Am I have some serious illnesses or it is just perimenopause?

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I wonder anyone out there is suffering from the unusual symptoms as I am. I'm 52 yrs old & haven't had menses for the past 9 months. Since 2016, I started to experience heart palpitations & bodyaches that wouldn't go away. But of late, my heart palpitations became more intense and I also developed anxiety attacks, chronic fatigue despite sleeping 8 hours every night, feeling off balance all the time & internal tremor. I don't have the usual hot flash & insomnia. Am I normal? I have changed my diet - cut off caffine, chocolates & processed food, drink lots of water, eat lots of veg & fruits, pop vitamins & tried alternative medicines & therapies, but nothing seem to work. What's wrong with me? What shall I do? Menopause is driving me to the grave. Would anyone who has been thru this share some advice? Thanks.

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21 Replies

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    I can relate, I have also changed my diet. No caffeine, chocolate, no sugar, I take vitamins and I still have issues. I had heart skips. My heart actually skipped beats, even dr (and my husband) heard it. Someone on here recommended chelated magnesium. I was taking magnesium and still had the issue, but I bought chelated magnesium and take 250 mg a day and I don't have the skips anymore. That doesn't mean I don't have my chronic worring pains like currently in my left ovary area GYN says after ultrasound my ovaries are fine they have cyst which is normal?? Shouldn't cause me pain as they have been there for years. Sigh. Sure. Right calf and back of the knee pain that isn't a baker's cyst or a blood clot after an ultrasound and blood test. But it appears I am borderline diabetic now. I am obsessing on my glucose level. I have so many pin pricks in my fingers, it is ridiculous. I am 51 and post meno for almost two years. My issues have changed and become more intense the issues I have. Most days I just cry.

    It sounds a lot like menopause to me. Anxiety can amplify every issue, this I know first hand. Also have you had blood work done. To make sure you are deficient in anything. Iron, and all the alphabet vitamins, (D,K, A, B's)potassium Etc. I am still waiting on my results also my cancer screening results. I get the internal tremors to on occasion. Such a horrible feeling.

    I have started riding exercise bike and i sleep better, wake up more fully now. (So far).

  • Posted

    Hi Irene! I have the same things. My anxiety, panic and depression (which I never suffered from) are in full force. I am exhausted all the time (I don't sleep well though) and everything is an effort. I am off balance, have vertigo, weird head feelings, the horrible internal tremors, emotional, and overwhelmed. Those are just a few things! It's all normal (even though my health anxiety tells me otherwise, lol!) I take vitamins and have started meditating. I also try to listen to my body and rest when it tells me to (although it's sometimes difficult with five kids). I am trying accept that this is a new part of my life and really trying to do self care. Trying the key word, lol!

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    me i have all of what you have and i still have my cycle i feel ill all the time dizziness 24/7 i want to give up this isn't living. but day in and day out i keep going and going. homebound basically took a trip two days ago still not over it its all horrible

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    We sound like meno sisters, ugh. I do have the hot flashes which frankly are the least of my concern. And no periods for almost 3 years. Doctors seem clueless, and after a million tests, I diagnosed myself. Hang in there!

  • Posted

    Me tooo facing all the symptoms u wrote mam from last year..😭😭

    All is Meno related.

    Me in Perimenopause.

    Hang is there

    have alot of water and good diet include raw veg and fruits.

    Take care

  • Posted

    good morning all,

    I AM DOING A STUDY RIGHT NOW AND IF YOU LADIES DONT MIND, could you please update on your everyday stress level outside of meno?

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      Right now my stress level is low to zero.

      But when the worse of the symptoms hit me three years ago I was at a 10 for stress and wasn't sleeping for weeks.

      A few months ago I had a very stressful weekend and then my symptoms hit again pretty hard including severe frozen shoulder pain.

      So stress seems to be related, but stress also lowers the immune system. So are we experiencing symptoms related to meno or symptoms from a compromised immune system (due to stress or meno) letting dormant viruses to re-emerge?

    • Posted

      thanks for your response suzanne.

