Always feeling bad
Posted , 9 users are following.
I just never feel good anymore and trying to work is sometimes difficult. Anyone else feel this way?
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Posted , 9 users are following.
I just never feel good anymore and trying to work is sometimes difficult. Anyone else feel this way?
0 likes, 18 replies
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beth86610 tonilynn
MoonLeaf tonilynn
Tonilynn ~
I feel you. Whole-heartedly. It's miserable sometimes. Long runs of just feeling bad. I think it's the worst part of ALL of this. I've dealt with depression throughout my life, it's always been a bit of a battle, just chemical with me, runs in my family, and, I have to say, this depression that has come with these Perimenopausal symptoms, has been unlike anything I've ever experienced before. I used to think my dark days were dark, but this is a whole other level. I'm sorry you're not feeling good overall these days. I hope this will change for you. Do see a doctor and maybe even a BHRT specialist at some point, at least get all the facts. I'm still researching it all, myself. I have decided to ramp up on the exercise and pick back up with taking Vitamins. If you're able to get some good, solid rest that should help make everything else doable. I wish you the best.
Take good care.
MoonLeaf ~
;-) ...
karen46733 tonilynn
Hi tonilynn
I understand where you're coming from, I have to work 2 jobs to keep the roof over mine and my sons head and some days it's just sooooo hard.
Some days I don't have the energy to do my main job let alone going to my second.
I'm slowly changing my diet, I'm cutting down on Caffeine and having smoothies once a day in the hope it will give me energy 😞.
Like people have said to me take time out, rest and be gentle on yourself and I think it's the only thing any of us can do.
I'm hoping to try and and get referral to a menopause specialist when I see my Dr tomorrow but It could be a fight 😠😠
Moonleaf is right, see your doctor and look into different things that may help.
I hope you have a good day today xx
2chr2015 karen46733
Karen. Please let us know what your doctor says about giving you a referral. It kills me how they think we should just be able to "deal" with this
Jokey karen46733
Hi Karen, I really admire you for working so hard for your son's
despite all this rubbish you are going through. Shouldnt think you
have much time to spoil yourself let alone the money. I hope you
get the help you need from the doc. Good luck and all the best to
you and your boys,???
karen46733 2chr2015
OMG that was easy.
Been to the Dr this morning and saw a sensible 1. She's explained more to me in 2 minutes than any of the others have put together.
She is referring me to a menopause specialist nurse at my local hospital!!! Go me!! 😂😂😂😂😂
I guess if we don't ask and push forward we won't get the help we need.
I'm hoping she will answer questions and help with putting me on the right path on what will help. My Dr at the moment is telling me I will need to take hrt until I'm 50 (another 9 yrs).
I just want to feel normal 😞
2chr2015 karen46733
That's awesome Karen! Please share any good info you get from the specialist.
Jokey karen46733
Brilliant Karen, you have done well.😊menapause specialist nurse
! You don't live in UK do you!😀😀
Good luck with it all, don't forget us lol! 😁😁
karen46733 Jokey
I know amazing isn't and didn't have to scream and shout either 😂😂
Yes I'm UK based......dorset
I'd goggled specialist in my area and came up with a consultant and it looks like I'm going to be seeing his wife who is also a specialist 😀😀😀😀
Hopefully the waiting won't be too long 🤔🤔🤔
I could never forget you ladies, your always there and any information I might learn I will definitely pass on 😀😀
karen46733 2chr2015
Yes it is good news, hopefully I won't be waiting long.
Anything I learn I will definitely be passing on 😀😀😀
Jokey karen46733
Right I am moving to Dorset! 😁I don't think we have anything like
that here in the Fens, but I shall be investigating. I am very pleased
for you. Make sure you get the help you need😊 best regards
Trishann tonilynn
THATS been me the last 3years! I'm in constant pain. I had to go on disability for 3mths then went back to work part time then eventually full time! Got really really sick of my pains my Dr put me back on part time! Yes it's that terrible and I wonder how do woman deal with this everyday!? I a man definitely not able to function at work like before. HOPING this all goes away! Hang in there! 🙏🏼
lscinny1 tonilynn
MoonLeaf lscinny1
Thank you for your post. It is so helpful to hear how the process is going for you. I hear that at first, it's miserable with hormone replacement, but then something changes and it gets really good. I'm so glad you're experience is a positive one. Please, keep sharing. Can you tell us what type of hormones you are taking? And, do you take any vitamins/other supplements? Are you using bioidentical hormones, or synthetic (no judgement, just interest!). Good luck to you for continued success along your path. Thanks, again, for the post.
MoonLeaf ~
;-) ...
lscinny1 MoonLeaf
Hi Moonleaf...You are very welcome...I am very happy to share. I starting following this board because of how awful I was feeling on the hormones and wanted to hear about other women were feeling while taking it. I was ready to stop. I am taking prempro. My hot flashes were every 20 minutes and they were making me so physically ill from my belly up. almost feeling like passing was exhausing. So because I didnt want hormones i opted for the anitdepressant with worked for 3 weeks. then my dr informed me about major bone loss. so i just decided i needed the estrogen. so here i am. I hope you find something to work for you. Keep me posted