Am i normal?
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I have never joined a forum prior to this, but i am perimenopausal and feel like i am going mad.
Between the hot flushes, erractic periods and the most awful mood swings not to mention my emotions, crying one minute and fine the next, i felt compelled to join this forum.
I am trying to treat myself , herbally, with Flaxseeds, Vitamin E, aromotherapy and exercise. I have even given up the glass of wine which i did enjoy as it made my moods swings worse and i bordered on aggressive. Is anyone else like this and can i do anything else to help myself?
Thank you.
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jayneejay nannyjayne
Put Vit B6 on ur treat list 150mg daily that will help no end
Jay x
barbara49965 jayneejay
nannyjayne jayneejay
jayneejay nannyjayne
Try 150mg Vit B6 daily in morning 😀
Jay xx good luck
jayneejay nannyjayne
also look at Menapol plus ( natural) i take those two a day, or natural Estroven Max .
Maca i have used for 10 years..
i started peri 10 years ago when I was 40 and I am 50 now and nearing the end of it.
I have taken natural route.. B6 has helped me no end, improved my life so much..
i take a number of other Vits too..
good luck Jay xx
jane31072 nannyjayne
jayneejay nannyjayne
useful snippet off web for you..
Menopause Mood Swings & Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 may alleviate menopausal mood swings.
During menopause, mood swings are inevitable with estrogen fluctuations as the body ends its reproductive years.
Vitamin B6 may be one answer to alleviating increased agitation, depression and anger. B vitamins are responsible for mood stabilization by controlling hormone production in the brain and regulating hormone levels. B6 declines as menopause sets in and mood swings become evident. Increasing this vitamin may give women the added boost they need to enjoy the golden years with a better mindset.
For women who suffer with brain fog, and memory issues in perimenopause, low levels of B6 could be part of the problem.
Depression, confusion, and an inability to concentrate are all associated with B6 deficiency. Vertigo, dizziness, and heart palpitations are also common complaints from women going through perimenopause.
All of these symptoms have been associated with (among other things) a B12 deficiency.
Vitamin B6 can also help with stubborn weight gain in perimenopause. It is key in the breakdown and utilization of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in our diet, and is necessary for a healthy metabolism - both which can help manage weight.
supplements of 100mg to 300mg per day ... depending on severity
gigi55329 nannyjayne
jayneejay gigi55329
Hrt can be taken while in peri cant it ? I cant take it, but other ladies on here do i am confused with you saying you cant take HRT while having periods, many have few periods on here and take HRT .. I was offered it until family history and HRT effects were discussed i still had irregular periods ..
If you start HRT when you are still having periods, or have just finished periods
You will normally be advised to use a 'cyclical combined HRT' preparation. There are two types:
Monthly cyclical HRT - you take oestrogen every day, but progestogen is added in for 14 days of each 28-day treatment cycle. This causes a regular bleed every 28 days, similar to a light period. (They are not 'true' periods, as HRT does not cause ovulation or restore fertility. The progestogen causes the lining of the womb (uterus) to build up. This is then shed as a 'withdrawal' bleed every 28 days when the progestogen part is stopped.) Monthly cyclical HRT is normally advised for women who have menopausal symptoms but are still having regular periods.
Three-monthly cyclical HRT - you take oestrogen every day and then you also take progestogen for 14 days, every 13 weeks. This means that you have a bleed every three months. This is normally advised for women who have menopausal symptoms but are having irregular periods.
You may switch to a continuous combined HRT (see below) if:
you have been taking cyclical combined HRT for at least one year; or
it has been at least one year since your last menstrual period; or
it has been at least two years since your last menstrual period which occurred when you were under the age of 50.
If you start HRT a year or more after your periods have stopped
If your periods have stopped for a year or more, you are considered to be postmenopausal. If this is the case, you will normally be advised to take a 'continuous combined HRT preparation'. This means that you take both an oestrogen and a progestogen every day. The dose and type of the oestrogen and progestogen are finely balanced so that they usually do not cause a monthly bleed. However, you may have some irregular bleeding when you start taking this form of HRT. You should see your doctor if this bleeding continues for more than a few months after starting HRT, or if you suddenly develop bleeding after some months with no bleeding.
Snatchpiece gigi55329
Just thought I would confirm back that I am on HRT was on Ellest duet but have now changed to Femston. I was still having periods but when they started to become erratic or even missed them I would have two weeks of really bad anxiety, of real doom & gloom, thought something terrible was about to happen! I bought some serentity cream off wellsprings and this worked well for me for a while as you would start to use it from your normal mid cycle which was to help with the progrestone part as I guess this was what I was lacking. This brought my periods back to a regular cycle of 27-28 days and my anxiety seemed a lot better. I stopped this in March as my anxiety started up again last Oct and I kept having bouts of flat times so I decided to give HRT ago. My first month wasnt too bad and my second month was really good but the third and fourth have still given me spells of flat times. I started the new one this week so will see how it goes but all I wanted to say to you was you can take HRT if you are irregular or still having periods and both of these still give you a monthly bleed which is safer anyway.
If this new HRT doesnt make me feel any better than I shall be going back to the drawing board. I do have regular accupunture and I must say I do find this a massive help in more ways as I also suffer with my tummy and this gets treated the same time as my anxiety.
Good luck in finding something that works for you. Joyxx
liz53953 nannyjayne
Sea buckthorn has good things in it I think it's a bit if trial and error to find a combination which helps you. I go to my local natural health shop and have a chat with them they look herbs up and recommend stuff like 10 drops of lavender in bath water helps calm and soothe. It will improve and you will find something that helps.