Alternate to HRT ?
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I am having an early menopause at the age of 43. I was advised by the doc to take HRT but I wasn't so sure and asked for alternate, i was advised to take soya milk and cloves? Will this take my hot flushes and tiredness away? Anyone Been through this phrase? I am worried as I am taking levothyroxine tabs for my under active thyroid and also esameprozole for hiatus hernia and really don't wana take more tabs!
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Retired2011 noorj
when I was in peri I drank soy, ate tofu and took 2 tablespoons of flax seeds. They are all plants photestrogens and did help me. What did NOT help me and mad all the symptons worse was sugar, caffeine and spicy foods----all the things I like!
there may be some interaction with soy and thyroid med, so I would check with your Dx.
good luck!
NonnieDD noorj
hang in there i am sure the ladies will give you some grate advise.
barbara49965 noorj
Go onto the website and have a read! google - nutrition fx
barbara49965 noorj
jayneejay noorj
take B6 for sure, we lack it terribly during peri and menopause .. natural
Estroven Max worked for me or Menapol Plus..
Vit D and Calcium easential for bone health ..
B6 seemed to hit the spot for me big time, 150mg a day suits me, but we are all different ... also i have B12 .... 10 years natural menopause...
i too chose natural route, want my body to do what nature intends and not confuse it and cause a later life peri with HRT, plus its too risky for me having family female cancers... not a chance...
you say you dont want to take anymore tabs, but with peri meno and post meno you need to supplement and certainly protect your bones
Natecal has both Cacium and Vit D mix
Jay xx
Lavender50 noorj
Please can you advise me where I can buy Femular in the UK.
Having a nightmare with perimenopause and GP pushing HRT but really want to find natural alternative.
Thank you
jayneejay Lavender50
Maybe uk dont sell it..
Isnt it a black cohosh type remedy
They sell black cohosh
I take menapol plus natural from simply supplements uk
I live in spain never heard of it here either,
Biovea uk sell black cohosh too
Jay jay