Am i crazy?

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Hi ladies its me Wendy trying not to stress but of lately my neck an the bak of my ears hav a pulling pain. My nose is stuffy a slight discomfort in d tummy also palpatation ever so often. Been to dr bp an all d rest gd ..i do nt knw wat to do ...getting depressed as well ..please relate thanks

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    I guess we all on this crazy train together!!! I share all symptoms your not alone.
  • Posted

    Wendy, if you cant or dont want hrt, find yourself a high strength menopausal vitamin, take vit D and calcium and B complex. Evening primrose high strength for tender boobs and valerian in a glass of warm milk or hot chocolate at night will relax and help you to sleep. Be very careful about antidepressants as some can make you much worse and are nasty with long term use. Go and tell your dr how you are feeling and see what they offer you. XXX
    • Posted

      Hi tina am nt on antidepressants jus normal vitamins an natural stuff i may need stronger dose
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      Hi tina. What high strength menopausal vitamin would u recommend?
    • Posted

      Hey Barney, even though I take hrt my dr said a high strength meno vitamin supplement would also help me. So I take high strength Phyto Soya one tablet for morning and one for night. I also take D vits and a vit B complex drink and evening primrose oil (also high strength) If I am anxious at night or just not sleeping due to this horrid process I make a special nightime hot drink and add 1 or 2 crushed valerian tablets which help you relax and aid sleep. I also have a low but constant level of diazepam in my system due to the severity of my panic attacks and I take extra if visiting the dentist or anything stressful like that. Hope this is of use to you hun and hope you feel better soon XXX
  • Posted

    I get simular. Headaches too.. I am also now prone to sinus infections and neasua... The symptoms are bananas and can be out if the blue... Try not to worry or get anxious as it makes it worse. Keep posting and sharing in here. It helps. Keep your chin up. CK
  • Posted

    Hi Wendy, last year i had awful anxiety is is better than it was now but, it is hard to get out of the anxiety circle. Anyway at the same time i developed a sinus problem neck hurt even my ears felt blocked. Many trips to my GP who said health anxiety ( think he thinks i am a hypochondriac i am sure). I was sure i had a sinus infection it went on for months, my neck became so sore , tight i had physio no help and massages only a little help.  I even developed abdo pain and pain in many other places. My anxiety was taking over, i felt low. I  changed my out look and decided if i have some terrible disease so what. Things are a little better, i dont google like i did, i have started swimming, i try and ignore pains that come and go.  ONLY YOU can do this you have to find a way to relax and think about other things. Your not crazy, your changing and aging we have little control of this but, you need to take control of your mind or it will control you. try and have fun, laugh every day and take a brisk walk daily. x 
    • Posted

      I thank u for sharing u make me feel normal again . U r rite we all hav to tak control..blessings

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