Always Somthing, I hate this!! Please Calm Me!
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So.. It's always a new symptom, and Im sure this is it too.. However I have let my anxiety get the best of me.
Im 42 and this all started recently, Ive had spotting inbetween periods, hot flashes, anxiety through the roof! In December I had major anxiety and felt like there was something in my throat, It wasnt always in the same place, and was worse as my anxiety got worse. I couldnt eat, even though I was hungry.. That went away, and I seemed fine until the next month, a few days before my cycle, the lump feeling came back. I would burp and it seemed to go away but would come back. This caused maoy anxiety, crying etc. Again it went away. Then I had this weird full ear feeling, eye twitches, every morning I wake up and i have this weird heart pounding tremor thing. My mouth is always really dry. Now the past few days I had this weird like canker sore like thing under my tongue to the back alittle. almost the side of my tongue on the floor of my mouth. Ofcourse I have to stick my fingers in there to feel around. yesterday it swelled alittle under my tongue, its red, i now have it on both sides under my tongue and a few tiny like either agrivated taste buds or tiny canker sores. Im sure I did this due to poking and such but now Im full of worries. What if what if what if. Has anyone had dry mouth and stuff like this with Perimenopause or Anxiety? Ive been swishing with mouthwash now.. But my anxiety is getting the best of me. I hate all of this.
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pamela2016 hollei9115
i keep dry mouth my gums get sore sometimes off and on no visual sores though,im sure its just hormones and the anxiety from poking made your mouth sore.
katyD211 pamela2016
Hi hon...I've felt everything you've described and it all will pass. Yes you're gonna feel other stuff instead BUT you'll handle it all with much less start to realize you made it through last time n you will always make it.
We just have to treat the symptoms as they pop up. I think the dry mouth is the cause of the sores. It happened to me. I panicked..went to doc who told me to use a dry mouth formula mouthwash. It cleared up in a few days.
marcia78526 hollei9115
Yes dry mouthand thirsty all the time.
I keep sipping water all day .
I remember years ago in my twenties I had the awful feeling that something was stuck in my throat it made me so anxious . I was looked at by Doctor at A&E for something unrelated and I mentioned this to him he looked at throat and told me there is nothing there and said people that are stressed or anxious can develop this feeling of a lump in throat and it's caused by tension. I walked out of there that day and for the first time in months it was gone . I stopped worrying about it the second he explained it and it just disapeared .
jo0808 hollei9115
rinse your mouth out with salt water& try to leave it alone. yeah ive had dry mouth its horrible. have your thyroid tested for lump in throat it might be that. i can assure you your not alone love. try and calm down its hard but i promise its all just the process x
kimberly60059 hollei9115
I get blisters in the roof of my mouth every other month since starting perimenopause. I rinse with a mouthwash that contains peroxide and it helps to numb it and get them gone quicker. but yeah it sucks. hard to eat. feels like I have fever. this month the corners of my mouth cracked and is so red I look like the joker. I just chalk it up to a new symptom. I do have dry mouth. biotene rinse seems to help with that. I carry water everywhere with me. try not to let these symptoms worry you because there's a lot of them and some are really strange. more them once I thought I had something very serious but it would pass. I do hope you feel better soon.
mamamia03 hollei9115
Hi Hollie,
I've been through exactly what your describing. In the end my doctor sent me for endoscopy to check my throat and stomach, thank god results were good. She put it down to Anxiety. A friend introduced me to Ashwagada, it's a herbal tablet that helps with anxiety. It doesn't cure it but it takes the edge off enough that I can talk my self down from a bad anxiety attack.
I still have an odd bad one but nothing compared to the way it used to be.