Am I perimenopausal?

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I want to kill someone! I'm angry all the time and yell at people for no justified reason whatsoever. I used to be such a patient, loving,caring person who laughed things off and was the life of the party. Now I do not want to leave my house, I let laundry and dishes pile up Cuz I'm too exhausted from doing nothing. All I want to do is self medicate and sleep, but wait I cannot sleep I have restless legs and leg cramps and my mind is racing. I hate my job which has become too stressful to handle lately. Martinis are my new best friend. I'm lonely but do not want to date I have a 21 yr old 15 yr old and 3 yr old.... dad's are not involved. I'm unorganized and spaced out a lot, very different for me...... my doctor says you are depressed then I shoot him with my laser eyes and look for another dr.

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17 Replies

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    Perhaps we should send you to fight ISIS in Iraq. 

    As for myself I figure I can do just about anything when my hormones are flucating.

    Its my secret weapon.


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    You life is out of wack, isn't it.  Don't let dr make assumptions.  Blood tests first please.  Ask for hormones, Iron Studies/Panel, Vit B12, Vit D.

    Be assertive (but not aggressive) smile


  • Posted

    My emotions and behaviour get very erratic and I do things I wouldn't normally do when my periods are on their way so goodness only knows what the perimenopause will bring.  
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    Hi, so sorry to hear how low you are! are you able to get some help from friends or family! I can say that Magnesium tablets will help your leg cramps. There is so much going on in your head I really think you should go back & see another doctor, you really need support & shouldnt be going through this alone! Let us know how you get on X
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      I am extremely magnesium deficient and the pills and mag oil make my legs extra restless. Ionic fizz worked a couple nights but then stopped. ...soooooo frustrating
  • Posted

    Hi Kellykaye

    This is how i feel at times. I am on trazodone for sleep and ativan for anxieties When i take 50mgs of the trazodone and my ativan at bedtime i become tired but have trouble falling asleep so i took a 1/2 an ativan and a quater of trazodone and i was still restless last night but finally fell asleep. Then this morning after taking my throid I fell back to sleep woke up having stomach issues and my heart racing 

    I just can't take these meds because they make me sick to my stomach and make my heart race. 

    I don't know what to do about this that i yell at my boyfriend and just want to stop these meds that are making me sick to my stomach 

    if I took the 100mgs of trazodone it would really make my heart race badly 

    so i just cut it in 1/2 to take 50mgs of that stuff and it still makes my heart race and upsets my stomach 

    What am i suppose to do just so fed up can't take it

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      Traz will help me fall asleep but I wake with awful restless legs a couple hours later adivan helps with anxiety but not my legs. I also have high copper in my lab results, not site if this contributes to the meds not helping as my body cannot process copper?
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      I had to stop my trazodone not taking it tonight at all because of the bad stomach pain i was feeling all morning and my heart rate being up close to 100 this morning 

      I am just going to take my ativan to help me 

      i am going to tell my doctor i am done with psych meds all together with how they affect my system my body is just so sensitive to psych meds 

      i just can't take them any more 

      Wish i were never put on them in the first place

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      Is dr doing anything about the high copper?  A genetic condition causes excess copper (Wilson's Disease) - it needs chelating.  I have to learn about it as I asked my dr to test me for it and it indicates Wilson's.  I have not yet followed it up.  I also have haemochromatosis, so sick of all the problems it causes, a lot of symptoms same as menopause.  Thank god I am on hrt to eliminate the real menopause problems - but they do get mixed up.


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    Boy, I can relate, KellyKaye.  I've always been very positive and generally cheerful but since beginning Menopause I seem to have lost my lust for life.  And the tiredness ....!!  Let's not even go there .... sad
  • Posted

    I know exactly how you feel. I wish I did drink some so I could have something to escape from this mess. I am extremely lonely and have given up on the idea of love and being happy. Before peri I always had hope that someday I would be happy and secure in a relationship but now I dont even see hope most of the time. It is depressing. I have never been a mean spirited person either but these days if someone so much as looks at me wrong it gets me in the kick A mood! Its amazing how this thing can change a person. Dr's just dont get it either. The last time I was explaining my symptoms to my dr I swear I saw him roll his eyes....or maybe Im just looking through peri colored glasses lol. Hang in there. It is rough. My youngest is 12 and I just couldnt imagine having gone through this when my kids were as young as yours. Please try to find some outlet. Mine is reading. it is my only form of escape. Lately I have been reading biographies of people with psychosis. trying to learn how a mind can bend because sometimes I feel like my mind is going.
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      I do read sometimes when I find the time and that is a nice break from reality.
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    Take good quality mulitvitamin with folic acid and ground flax seed.  Remember these symtoms are temporary.

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    Leg cramps and dehydration seem to go together.  I started drinking gatoraid to relieve leg cramps.  Also have them when I am so busy I don't eat or drink,  Big mistake terrible killer leg cramps at night.

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