am I peri menopausal what?
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I am 45 and had eight pregnancies..7 kids and one m/c. with my last I had abnormal pap and was treated /scraping for pre cancerous cells on cervix but cleared up after I gave birth. Al my kids are healthy. I am at a point where I do not have insurance until November when it takes effect, I have brown vaginal spotting with turn the normal red color bur never enough to fill a pad for 2 weeks no period and slight burning sensation on outer pee hole, been married for 14 years and he has been fixed. Last pregnancy was 2007.
I did start mod to heavy period type for two and half days which filled a pad but looked normal with a strawberry jam type red. Now I am peeing clear but when I wipe I see tinge of blood on toilet paper..period residueI guess. Sept 14,2015 I feel all hot,sweaty,tired,like puking,weak..flu bug?…UTI….do I have cancer.. peri menopausal…,what?? Sept. 15 2015, I feel fine .. first wipe was tinge a bit when wipe and when I went to bathroom again no tinge when clear urine is clear and noblood tinged wipe..all clear. The way pee hole is kinds stingy on the outside leaning towards UTI or yeast and possibly peri menopause. Sept. 16..been drinking alot of tea bag tea and pee is clear and no sting outer pee idk..Set 1,2015.hubby and I had sex and entrance was a bit raw? vaginal dryness.I gotto face it,I'm old Sept. 18,2015 tummy feels weird.
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d19606 shell03687
i started with symptoms of peri this year but had it on and off i think for a few.
im geti g the on and off spotting with brown to red to orange red when i wipe
my periods started geti g shorter like i used to be every 28 days and on for 7
then it went down to 5 days and lighter then id come on bleed for a few days then stop then start again a few days after for a few more days, then id stop but then when id think id stoped id have sex and start again then stop.
im dry now its horrible i put lubricant ky on when i go to the toilet to help but its horrible.
yesterday my gut/tummy felt empty but yet that bloated feel was so weird.
d19606 shell03687
so today i feel sick im tierd got headach got period pains slight spotting and tierd.😔 im 46 feel 56 but only look 36 which wont last now will it i feel it all will change very soon and my age will catch up and pass me by.
i dont feel close to my husband anylonger as we just dont feel the same intimatly he says i feel cold inside and dry whats worse is i cant seem to get going either cant keep an orgasm its just a fleeting wisper of what it was.and it takes ages to get that. its put me off doing it whats point if your so dry sore burning and spotting and your husbands moaning its like ice 😞
except he mention I was peri menopausal last week..
d19606 shell03687
must be better than horse pee homones from an animal.why hasnt the medical scientists found a good pill for us poor women. if men went through all this theyd have the pill ow yer they did make the pill flipin viagra.
shell03687 d19606
but the fact is we're getting old and I don't want that label....