Am looking for answers

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Hello ladies tell me am experience horrible body pains and sometimes my feet is also paining badly that if i step especially on the right foot the underneath of my foot is paining so badly i ketch myself limping..I have experience the shoulder pains as well terrible i feel like my shoulders wanna fall off., but please ladies the foot pain is so horrible..I feel the heat sometimes as well..

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Szyalicia it sounds a bit like plantar Fascitis. Google the rem and see what you think. I also periodically have problems but tend to just put up with it until it goes. No treatments worked long term for me but you may be more successful, good luck!!
    • Posted

      I agree I first had it 10 years ago. A trip to the podiatrist and inserts did the trick! It's been good ever since,unlike the rest of me. Good luck!
  • Posted

    Oooh, you are not alone! I have managed, by changing my diet and taking supplements, to get rid of the hot flushes and 'brain fog'. In fact I feel great, at least I would if I could get rid of the joint pain.

    Both my shoulders are bad and stop me from sleeping through the night. My foot pain is from an old injury. But the plantar fascitis is interesting (thanks Patricia), I'll look into that.

    If anyone does have an answer to the joint pain issue - DON'T KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!

  • Posted

    As someone else said look at plantar facitis. I found good sturdy shoes (no flip flops or flimsy soled shoes) helps a lot.

    I had this problem way before peri but it seems these things get worse at this time.

    Not much fun though in the summer when you want flip flops. I got some toe post sandals with a thick chunky sole and they seem ok.

  • Posted

    Hello. Your foot pain sounds like plantar faciaitis. I had it a few years ago caused by wearing too flat shoes. It was very very painful. I found a couple of exercises to cure it on YouTube. It took about a month of doing them daily to cure it but they do work
  • Posted

    Hello. Your foot pain sounds like plantar faciaitis. I had it a few years ago caused by wearing too flat shoes. It was very very painful. I found a couple of exercises to cure it on YouTube. It took about a month of doing them daily to cure it but they do work

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