Am I lucky, or is there more to come?

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I posted a few days ago about having very heavy (and lasting for a couple of weeks) periods with clots for the last couple of months, but apart from that and a few joint pains, hot flushes (not that often) and the unpredictable moods, I’m feeling very lucky when I read some of the comments you Lovely ladies are going through. I’m wondering if I’ve got lots more symptoms to go?! I said to my husband last night that maybe it’s just in my head and I’m not there yet but he tells me my moods are as bad as when my hormones were all over the place when I was on the pill! So yeah, I’m Perimenopause. 42 and I’ve been having symptoms for at least 2 years. 

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hayley, I don't mean to be a Debbie Downer, and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.  However, my own experience tells me that this is the start of changes you have never thought would happen.  While I will admit that menopause made somethings much more calm, as you have read from many of us, things continue to change and not always in wonderful ways.  Chronic muscle and ligament pain came on quickly as I finished my final year of irregular periods.  Poor sleep came on slowly, and changed over time.  Vaginal atrophy and dryness didn't hit me until 4 years after my final period.  

    Your entire body is changing in a very dramatic way.  Let the good times roll!  LOL (I wish it was actually funny.)  

    • Posted

      Thank you for replying. I thought it was too good to be true! It sounds like I’ve got a roller coaster of a ride coming my way, Oh the joys of being a woman xx 
  • Posted

    Hi Hayley,that's great hopefully you won't have it to bad... How was your mom aunt sisters , go by that if you can, age wise and symptom wise.. I'm just like my aunt ( moms sister) and also usually these symptoms hit you like you ran into a brick wall and they are AWFUL! Around the mid 40s or there abouts.. Keep praying it stays this way for you....

    • Posted

      Thank you for your reply. I asked my mum about her experience and didn’t really get a clear message, she said her last period happened when she was 34 but then went on to have a baby at 37 (very confusing), she also said she never really had regular period. So she wasn’t much help unfortunately xx 
  • Posted

    For some women things are more simple! I have a friend, she had her meno at 46, no hrt and she looks gorgeous. She is 53, she has a body of 40 and just few wrinkles. I don’t think that meno is actually so dramatic, maybe age ages us and not only meno. Maybe you are lucky! smile
  • Posted

    Hi there, well every one is different, but when mine started at 39 like soon as I hit 40 my anxiety went haywire, for no apparent reason I became very anxious and nervous.....this then led to short of breath feeling, bloating, burning vag, interstitial cystitis, chronic yeast infections, my back pains became very strong, upper and lower, then I develoed chest pains, groin pain....then headaches, ear pain, more allergies, burning mouth, sensitive teeth, nerve pain....restless legs...chills, night sweats, flushing.....and I am now 43.   If I have a day I feel symptom free I embrace it, things are magnified 2 weeks before my period, and sometimes a week has been quite the ride, and it's been no fun going to different doctors and different tests and sitting and stewing on what is happening to your body.    I enjoyed pregnancy more than what I am experiencing so far with perimenopause.

    • Posted

      So sorry to hear the amount you are suffering Linda, I really hope you don’t have much longer before things start to improve xx

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