feeling battered and bruised, too, at the moment!
So you are by no means alone! We go through life hearing about hot flushes and loss of libido, etc, but they never tell you about the other crazy symptoms! When I was a teenager, a lad at school lost his mum when she committed suicide during "the change" - I can understand the triggers now!
debbie58470 madcow1964
scrangelina debbie58470
I stormed out trying to slam the door, but it was one of the slow, controlled close doors, so that didn't have the dramatic impact I'd hoped for. When I got home I burst into tears then rang the Post Office head office to complain about him WHILE STILL CRYING. The woman must have had me pegged as menopausal from the outset.
How I'm going to handle collecting my Amazon packages from now on is anybody's guess.
debbie58470 scrangelina
aussie_rach scrangelina
madcow1964 aussie_rach
Had an Indian lady - "Alice" (yeah right!) - on the phone this morning, wanting to do a "quick survey" . Just over a week ago I would've bitten off her head - today I calmly, and without thinking, said "I'm not interested in doing any surveys thank you" and hung up. My hubby nearly passed out - he didn't know I could be polite to Indian call centres!! We all seem to become Jekyl and Hyde creatures every month!
aussie_rach madcow1964
scrangelina debbie58470
madcow1964 scrangelina
My mum once asked me (during my "normal" PMT years) if I felt like an overwound clock spring? That was the perfect description! However, that clockspring could only take so much overwinding and just keeps snapping these days! Woe betide any hapless callcentre employees ringing when I'm busy (usually during Neighbours!), particularly the Indian ones who plough through their spiel and rarely take no for an answer!
I was brought up to be polite and still feel awful being rude, BUT! One day I just screamed down the phone before slamming it down (it isn't really satisfying when it's a cordless phone though), another time I shouted I was dead!
scrangelina madcow1964
Another thing that drives me mad, along with unsolicited phone calls from annoying people, are slow pensionsers, driving at 20 miles an hour, and you can't even see their heads because they're so shrunken. I end up doing that shouty thing in my car, where nobody can hear but me, which is really pointless.
madcow1964 scrangelina
Re foreign call centres - ask THEM questions...they can't compute that, blow a fuse and hang up! I can only do that in my more lucid moments and they are few and far between these days!
Lovely Jay in Spain recommends taking several B vitamins for brain fog / memory / mood swings - but how do I actually remember to look for them whenever I go into town??
debbie58470 madcow1964
madcow1964 debbie58470
jayneejay debbie58470
I am 49 and approaching year 9 of peri 😫 last couple of days I am back with the body aches and no energy .... it tends to get me badly at certian times of month..
last period was Aug 13 .... feel sickly today, not wanting to do alot, have to push myself, also trapped something in my neck/shoulder which doeant help...
as for feeling angry, I dont feel angry, ( i havent the energy 😀) I tend to avoid anything that upsets me or will wind me up, I cant handle it... stress i try and avoid, just seem to want quiet and peace... Jay xx