Am I Peri menopause?

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Hi all

First post so bear with me....

Feeling generally off since back in January. Gone from regular normal periods over 28 days, to 21-25 day cycle but extremely heavy especially during nights to the point of changing bedding 😱

Aches and pains especially in side of ribs, lower back and between shoulders. I am an emotional rollercoaster and am angry and upset most of the time - very unusual for me. Sore joints even down to my toes.

My psoriasis has flared up.

I have constipation and can not go for days but then at other times 3 times in a day and be slightly loose. Sharp twinge pains in my stomach, greasy hair, spots on my back.

I don't have hot flushes but am generally warmer at all times which is quite strange as I'm a cold arse haha.

I have had breast, under arm, stomach and back examinations. Blood tests. Internal examination and ultrasound of stomach and pelvis - all clear apart from slightly low b12 on bloods.

Am starting to eat chocolate and sweet things which have never been my thing before.

Doctor I saw wouldn't even discuss Peri menopause. What does everyone think? Any advice would be grateful.

Thanks in advance. Sheena x

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62 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Sheena

    Yes definitely sounds like peri.

    I would try and see another doctor.

    Can I ask how old you are ?

    • Posted


      Thanks for reply.

      I'm 43. Although some days feel ancient.

      Last doctor I saw said I had an 8 minute appointment and when I said I had loads of symptoms to go through said so pick the one that was bothering me the most so she could just deal with one thing!!?! I am going to see another doctor just wanted advice as I'm confused and anxious. Didn't know whether the rib and stomach cramps were part of Peri menopause x

    • Posted

      I'm 46. I started hrt patches 6 weeks ago. I made a 20 minute appointment with mine. I wrote down all my symptoms on paper and gave it to her.

      I listed:

      Doom and gloom

      Anxiety through the roof

      Depression for no reason

      One minute ok ish but next depressed and in bed

      Hot sweats some nights

      Burning mouth

      Achy muscles




      I would do the same if I were you

    • Posted

      Sheena Honey, Get rid of that doctor number 1!!!!!  Any doctor that starts off an apt with that comment, should not be a doctor!!  I think I would have walked out.  I too write down a list, which helps me, because, well, I miss my mind!  I forget things all the time!  I would start asking your friends and family who they go to, and if they are happy with their doctor, and maybe give them a try.  But, you really need to find a new doctor.  Someone you can talk to, and feel comfortable or woman.  That is just not acceptable!!  You need someone that can listen to ALL of your symptoms, and work with you, and come up with a solution, and a proper medication for you.  You are not alone here!  Good Luck Dear!!
    • Posted

      Hi michelle....sounds like my list exactly!

      I did the same thing....wrote down everything as I knew I would forget something.

    • Posted

      I will do a list Michelle as I keep thinking of things. Have you found the HRT helpful. You'd think the doctors would be clued up especially for how many women must be suffering. X
    • Posted

      Hey Michelle. I am 49 and your symptoms are almost exactly like mine! I also have SEVERE fatigue! I just do not have energy to do anything and can sleep anytime for hours! I am going to see my doc this week. I have just missed a period, not really MISSED lol, but my periods are,extremely heavy and now just not to have one? My moods have also been quite explosive and I am a pretty happy go person. Thanks for the post!
  • Posted

    You definitely sound peri to me. I have expierenced all you mentioned and more. Some doctors suck when it comes to perimenopause, they don't know much on relief for symptoms. You are in the rite place. This forum is wonderful and filled with lovely women who share similar or the same expierences as yourself. They can provide excellent support and suggestions of what may could help find you some relief. Welcome to Perimenopause.
    • Posted

      Hi Sheena, definitely agree with Jamie... glad you are here and lots of wonderful support is available... you are not alone!
    • Posted

      You know it feels so good to not feel alone because for the past few months I have felt as though I am really LOOSING I! I am already on depression/anxiety meds but my moods have gotten so much worse that I really thought my mind was going. Thanks to all the ladies for sharing!
  • Posted definitely sounds like peri. I started having symptoms about 45 but way more now....all my tests ok too. Doctor after doctor refused to check hormones. Like I have said on here before most doctors i have encountered are educated idiots. Keep trying to find the odd good one...they are gold. I have had the aching ribs muscles etc...exactly the same places as you. If you have caffeine or sugary things cut those out and eat more protein at every meal. Try not to go more than 2 hours without eating something and drink plenty of water. I have found this helped a bit but still have a way to go....i am 48 and know it could get a lot worse before it gets better sad
  • Posted definitely sounds like peri. I started having symptoms about 45 but way more now....all my tests ok too. Doctor after doctor refused to check hormones. Like I have said on here before most doctors i have encountered are educated idiots. Keep trying to find the odd good one...they are gold. I have had the aching ribs muscles etc...exactly the same places as you. If you have caffeine or sugary things cut those out and eat more protein at every meal. Try not to go more than 2 hours without eating something and drink plenty of water. I have found this helped a bit but still have a way to go....i am 48 and know it could get a lot worse before it gets better sad
  • Posted

    Thank you so much for all your replies they are appreciated especially as I thought I was going out of my mind.

    It's the uncomfortable rib pain that comes and goes in kind of flare ups that is the worst at the minute, it's like a burning ache. Sometimes I go days without anything then it comes back.