      I am learning that stress has a very important role in this viscous cycle that some of us are going through. I often wondered why some of us suffer so horribly, while others just fly right through. So many women in this forum all suffer with many if the same symptoms. I AM TRYIMG TO OUT TOGETHER A GROUP OF SEVERAL WOMEN TO COMPARE AND CONTRAST. when i have finished, i will be posting my findings to hopefully be able to help myself along with the rest this group.

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      Hi Blessed, thanks for the question!

      I am going through a really tough patch right now symptom-wise, exactly as Irene has outlined in the original post.

      My stress level outside of meno is definitely at an 8 or 9 right now, and has been for several weeks. (Back injury, not recovering well, working on a large project at work, trying to keep my normal work and family schedule while being in pain and squeezing in Dr and Phys Therapy Appts in addition).

      I definitely have the worst symptoms when I am stressed out.

    • Posted

      Hi Sara, thanks for your response. I think that we will all find here that there is a correlation between stress load and horrific menopause. As women, we carry everything on our shoulders. If we all think back and ponder all of the things that we have carried over the years, putting everything and everyone before ourselves, we begin to see how we have been under a tremendous amount if stress for several years, maybe even decades. We are very good at hiding our emotions from our husbands, our children, our friends and even our co workers. Our bodies and minds are very good at compensating, but then enters peri/menopause. I think our bodies are just telling us that it just cant take one more thing. I personally am on a journey to try to put myself first and learn how to put myself first. We have to get to a place in our lives where we matter too. I am already feeling better. THESE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE THE GOLDEN YEARS! ALL of my friends going through menopause are either like me or have it easy. Guess what? ALL who are like me have lead very stressful lives, those who are having no problems have pretty much been women who have taken care of themselves first. Anyways, as hard as it may be, we have got to get to a place where we put ourselves first, we wont be able to be who we once were unless and until we do.

  • Posted

    Hi Irene, unless we are all dying from the same illness, I'd say you are right there with those of us experiencing severe symptoms caused by perimeno.

    Change of diet doesn't seem to make that much of a difference, I was eating extremely clean, lost 30 pounds, but the symptoms seemed to keep raging on for me.

    Wish I could give you advice, but I'm in the same boat. Not sure what helps, I'm just praying that when I'm finally in full meno everything will go away, but that's when my sister started experiencing bad panic attacks, so I'm just not sure it will ever go away.

    Have you been checked for re-activated viruses? I think EBV had a role in why I was so sick and continue to suffer.

    When I researched EBV and CFS, men get it, and their symptoms are much like ours. Some describe it as like having malaria where you get these sick flares. And like having a never-ending flu. So maybe when our hormones drop and leave our immune system weakened (or if we have a period of high stress - which I also had and can cause weakened immune system) those of us with virulent strains of EBV or herpes viruses, or whatever, make us sicker than other women?

    It just seems to make sense to me. Why do some women get nothing or a few hot flashes and that's it? And others of us have years of debilitation? There's got to be a reason.

    Anyway, enough of my tangent.

    Sorry you are here, but happy you have found us!


    • Posted

      I agree with your virus theory. It was good to see it mentioned in regards to Menopause. I'd like to know how many women in these forums have either...HPV/Herpes/ etc...because I DEFINATELY think it could add to the severeness of our issue. Just a thought. I'm not a Dr. but some Drs just don't listen. I've experienced dizziness, rapid heart beat, elevated bp, and a constant sore throat that my Dr attributes to stress and anxiety. I disagree. I think it's menopause related. I'm 51 Clean labs with no other medical issues. Thanks Ladies❤

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      When my most severe symptoms started hitting me it was after a month long sore throat! Scoped by an ENT and found nothing. Now I know that it was probably related to the EBV reactivating.

      When the immunologist tested me I did have one of the herpes viruses, I need to go back and look at my records.

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      I bet your correct. Thank you for responding. hugs

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      Suzanne, and anyone else...

      Did you ever take allergy shots (desensitazation to allergens therapy)?

    • Posted

      I think you are spot-on about virus involvement. There has to be an immune system component, otherwise it wouldnt be so common for allergies to change during peri/meno.

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