    I definitely was not impressed with the doctor who at the appointment when I started getting tearful (it was the morning after my aunty had passed away) said did I not think it could be psychological?!? Here was of thinking that a female doctor would get me....WRONG. anyway I will make another appointment and see if I get any further with a different one.

    Do most of you manage to cope with the symptoms? I never get poorly so this is kind of a shock to my system. X

    • Posted

      When I went to a GP about what turned out to be peri symptoms, I saw a female nurse practitioner who was likely in her 50s.  She seemed sort of sympathetic, but I heard her chuckling in the hallway with the nurse (who had, during my EKG, unloaded about her job dissatisfaction and quarter-life crisis, poor girl) about how it was "just anxiety"... so yes, sadly, some women in the medical field don't get it, or don't want to get it!  You will find someone better.

      As for the coping - yes and no.  But I also have Crohn's disease, so I've just added another big layer of body and mind changes on top of what was there already, so it feels like a much heavier amount of coping.  If you are not often sick, I can see how the peri is a shock - I was very much like that before my Crohn's diagnosis at age 25.

    • Posted

      It just seems so sad that a woman GP cannot understand what I'm going through. Anyway I feel for you if you have crohn's on top of this. I will be speaking to a different doctor this week with my list of symptoms and see how I get on. I'm just glad I've joined this group as I already feel like I'm not alone in this struggle, hubby very supportive but doesn't really 'get' it x
    • Posted

      I agree, it doesn't make sense for a female doctor not to understand.  I wish you the best with finding a new doctor who will listen to your concerns and evaluate your symptoms properly.  Please update when you can.  Take care.
    • Posted

      It angers me how many women get fobbed off with antidepressants instead of getting to the cause ie hormone imbalance.I am all for antidepressants when needed...i have taken them myself. But isnt it amazing how many women of the same age suffer similar if not the same symptoms. Physical and mental. Its no wonder we get anxiey and or depression when we feel so helpless. I seriously feel like writing a book exposing the menopause myth. Google and forums like this have helped me feel better because I can get answers. I have finally found a female doctor (younger than me) who actually told me I was peri and offered HRT. Hallelujah! I just happened to get her when I made an appointment to get on antidepressants as I thought I was losing it.

      I think sometimes it helps most just to have someone reassure you its ok and normal and to just be supportive.

    • Posted

      Hi Janine!  I completely agree with you!!!  I think you should write that book!!!  I am so tired of being made to feel like I'm from another planet by doctors!  Sitting there telling them my symptoms, and them looking at you with this stupid look on their face, then saying, well, I don't know.  Wait, you are the doctor, and you don't know??  Really?  That's all you have to say?  I'm no doctor, but, maybe some blood work to start with?  I have decided to go to an Endocrenologist (sp) You don't have to have cancer to go to them, they will check all of your hormones, and set you on a path to recovery!   They check everything!!  A friend of mine finally had it too, and she swears by it.  Even though her thyroid tests kept coming back "normal", well, it was NOT normal, and he found it right away!!  He also found her hormone levels way off, got her on the right dose, and she is feeling so much better...I am calling tomorrow to set up an apt!!  Give it a try girls!!  I wish I would have known this sooner! 
    • Posted

      I think you are right son is finishing his degree in exercise science this year then applying for medicine. He said to me gps arent really going to need to see a specialist...and he did say I should see an endocrinology specialist. And he is only 20! He has studied women in menopause this year...i told him to make me a case study lol

      I am going to encourage him to become a doctor that deals with womens menopause....i think there is a massive need there. The only thing is he has to complete another 4 years medical degree then a three year specialty so we will have to wait a while (unless god help me I am still going through this in 10 years!! wink

    • Posted

      Hi there

      I just wondered if you pay to see a endocrinologist ?

      I'm on hrt patches since 6 weeks ago,a bit better since taking but today awful again. Headaches,flutters,nausea,anxiety.

      I don't know what to do x

    • Posted

      Hi Michelle...i live in Australia and you can get a referral through the public health system but may have to wait for a while. If you pay you can go private...we have medicare here which would part pay for some of it. I saw a rheumatologist last year via a gp referral and only had to wait 2 weeks and cost nothing. Worth looking into.

      Sorry to hear you are feeling bad...i have had a crappy day anxious then down and fatigued. And aching ribs again. I am meant to start HRT after my mammogram may 16....i have heard it can take 3 months so keep persevering with it...hope you feel better tomorrow smile

    • Posted

      Well said, Janine and Deidra!  I feel fortunate to have been referred to a good gyn who cares about me, and in fact, she and I are the same age!  When she ordered lab work earlier this year, she did evaluate hormone levels; they came back as normal, but one is in the high end of normal, and she did mention that an endocrinologist might be of help.  I'll be seeing her tomorrow for my post-op consultation and will be asking her more about it.
    • Posted

      Hi Elisabeth

      Do you live in the UK?

      If so can you pay and see an endocrinologist?

    • Posted

      Hi Michelle, I'm in the US.  I can see one if another doctor makes a referral and will have to pay some part of it.
    • Posted

      Dear sheena,

      The burning rib pain, is it to the left? In peri I got gastits with the increased acid reflux which caused burning discomfort pain around that region, if it continues I would get it checked so it can be treated, it could just be the acid reflux causing the discomfort. Caffeine, fat and chocolate made it worse .

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